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Shadows in the night - Darkside DS Match - Ithillian vs Hoofie

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Ithillian sat in the window seat of her apartment living room. She could see her M'Hael's Office and further on the Battleground, lit by torchlight. Of course no battles were being fought at the moment. They had only recently returned from their jaunt to Shayol Ghul and most of the members of the Black Tower were now sleeping, but she couldn't sleep. There had been something in the eyes of that last resident who stood against them and watched as the Lady Dragon wove the Gateway home.


There was no moon tonight. The only light came from the burning torches, which only seemed to make the darkness darker. Something did not feel right. She thought about going to wake Turin, but didn't want to trouble him over something that would probably turn out to be nothing. She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. It was definitely, probably nothing ... but she definitely had a bad feeling about ...




Her eyes snapped to a shadow that had not been there a moment ago. She held it in her vision, but it remained still. She watched for what seemed an eternity, but it did not change. It was not like her to be jumping at Shadows. She sighed as she realised she would have no sleep tonight until she had made certain that there was nothing out there, that should not be there. She slid off the seat and went to the door that led to the corridor, reaching for a warm shawl on the way. She glanced briefly at the door opposite, before deciding against knocking. He needed his rest and she would be perfectly fine. Closing her door silently, she walked down the passage to the stairway that would lead her down to the ground level. It took only a few moments to arrive at the private exit to the Palace. She nodded at the Honour Guard as she walked past and out into the courtyard.


Heading straight to where she had seen that extra piece of darkness, she was inwardly relieved to find nothing there. She relaxed and began to turn to head back to her bed when she heard steadily walking footsteps, heading towards the Battleground. She wrapped her shawl more tightly around her and cautiously began to follow.





Welcome Hoofie, I am looking forward to our re-match. It has been far too long. We shall be using Enhanced Tourney Stats for this battle, with a basic level of 10 and 30 points to spread around the five elements. Hopefully you remember how all this works, but just in case - here is an example.


Basic 10s +30 Tourney Points - Primary Elements Fire and Earth: F 19 / E 16 / A 15 / W 14 / S 16


I have sent you the Roller Link.


Once you have posted your entrance, sneaking about, arrival at the Battleground and Stats, I will meet you there and post mine. See you soon.

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Blackhoof crawled through the tiny Gateway he had opened somewhere in the Black Tower grounds, breathing a sigh of relief as no cry of alarm was raised. Fortunately, no-one had sensed his Gateway, he snickered to himself as the portal closed behind him. Most Dreadlords would not dare to go to the

Black Tower, especially alone, surrounded by channelers who could pick them out from a mile away. Blackhoof was not most Dreadlords, though. The Taint had got to him long before the Great Lord had, and his mind had long ago been engulfed in a firey maelstrom of madness.


Usually, the mad do not need reasons to justify their insane actions, but this night, the Arch-Arsonist of evil did- to kill that channeler that had dared challenge him as the cowards fled from the ashen fields of Shayol Ghul. His mission was to kill the consort of the Black Tower's precious M'Hael. His goal was to kill Ithillian.


Blackhoof, surrounded in a weave that made him look to be an impenetrable pall of black fire, skulked through the shadows. Ithillian was here somewhere, perhaps expecting him. They had fought once before, after all. They knew what they were capable of, but this time, Blackhoof was stronger. The question was, had Ithillian grown stronger too?


"The Battleground," Blackhoof thought to himself. "If she is expecting me, that is where she will be."


Still cloaked in illusionary flames, Blackhoof, using the shadows to hide, made his way to the Black Tower Battleground. He arrived, the place cloaked in shadow just as he was, lit only by a few futile torches, and he waited.




Let us do this :baalzamon:


A question, what are our ranks?


Regardless, basic stats:

F:10 E:10 A:10 W:10 S:10


My stats:

F:25 E:10 A:20 W:10 S:15


+15 to Fire, +5 to Spirit, +10 to Air


Primary: Fire

Secondary: Air and Spirit


As you can tell, I plan to throw lots of fireballs at you, mwa ha ha ha!


Hmmmm I look forward to it. Just to clarify though, You have two primaries, Fire and Earth OR Air and Water. You can't have Fire and Air as your Primaries lol. However, it is possible that you spent your points in such a crazy Hoofie way to gain those Levels lol.


You can either choose the stinky Dreadlord Rank or the Asha'man rank. They are both worth the same. I will use the Aes Sedai rank seeing as how we are playing Tourney Stats :)


My Levels: 5+0+13+5+7 = 30


F:15 E:10 A:23 W:15 S:17


Down to 50 :)




She reached the Battleground unhindered, not that any here would try to stop her - well one might ;) but there was 'something' here that irked her, and she was determined to find out what it was.


There was what appeared to be a black pillar at the far end. That was not supposed to be there. She reached for Saidar and inverted the weave just in case, reaching out cautiously with spirit, to create a delving. Hopefully she would be able to identify what it was.


