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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Here's the deal. Scum can't just make a two person team with little thought. Cause if one of them gets lynched then so does the other and they are 2 down. So they wait as long as possible and then hopefully attach to a player who is absent (like Razen just did.) Or they will at last gasp go ahead and form up a team. The problem here is that in their eagerness to appear town they made too many teams..lol, it's funny. I can just imagine the scum QT now scrambling on how to handle this.

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Arez is my partner, and I believe that he has not been silenced. He hasn't been posting very much in our mason QT either, and when he has, it's been light hearted and not really related to the game much. Just a random thought here and a random thought there, but nothing solid as to why he felt that way. I almost get the feeling that he was being quiet to protect something because of it, but because he hasn't been posting much anywhere recently, it sounds to me like he's busy with RL, but I don't want to rule out the possibility of his being silenced.


So Arez is not Yoshi, correct?


Correct. I stated earlier that I was Solid Snake and that Arez (at that time my unrevealed partner) was Sonic. That's why I was asking John that question about why he thought Arez was Yoshi.


darn, there goes my theory,

I thought it was pretty clever at the time, though.

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Arez is my partner, and I believe that he has not been silenced. He hasn't been posting very much in our mason QT either, and when he has, it's been light hearted and not really related to the game much. Just a random thought here and a random thought there, but nothing solid as to why he felt that way. I almost get the feeling that he was being quiet to protect something because of it, but because he hasn't been posting much anywhere recently, it sounds to me like he's busy with RL, but I don't want to rule out the possibility of his being silenced.


So Arez is not Yoshi, correct?


Correct. I stated earlier that I was Solid Snake and that Arez (at that time my unrevealed partner) was Sonic. That's why I was asking John that question about why he thought Arez was Yoshi.


darn, there goes my theory,

I thought it was pretty clever at the time, though.

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I'm still catching up (Page 72) but I have to go right now. Looks like we're coming down to the wire with claims so I'll claim before I go.


I already won lol. I'm Mewtwo. I was on a team with Niel and our QT name was Pokemon Mason Team. Niel thought I was the Pokemon Trainer (which is why I changed my avatar for now) but like I said I was actually Mewtwo and my win condition was to get Pikachu lynched. At the beginning of the game I bussed Niel and didn't look back. :baalzamon: After he was killed I lost access to our power but I gained a 1 shot vig kill and used it on Razen on Night 1. I think our docs can vouch for that because they must have protected him since he didn't die.


Anyway from that point on I've legitimately been scumhunting since why not right? I sincerely believe the mafia team has built a house of cards starting with Basel and I think that's the best way to go today. If ya'll want to lynch me because I'm third party that's cool I guess. Like I said I already won but you'll just be screwing yourselves out of a lynch.


Ok I gotta go for now I'll check back in hopefully later tonight.

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I'm still catching up (Page 72) but I have to go right now. Looks like we're coming down to the wire with claims so I'll claim before I go.


I already won lol. I'm Mewtwo. I was on a team with Niel and our QT name was Pokemon Mason Team. Niel thought I was the Pokemon Trainer (which is why I changed my avatar for now) but like I said I was actually Mewtwo and my win condition was to get Pikachu lynched. At the beginning of the game I bussed Niel and didn't look back. :baalzamon: After he was killed I lost access to our power but I gained a 1 shot vig kill and used it on Razen on Night 1. I think our docs can vouch for that because they must have protected him since he didn't die.


Anyway from that point on I've legitimately been scumhunting since why not right? I sincerely believe the mafia team has built a house of cards starting with Basel and I think that's the best way to go today. If ya'll want to lynch me because I'm third party that's cool I guess. Like I said I already won but you'll just be screwing yourselves out of a lynch.


Ok I gotta go for now I'll check back in hopefully later tonight.


Odd reveal. Especially considering Lucario was mentioned in one of the scenes.

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I already won lol. I'm Mewtwo. I was on a team with Niel and our QT name was Pokemon Mason Team. Niel thought I was the Pokemon Trainer (which is why I changed my avatar for now) but like I said I was actually Mewtwo and my win condition was to get Pikachu lynched. At the beginning of the game I bussed Niel and didn't look back. :baalzamon:


LOL. Like a boss.

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As if those three wouldn't immediately become the focus of Mafia night kills, and die tonight!


Despo and Nol seem to have conveniently overlooked this aspect. (Most likely on purpose.) But Iron, are you saying that scum could NK three people in one night? Watching me flip town means that AJ, Rand, and Jon would die over the next three nights, I think you mean.

I've obviously missed a lot and am catching up now


I think you and Ironeyes both conveniently overlooked the fact that the mafia doesn't have 3 kills per night

And of course that's just assuming you're all town in the first place which I highly doubt


So, let's see... I "conveniently overlooked" something, even though I was the one who pointed it out? I caught the flaw in Iron's statement, that he was wording it to mean that all three of the players in question would die at the same time. I suggested he meant they would die over the next three nights. Des and you have not addressed this (till your post that I quoted), that you are risking the loss of three townies if one person flips town. But I would love to know how the person who makes note of something could be said to be overlooking it.

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This game ... I just have no words... this game just got completely blown up to shreds. So many assumptions, and mass reveals, and... Lord yall just did a crap ton of posting without actually adding much info at all for town to use. The mason claims don't really help us out at all imo, since not only can scum claim a mason team, but there are no typical type bad guys in this game, just converted good guys. This means Mario and Luigi are just as likely to be scum as anyone else.


And then the quoting of the pm's... it seems kinda obvious that BG wouldn't make it that easy to find teh scum so I think it's pretty evident that he gave them fake role pm's or something.


Just seems like at every turn for the past 10 pages or so, players have jumped at false trails and have buried any legitimate scumhunting under loads of reveal lists and setup speculation. Dunno where I can even begin to post regular thoughts on players right now.


I'll say this, to those who say that us verifing 3 townies would somehow lead to their imminent deaths - uhm, yeah, that happens somewhat, but that doesn't mean we should shy away from vetting townies. Vetting townies only makes it that much easier to catch scum, yall are pretty much just giving out a rote response that makes it seem like vetting townies is bad, when any mafia newb can see the usefulness of having verified townies, ESPECIALLY in a multiple mason game like this.

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Unvote, Vote Nol.


Too convenient to claim a deaded player as a mason partner, and I think his "I already won" thing is just to try and get us to think lynching him would be for naught.


And, if nothing else, helps us get rid of some wifom

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