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A Legend .. In his own mind .. returns

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I suppose I should introduce myself to some of you. To you other scrubs ... I can hear them moans, n'groans and "Oh for Lights Sake! not HIM again" wails. Don't think I can't! :dry:


Now to the task at hand; I'm Auld Manriva, Manny to some, Riva to others and monikers unmentionable to still more.


I started here back in '06, not long after Canis had departed the first time and not long after Kat & Goldeneyes05 (Goldy) joined. I worked my way to Knight (Templar Order, one of only a couple at the time) and eventually CG of the Cavalry. Did a couple terms there, then bowed out in favor of, I think, Kat. I then became, again I think, the longest serving and laziest RAL in The Bands history and later Leader of The Band's Game.


That's the short version. A longer version may come at some future date, though I wouldn't hold my breath. My memory is as short as .. well ... it's short. I'm old :thom:


Is that a fryin' pan in yer' pocket or arrrr ya' REALLY happy to see me!


Daaannng .. Kat really HAS growed up! She never was able to sit on BOTH of us at once back in th'day!


I'm not sitting on you in this thread gramps... lol... I figured I'd pin one of you down one place and one down in another and neither of you would be able to leave me.. lol


*jaw drops* I didn't know you were here! You made me my first siggy when I joined a few years ago. Great to see you back!


well well well the pirate has returned!!!!


Welcome back Riva!!! its great to see ya! I am SO looking forward to some of your long windy hilarious posts!! just what we need around here


hands riva a rum



"Goldy!!" walks over to the sat upon shiny one "if you;'d stop dissarearing we wouldnt have to sit on you or tie you up or what not when u return!"


*jaw drops* I didn't know you were here! You made me my first siggy when I joined a few years ago. Great to see you back!

And I still HAVE it in my files! ;)


Ahoyyy Diceman! Good fer' you to see me TOOOO! ... Not so much that drunken sot of a horse o'yers' though. You tell that questionably parented Equine that if'n he steps on my new shiny boot, I'll have Destiny stick a Lucky SHOE up .... his down 'undah!


This is great to see old members coming back! It makes me so happy!


manny - I don't know how much I had done before you had to leave but I'm currently SiC and we're about to see what else might happen.


Now where did my sangria run off to again....?


Oh and goldy - I almost missed ya there! Welcome back mister!


*roams off to find her sangria*


I've been kind'a keepin' up Jea lass.. On the down low so ta' speak. An' I've watched you try your hardest to keep it goin' and my heart and great respect goes out to you. Bein' Taymist's Banded (when we had bandeds) bro' I know what you've been through.


I've been kind'a keepin' up Jea lass.. On the down low so ta' speak. An' I've watched you try your hardest to keep it goin' and my heart and great respect goes out to you. Bein' Taymist's Banded (when we had bandeds) bro' I know what you've been through.


You can be positively hilarious sometimes, but you're pretty sweet when you want to be, ya know? I have worked my butt off for this place and I'm hoping the hard work will pay off. I have such a passion to keep this place afloat that I just could probably never let it go!


Why did we get rid of bandeds? Or are we just assuming we did? And why couldn't we have them again?


You know .. I'm not sure we did actually, now that you ask. I MAY be confusing myself with something that came up when a group attempted to start over on another site.


Manny you KNOW i cant make promises for Bunyan!! hes a free spirit..an EVIL free spirit at times but still....Tell destiny that he can try if he wants but if Bunyan force feeds destiny his own shoe afterwards....



I think bandeds just kinda fell into disuse really


Yeah... I'm not really sure what happened.. we had bandeds when I left so i figure if something happened to them it happened during my long absence... But I'm banded to half the cavalry... though i'm banded to the half that's not currently here *sighs*


I never saw/heard/was part of us getting rid of that so I'm sure it's still there but just wasn't as common anymore


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