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Anyone here remember an old wolf?

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Holy! Darksmoon!? You're truly an oldie man. *lol* I used to be Skechid back then. I'm not sure if we were introduced or whatever, but I REMEMBER YOU!


Oh the plaid ajah, that was a great time.


Good to see a few old faces! I was hoping with the last book on its way out some old members may be making there way back in.


How long ago were you about? Your name rings a bell but.... eh. Though I did only stick to the WT and SG to the most part so I guess I missed out on quite a few people.






I was most active from 1998-2004. I have been in and out since then but the early days is when I really participated in the site.


I was hoping some of the people from the beginning would be back. There are a few that I lost touch with that I wish I hadn't.


Yeah, I joined around 2001. And most of the people back then aren't here anymore. It's sad, but that's how it goes.


Hopefully you'll make new friends in no time =)






Yeah, I was around when you were Darks. Those were the days of silly stories and all...


Gawd, I feel like such an oldie too...


Yeah each time I come back I hope the site is like it was. Hard to get back in the flow when some things are similiar but some are very different.


Anyone seen Kaylie lately?


Always good to see an oldster come back! Especially when it gets Boopsie all excited :P


I was Skechid back then. *lol* Noone from the old days knows Boopsy.


Also... no I haven't seen Kaylie. Light, I actually KNOW who Kaylie is. *lol* Dalinar came back for a bit, then he disappeared. But not before I got his MSN, Facebook and such like.


Yeah. Sorry. Too many people have left.


You'll always be Boopsie to me :P


Btw, Darksmoon, are you sorted out with your access? I've not made it to the WT/W 101 thread yet. Talking of, are you a Warder or an Aes Sedai?


I'd imagine most people that come back from that period don't stay to long... The site has changed so much and not knowing anyone is hard to get use to when you are looking for the same feeling from before.


I always came by the White Tower to visit alot and had many friends here, but I was never a member. Unless you count the week I took over the White Tower and the Plaid Ajah was formed. The plaid seems to have died out.


*laughs* I'm much to old to be a novice and white is not really my color.


If you would like to add me to your boards I would enjoy meeting more members.


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