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Pokemon Mafia II: Return to Heart Island--GAME OVER--TEAM ROCKET WIN

Aiel Heart

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Two members of Team Rocket down!!! And the note had said four!!! That HAD to mean there were only two left!!!


Excited tension began to fill the garden. They could do this!


Chuckles was excited along with all of the rest of them, though a bit confused. He'd never seen anything like this "game" before, and didn't understand all that was going on. How could Marsh really know for certain? What all were the others seeing? Was he missing something?


Chuckles stayed quiet for a very long time, but finally, when it seemed no one else remembered he was there, he voiced a question.


All attention snapped to him. They made it seem as if their answers were obvious, and he tried to defend himself, but it was no use.


"Mistress Heart, this is the one!" Piano pulled Chuckles out to the middle of the garden.


Mistress Heart pointed at Chuckles. Aipom was there in a flash. Politoad was already leaping as Mistress Heart received and threw the ball.


For a moment, it looked as if no pokemon was there. But when Politoad moved, curled up where she had landed was a Spinarak.


Everyone looked from the pokemon to Mistress Heart. Calmly she rose, and rang the chimes. Xatu gracefully landed down, and used Psychic.


He slowly turned to Mistress Heart.


"Not Team Rocket." She announced. "Bummer. Well! Time for another break!"


She spun, and the petals flew...


Chuckles, Trainer of Spinarak, Johto Vanilla, has been knocked out of the competition


It is now Night 5


In light of Memorial Day weekend here in America, the night deadline will be in 72 hours instead of 48. It will end sooner if I get all actions in.


Deadline is 5pm Monday, September 3rd, EST

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Actually it was a pretty weak case, you really think a mafia member would be like "Hey guys! Guys! How does Iron know alignments?!"


He could have asked in the QT seing that Despo was mafia there was an experienced member on the team.


Also Taltos, there is such thing as mafia fake claiming and offering up one of their own, it'd be obvious to the real cop, but to everyone else they would believe the claim. That being said it is not the case this time. The real one would have come forward by now.

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