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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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How bad is this "bad thing"?


The first time it happened in my game I gave no coroner report with a random kill. I had decided that the second time it happened everyone was going to die at L-1 earlier the next phase. Luckily I never had to use that. Mods do not like random =p it screws up their game design potentially. How is your day LCC 998?

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Um Des, I was at class and having dinner, can't exactly coordinate your free time in a camp. :) I actually just went to reread the posts and then saw that someone had hammered. That's like saying that everyone who didn't hammer basel is also scum.

Yes exactly, despo's comment could apply to everyone offline.

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What in the world are y'all talking about?!


Twist words much? My point was RAND looked scummy for saying he'd be back later for a diff vote, then apparently lurking


um, I did come back and I wasn't lurking, i was in class for my camp.

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We already got the hammer rand but your late arrival is even molar disconcerting. You're still high on my list of poss scum

Despo haz toofache. Any dentist among teh smash bro characters?? :laugh::tongue:

This is a job for the healers. ;)


Directing the Dr. Obvious scum :tongue:

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Official Vote Count

Basel(12): Nolder, Razen, Lenlo, Turin, Lily, Darthe, Wombat, Despo, Nyanna, Peace, David, Ironeyes

Despo (6): Andrew, Rand, Tress, AJ, Dice, Basel

Nolder(1): Moon

Darthe ( 1) : JohnSnow


Not Voting (2): Arez, Tiinker



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.


Lynch Achieved!

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Basel Gill walked into the arena. "FALCON FIST PUMP!" he said raising his hand into the air. Meanwhile challengers approached from all sides. He merely laughed at them and said "SHOW ME YOUR MOVES!" and the fight began. He moved like nobody had ever seen, jumping around from place to place, he thought nobody would ever catch him.


Falcon had a deep secret though. While he fought to defend some innocent, he felt the fires of a dark force burning inside of him. He had once been known as Captain Falcon... but he had decided on a new personality since the crash in the last F-Zero Grand Prix. A dark cloud had saved him from certain death, and from that time forth, he took the name Blood Falcon.


As opponents piled on Basel... Another Captain looked on and thought, "He needs help!" and came to aid him. Together Basel and Captain Olimar fought the hordes of enemies that beat down on them. Pikmin were thrown, Falcon punches were thrown. Kicks were dodged... it was a long hard battle. He had thought to protect others who knew this dark force, but not knowing where to look, failed even protecting those who were good, unknowingly fighting others with the dark force. If only he had known who all was infected it would be so much easier!


As the match timer counted down, the competition grew even fiercer and fiercer. With only seconds left to go, Basel looked at his friend Olimar who stood by him and thanked him. "FALCON THANKS!"


And with that Diddy Kong lifted his peanut guns and pointed at Basel blasting him away into the distance... "FAALCOOON LLLLoooooooooooosssseeee....."






Well, my oh my! That waaaaas exciting! You guys fought so fiercely I couldn't even keep up with you all. But what's this? A dark force? Captain Falcon didn't seem to be fully himself. Well, there's a new wrinkle in the game. Maybe that explains why you guys are fighting it out like madmen. Hmm. Well alrighty. You all deserve a nice break, so the competition is over for the day. Enjoy your sleep. Hahah.... HHAHAH... BWAHAHAHAHAHA! ................... Sorry, that was more menacing than I intended.




Basel Gill - Captain Falcon Blood Falcon - Mafia Symp Extra Voter - has been lynched.


It is now Night 3


Deadline is Thursday @ 9 AM CT.

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We already got the hammer rand but your late arrival is even molar disconcerting. You're still high on my list of poss scum

Despo haz toofache. Any dentist among teh smash bro characters?? :laugh::tongue:




*pats 'prentices head*


We already got the hammer rand but your late arrival is even molar disconcerting. You're still high on my list of poss scum

Despo haz toofache. Any dentist among teh smash bro characters?? :laugh::tongue:

This is a job for the healers. ;)


Directing the Dr. Obvious scum :tongue:




Basel Gill walked into the arena. "FALCON FIST PUMP!" he said raising his hand into the air. Meanwhile challengers approached from all sides. He merely laughed at them and said "SHOW ME YOUR MOVES!" and the fight began. He moved like nobody had ever seen, jumping around from place to place, he thought nobody would ever catch him.


Falcon had a deep secret though. While he fought to defend some innocent, he felt the fires of a dark force burning inside of him. He had once been known as Captain Falcon... but he had decided on a new personality since the crash in the last F-Zero Grand Prix. A dark cloud had saved him from certain death, and from that time forth, he took the name Blood Falcon.


As opponents piled on Basel... Another Captain looked on and thought, "He needs help!" and came to aid him. Together Basel and Captain Olimar fought the hordes of enemies that beat down on them. Pikmin were thrown, Falcon punches were thrown. Kicks were dodged... it was a long hard battle. He had thought to protect others who knew this dark force, but not knowing where to look, failed even protecting those who were good, unknowingly fighting others with the dark force. If only he had known who all was infected it would be so much easier!


As the match timer counted down, the competition grew even fiercer and fiercer. With only seconds left to go, Basel looked at his friend Olimar who stood by him and thanked him. "FALCON THANKS!"


And with that Diddy Kong lifted his peanut guns and pointed at Basel blasting him away into the distance... "FAALCOOON LLLLoooooooooooosssseeee....."






Well, my oh my! That waaaaas exciting! You guys fought so fiercely I couldn't even keep up with you all. But what's this? A dark force? Captain Falcon didn't seem to be fully himself. Well, there's a new wrinkle in the game. Maybe that explains why you guys are fighting it out like madmen. Hmm. Well alrighty. You all deserve a nice break, so the competition is over for the day. Enjoy your sleep. Hahah.... HHAHAH... BWAHAHAHAHAHA! ................... Sorry, that was more menacing than I intended.




Basel Gill - Captain Falcon Blood Falcon - Mafia Symp Extra Voter - has been lynched.


It is now Night 3


Deadline is Thursday @ 9 AM CT.




The part that worries me tho is the "While he fought to defend some innocent" line. Why did he have to put that line in the scene?


I hate BG. Even when he mods he loves introducing wifom.


Either way, thank god everyone finally listened to me, and whatdyaknow, it helped capture scum. Mebbe you guys should do that more often :dry:

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Oh wow, never mind, he was a mafia symp, so is he one of those people who isn't strong minded then. I did not expect him to be a mafia symp. I am also with Niel, I may have been told this before, but I think I have forgotten, what is a mafia symp?

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Interesting line, about him not knowing who else was scum.

Maybe symp=spy?

Also, does this mean AJ is scum, since he vouched for her?


That's also what I thought in my first game, but there are a few things that can happen here.


First of all, since he was a symp and alone, he couldn't have known that AJ was on his team so I don't think he did it like that. However, if he did and I got the role wrong, some mafia confirm that town is town to make them look more townie in that person's eyes, which worked in this case.

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