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If you could be anyone? Who and Why


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If you could be any WoT charachter who would it be and why, also if you had to be a charachter from another series or book who would it be?


WoT - Matt, the luck things awesome I love a good game of liar's dice and he seems like the charachter who most reflects me, not looking to grow up any time soon.


Laurence - From the Temeraire novels, the guys best friend is a massive dragon he rides on to battle Napolean, enough said


fain, because i like to scratch my ass, (backside for those who are touchy) and a tainted blade would be great for scratching my........


on another series i would want to be pug from raymond e fiest's riftwar worlds, although if i was pug i would love everyone, even my enemies. it would make sure that i live longer than they do, although it would likely make me responsible for the death of everyone.


From WoT, I'm leaning toward Min. I like her personality, being a bit of a tomboy myself, and her ability to see auras. On the other hand, channeling would be awesome, too. I'd either choose Amys or Melaine, if I were to go that way. The Wise Ones are a much more likeable group than the AS, IMHO. Having Mat's luck would be great, too! :) I'm indecisive :P


As far as choosing from another series, the first person that springs to mind is Angela the Herbalist, from the Inheritance Cycle. She's wonderfully weird, powerful, and mysterious. Plus, she has a werecat, lol :)


WoT - Mat because he still has more fun than anyone else, but is still awesome.


Anything - Elrond from LotR, he nevr dies.


From wot, Nynaeve. She helped Rand cleanse saidin. And she figured out how to cleanse the taint that saidin put in men's mind.


From another series? Rapsody from the Rapsody trilogy. She can sing...


I'd be someone from the Age of Legends who had indoor plumbing and a working refrigerator. All that luck won't make pooping in the bushes any more pleasant.


i would be a high ranking member of the band of the red hand, best chance of survivng the LB. Mat as to much wieght on him, and bieng married to toun a leader of the most repulsive society i have ever read of.


maybe a wolfbrother would be cool, living in the wild instead of a city(the smell of a city would be awful)




as for another series maybe Zedd from "sword of truth", loved that crazy old wizard.


Either Moridin or Mat. Mat has the most fun but I would want to be a channeler cause they live for centuries. And except for the whole wanting the world to end thing Moridin has going on he seems like a pretty smart, cool guy.


From any series...how about Jarlaxle from The Legend of Drizzt? He seems to enjoy himself plenty, is a lot more powerful than everyone else, and lives for half a millenia.


Elrond is just awesome with knowledge, power, aura, and wisdom.


In WoT, I just love Thom. He leads a very, very interesting life. And he maintains his sanity through it all.

  On 5/27/2012 at 1:26 AM, Halleck said:

Either Moridin or Mat. Mat has the most fun but I would want to be a channeler cause they live for centuries. And except for the whole wanting the world to end thing Moridin has going on he seems like a pretty smart, cool guy.


From any series...how about Jarlaxle from The Legend of Drizzt? He seems to enjoy himself plenty, is a lot more powerful than everyone else, and lives for half a millenia.


Jarlaxle is awesome he's deadly and has a wicked time. No one has more tricks up his sleeve, my favourite is his dymetra feather he pulls from his hat and turns into the giant deadly bird


Wheel of Time-An Age of Legends Aes Sedai. It sounds far more exciting to say Rand or Mat, but all the adventures that make their lives so fun to read about would make their lives miserable to live. RJ himself said he really wouldn't want to live in this world and I can't blame him. Living at mideval tech levels under the constant threat of the last battle makes for a wonderful story, but I wouldn't want it in real life. On the other hand, the Age of Legends sounds like an even better place than real life (plus I'd finally get the answers to all those questions about vacuole experiments, standing flows, rema'kar, etc.)


Other stories-that's much harder. Someone who either got a happy ending or a life so wonderful it would be worth the sad ending.


WOT: I would say a pre-crap hitting the fan AoL Aes Sedai.


From other series: Elminster from Forgotten Realms- extremely powerful immortal wizard, with pretty much all the powers of a demi-god without having to worry about worshipers and crap. Plus he can hear whenever someone anywhere in the world speaks his name so it would be very hard for anyone to talk trash about you behind your back.


Another would be Luke Skywalker. In the current EU timeline (post Fate of the Jedi series) he's the most powerful Force user in the galaxy, and has been through it all and emerged not only incredibly powerful, but dedicated the the light side. He's defeated everything that has been thrown at him up to and including a being of nearly god-like dark side power.


I think Logain from WoT. Sure, immortality and power might be great, as long as pain, boredom, loss and despair isn't part of the package. Losing loved ones, fighting wars, and other stuff might lead to bad things. Logain will probably be happy (and so on).


Wil Al'Seen...cuz duh, apparently I'd have the best smile in the world and women just trip over themselves when I flash it.


Outside of WoT...probably Bruenor Battlehammer. I mean, it'd be pretty sweet to be a dwarf ;)

  On 5/29/2012 at 2:09 PM, Shaman said:

Didn't Logain get converted by 13x13? I'm probably wrong...


I'd be Mat, gambling and leaving Inns with tons of money, most of the time running from several drunk men.


No Logain is not converted or there is no evidence to prove it so.


I'd love to be Jain Farstrider. Going to all those places, seeing all those different people must have been fun (and I love me some danger!). Also, being an ashaman would be so cool!


I hate danger, so anyone of the current characters is right out. Maybe one of Elayne's kids, I wouldn't mind being pampered in a post-TG world under the Dragon's Peace ;)


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