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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Official Vote Count


Darthe (1): JohnSnow

Despo (4): David, Basel, Moon, Andrew

David (1): Nolder

Rand (4): Despo, Dice, Lily, Iron

Nolder (2): Darthe, Turin

Andrew (1): Wombat





Not Voting (9): Arez, Peace, Tiinker, Rand, Tress, Alanna, Lenlo, Nyanna, Razen



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.


Deadline is ??????



Weeee, I'm at a hotell aswell now ^^ Going out right now. On page 63..


I was on the airplane yesterday, arrived here in Cyprus, spent some time out, came back to sleep, woke up today, ate some breakfeast...


30+ FRICKING PAGES.. and 1100 notifications.. See ya later.

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Page 76, Things I feel I want to comment on before I leave for the pool yet again.


I just noticed something.


Arez has NEVER been this quiet.

Holy crap, Arez is in this game? I still do not buy Nol/Despo at all. People who are pushing the withholding of reveals... Are you all watching this game? Mafia has so many good targets at this point that it is almost baffling. The best help available would come from understanding this game IMO, as saying that you are part of a mason team without revealing your partner is the easiest way for scum to currently hide. However, if we all reveal and lynch one scum we get two. It leaves them no place to hide. Please reveal, Luigi.

Could you be a bit more vague on your power, please?


Either reveal it fully, or don't mention it. Don't hint around it (which you've been doing all game)


We got a snake in the grass. This guy John Snow is not a NEWB. John? Who are you really and why are you pretending you are a newb?



First of all, The PERSON John is pinging me alot. He doesn't have that "newbie feel", sure you can be a fast learner, but you'd atleast make SOME mistakes in the beggining. You have made... NONE. So that feels very odd. However, even if he is not who he claims he is, it wouldn't necessary make him scum. I have a feeling he MIGHT be Mynd undercover. I remember him.. "hinting" in mafia grieviances, to Red, that making a new account so people won't lynch her because of meta might be a good idea.. Mayhap he already implemented that idea?


Anyway, lets not dwell in the past.


And the part about me never being so quiet.. --> :rolleyes:


Lets see, some stuff I didn't quote. Allowing to Copy & Paste your PM is really fishy. In any, and I mean ANY, mafia game, town could win SUPER easy if this was allowed. However, this does not seem to be the case. And for the record, anyone quoting their pm's after the first one was made, I'm not completly sure I believe you. It's very easy to quote a message the mod gave you and the just completly change the content of it.


Cya later =)

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Let me address the part about people having multiple avatars and DM accounts. This is NOT allowed on DM. Alternate accounts are sometimes used in Mafia Games with special alternates created especially by the Admins for the purpose.


Basically it is a great big no no that will get you possibly banned from posting altogether. Not really worth the risk just for a Mafia Game, so let's drop the idea that anyone would think that would be fine and dandy to do.


Mmmmkay :)

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Can also be written as - "Ooopsiedaisy. I've been so quiet I'm finally starting to pick up some heat. Better quote exactly what people have said in order to make it look like I'm doing something and so they side with me since we share the opinions that I stole from them. I am a brilliant mastermind".


Okay I apparently took it off to pressure tiink or something. :p still a girls name :). unvote vote basel



Hence ---> Douchebag. :angry:



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I just noticed something.


Arez has NEVER been this quiet.

He's gone on a holiday to Cyprus with his family...no idea why he didn't post an LoA or at least LoLA, cos he said he wasn't sure if he'd even have Internet access...


The people who are sleeping have to wake up to this. hehe



Im still catching up (that must be at least 10 pages RAAAAAAH) but I just wanna say I'm disappointed in the way the game is going. I haven't played mafia for long but to me the awesome thing about it was using your head to try and figure out who's who from what they say and the coroner report, not quoting PMs. That's why they are PMs and not told to everyone in the first place. Boooo :sad:

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Haven't asked my partner about revealing so I am redacting some things:





Hero of Time... Hero of the Stars, I have brought you both here because a great evil has been unleashed upon the galaxy. Nintendo Mascots are being transformed and changed. There are evil forces lurking about that have infected the minds of Nintendo characters and turned them into Bad Guys. You are two of the remaining Hero's that I know have worked against evil like this before... Dark Link and Dark Samus. Having faced your own demons before I want the two of you to work together. Find out who has become a Bad Guy! It may be an old foe or an old friend, nobody is safe.


Lessa Wombat you are Link

Nyanna you are Samus Aran



*powers redacted*


Please don't communicate outside of the QT provided:


*link redacted*


You win when all the Bad Guys have been eliminated.

Fixed that for ya. :smile:

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Official Vote Count


Despo (7): Moon, Andrew, Nya, Rand, Tress, AJ, Ironeyes,

Basel(6): Nolder, Razen, Lenlo, Turin, Lily, Darthe

Nolder(4): Wombat, Despo, Peace, Basel

Rand (1): Dice,

Wombat(1): JohnSnow,

Arez(1): David



Not Voting (2): Arez, Tiinker



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.

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The one thing that really is sticking out to me is that (I think it was Turin who also said this....) nobody claimed inventor, which means that Basel must be lying. I still think we'll learn the most from his lynch. Nol is also high on my list.



Vote Basel

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1. David & Songstress - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & Nolder (he claims 3rd party basically traitor to Niel)lightning bolt


11. Dice & Tiinker - Royale masons claimed doc

12. Wombat & - Team of Heroes

13. Razen & Arez - Non-Nintendo masons


Players who haven't revealed : Nyanna, Presumably Wombat's partner.


With Nolder initially not claiming Neils team and later doing so it now discounts my numbers theory. The scum have NOT made a math error. Although this had forced Nol into a 3rd party reveal. I'm still suspicious of Wombat's behavior but not enough without the math to vote him.



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Also a note concerning the quoting of PM's as it may have gotten lost in the last 15-20 pages of madness.


I gave the rule of allowing you to quote your PM's cause I didn't want to police it and I saw no harm in it. I didn't think you'd quote the WHOLE THING, but I said it is not against the rules, so go at it. But don't link to it. You link to it, you link to your PM, which might link to a QT if you have one, etc. etc. Therefore I'm setting a new ground rule ... if you choose to do so (quote communications), remove all links to your PMs, responses to PMs. Etc.


If there are any questions about this update, feel free.

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