Hmmmm it was alive ... and familiar. Something she remembered from a long time ago. Who would possibly sneak into the Black Tower and act all dramatic, cloaked in flames and the like. He obviously felt quite safe and secure in his shroud of black fire. Blackhoof was his name, if she recalled correctly. Fire and death were his specialities. She wished she had brought her Fire Angreal along so that she could give him the first, but she had not planned on a battle this night. Perhaps she could help him with the second.


She reached out and gathered Air, Water and Spirit - twisting them into a thick cable that reached up into the sky and drew the storm clouds into it. Darker and larger they grew, crackling with energy. Even a Deathlord would have noticed the effect by now, so as much as she would like to have left it to grow a little larger, she released it, aiming the lightnings contained directly at Blackhoof's heart - or where his heart should be, watching in satisfaction as they struck true.


You have no business here Deathlord. Slink back to what ever slime filled pit you crawled out of, or suffer the consequences!




Attack: Cloud Dancing

Damage: 6


Ithi: 100

Hoofie: 94



Blackhoof sensed Ithillian arrive.


His back was turned to her, and he knew that she would be probing him any minute now with Saidar. He let her. Why hide her killer's identity from her, and rob her of the thrill of dread that she must feel upon confirming that she faced him.


Blackhoof waited. Soon she would attack, he knew. There was only a single observer- the whelp that had attacked him before, but he would not dare interfere. When Blackhoof was done with Ithillian, the runt would be next. Blackhoof was smiling at the thought as angry clouds gathered above him, and lightning pierced the black sky, heading straight for him.


Turning around with a flourish, his cloak of flames fanned outwards and formed a protective shield around him, interlaced with Air to provide actual protection. The lightning bolt smashed into his shield, exploding into sparks, and the black flames burst outwards into thousands of tiny shards. Blackhoof stood, exposed, unharmed and slightly drained in the centre of the Battleground, a wolfish grin on his face.


Channeling Fire and Air, the Arch-Arsonist unleashed a roaring fireball that streaked towards Ithillian, hissing hungrily. With a thread of spirit, she easily slashed the fireball in half, letting the two halves fizzle to either side of her.


It had begun.



Attack: Fireball

Damage: 0


Ithi: 100

Hoofie: 94


He was revealed to her now. A twisted curl to his lips as he looked at her approaching. He glanced to the side of the field for a moment and she wondered what had caught his eye. Rand! The young civvy showed great promise but this was no place for him. She doubt he would even see the LookTM she sent in his direction, and had to bite back the acid comment she was about to throw at him.


Hoofie had thrown a giant fireball at her while she was distracted by her concern for the recruit. Thankfully she had trained with the power for many years and reacted instinctively, separating the Spirit from her existing weave to sever his. The fire ball dissipated harmlessly, although its residual heat reminded her of the challenge she faced.


Unfettered by Spirit, the Water and Air left in the cable combined more closely and begain to spin around and around. This time she did not have the element of surprise, so let the maelstrom build and build, before pushing the swirling mass at the Intruder. It surrounded him, a suffocating storm of cutting ice and drowning water. Let him feel how much her strength in the Power had grown.


Attack - Hurricane

Damage - 18 (In your FACE Dreadie!)


Ithi, not even slightly toasted - 100

Hoofie, all cold, wet and soggy - 76


Dice sidles in just in time to hear BlackHoofs words regarding young Rand. He wanders up to rand and sits, weapon on lap. ready.




Oh and ithi stop sparing his feelings by not giving the correct score...you know he's down to 76 not 86!


stops speaking as ithi edits the scorecards to show the truth.


Watches as another of the Black Tower's residents appears and takes a seat in the Spectator's Gallery.




We won't mention how rubbish I am at numbers ...mmmkay?


A flash of light splits the air an inch in front of one of the arena walls, opening to reveal a small gateway leading to Marsh's sleeping quarters. A window. Weaves of air and water assemble themselves in front of the window, and Ironeyes settles down to enjoy the show...


Rand saw Blackhoof walk towards him and remembered his attack on him. Surely he wabted revenge but he knew that Ithi would defeat him first. Then he saw ithi lookTM at him and knew that he was not supposed to be there. However others came and he felt comfortable.


Attracted by the flickering lights and gathering crowd, Mawthtex shadow-travels to the Battlegrounds. He raises an eyebrow in amusement. "A Deathlord, here, in our tower? Show him off, Tsorovan M'Hael."


Surely you mean show him up?


Ithillian watches as more spectators arrived. Did no-one sleep in this place? She must have hurt the Dreadlord quite badly, as he seemed to take an age to recover and respond to her attack.




18 damage!? :O insanity! D:


Blackhoof's smirk was wiped off his face as a wall of freezing air and icy water raced towards him. Channelling fire, Blackhoof turned himself into a burning brazier of flames, a corona of heat emanating from him. The maelstrom hit his fiery shield and a tremendous hiss of steam nearly drowned out the roar of wind in Blackhoof's ears, and he strengthened his shield. After what seemed like ages, the storm abated and Blackhoof released his weave, an immense cloud of steam slowly dispersing all around him.


Blackhoof almost panted with effort as he began weaving- that defence had taken a lot out of him. Ithillian's attack had been much stronger than he had anticipated, she had clearly grown much stronger since they had last fought. 'No matter,' he thought as he put the finishing touches on his weave, 'she will be defeated soon enough.... no matter how long it takes.' Blackhoof noticed a small crowd gathering.... he would have to act quickly if he was to escape after defeating the M'Hael's pet.


"You have got off to a good start, witch! Let us see how you handle this!"


Blackhoof held one arm out, palm facing towards Ithillian, and a massive beam of fire shot out of his open palm. The flames roared through the air, heading straight for the Aes Sedai, but she was not fazed. Calmly, she outstretched her arm also, and the flames parted harmlessly either side of her, a wedge of Air protecting her. When Blackhoof ceased his infernal assault, she stood there, unharmed, the ground to either side of her seared black from the heat.


'Maybe,' Blackhoof thought with a hint of fear as she prepared her next attack, 'this will not be as easy as I thought.'



Attack: Soul Slayer

Damage: 0 :dry:


Ithi- 100

Hoof- 76


this.... is not going well for me :P


yeah, at least you are not facing her with actual stats and an angreal. Or worse Turin with an angreal. Or worse tmd with an angreal.


:rolleyes: @ Rand


Ithillian saw the Dreadlord's expression change to one of slight trepidation. That was good. He should never have assumed he could just walk into the BT. And the words he used challenged some primal need inside her to destroy and obliterate him. 'Pet' and 'Witch' indeed. Masking the rage she felt as usual, she realised she really wanted to hurt this 'man', if that is what he still was.


She wove Earth Water and Spirit together and drove it at him, the elements merging to create thousands of sharpened hooks and blades, to tear him apart limb from limb. He must have been alerted to her intentions however, as the weave was forced up and over him, shredding a flock of pigeons instead.


Attack: Rend Body

Damage : 0


Ithi making pigeon pie - 100

Hoofie - should be getting baked in a pie >.> - 76


Turin woke to the sensation of Saidin being channeled in large amounts. Unless the White Tower was attacking there was only one strong enough to pull him from sleep. Being unable to sense her added to his alarm. Sensing the power coming from the Battle grounds The M'Hael grabbed his angreals and created a shield, opened a gateway and was there in a moment.


Surveying the scene he saw that Ithillian had the situation well in hand. Therefore Turin took a place among the other watchers to see if any assistance would be needed. The M'Hael had a inkling of Blackhoof's greatest weakness...



Ithillian, handle this intruder, and try not to get your dress dirty. The training battles use up enough of them. Midnight Blue is not easy to obtain.


Len was recovering from both his battle against the M'hael and the Lightie when he saw people rushing to the stadium. It seemed some very important people were fighting. Deciding he had nothing better to do in this condition he followed the crowd and took a seat next to Dice when he arrived at the Arena. "Mistress S'Ithi and some Dreadlord eh? Should be a good show." He thought as he watched.


Blackhoof bared his teeth in defiance as a stream of razors and blades made out of Air swept towards him, seeming to gleam in the torchlight like their steel counterparts. Thinking as fast as he could, Blackhoof weighed his options. It would be too hard to completely stop the attack, and he could not simply burn it away like he normally did. What if he...


The blades were almost upon him. Channeling Air, the Arch-Arsonist formed a ramp in front of him and pulled on the air on top of it, forming a vacuum that all the surrounding air was desperate to fill.... including the air that the blades were travelling through. His plan worked- the blades travelled over the ramp and into a flock of unfortunate birds- an amusing side affect, Blackhoof snickered to himself.


"Look at those poor birdies that you just killed, pet!" He taunted, grinning from ear to ear, "What did THEY ever do to you! Mwa ha ha!"


'Maybe she was just lucky,' Blackhoof thought to himself.'No mere WITCH could possibly defeat ME, after all.'


Channeling his signature element, Blackhoof spread his fingers outwards and pointed his arms at his foe. With a thought dozens of thin arrows of fire shot out of the air between his hands, zipping through the air parallel to his arms. 'let's see how she handles THIS!'


Just before they reached her, they bounced off an invisible barrier, flying off and fading away in every direction but towards Ithillian. Blackhoof waited a few more seconds and relented. Muttering to himself, Blackhoof said "With contemptuous ease, evidently.'


Attack: Arrows of Fire

Damage: 0 (RAAAGE!)


Ithi: 100

Hoof: 76


Do you know what the funniest part is? I got ridiculously good numbrrs in the Fire column (13 in the first!) But Air failed me again. I will just shoot Fire at you from now on :P


Dice sees len sit down. Reaches into a bag at his feet and hands len a banbun "here lil bro that should help you enjoy the show even more!" cracks one himself "and no Rand u cant have one...ure too young "


Calls out to turin " I think her dress is safe my friend....would you like a drink while we wait?" looks around for someone selling meat pies


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