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MotG Wk 1: Discussion "Where Would We Be Without...?"

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Welcome all to the First Annual White/Blue Ajah MONTH OF THE GREATS!


We will ease you into this month with a discussion on "Where Would We Be Without...?"


Dwynwen Sedai and I (Charis) will take a day for six days discussing with you the benefits of six "greats" in our world.


Here's the first:



James Oliver Rigney, Jr. (October 17, 1948 – September 16, 2007)


A literary "great" and one we all know and love dearly, Robert Jordan left us his legacy although his life was cut short too suddenly after a bought with cardian amyloidosis. Our lives will never be the same because of his influence.


Pick as many questions as you like to respond to and please do respond to the answers of others.


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?

2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?

3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?

4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?



And thus we begin our Month of the Greats!


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?


I picked up my first WoT novel (tEotW) in 1992, when I was working at a Waldenbooks store here in Charleston. Jim was scheduled to attend a booksigning at our store, and I thought it may be a good idea to get familiar with his books before the signing. At the time, I was already a fantasy buff but hadn't ever read any of Jim's stuff. Needless to say, I read the whole thing in about 18 hours and haven't looked back. And the best part was, I got to spend about 5 hours with Jim and Harriet during the signing and pick his brain.


On a side note, this was before huge book chains like Barnes & Nobles. Since this was one of the only book chains in Charleston, my store was Jim's regular bookstore, so I got to see and speak to him about once every other month for almost two years.


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?


This one is easy. I can't provide a link to where he said this, but Jim said on more than one occasion that the citizens of the Two Rivers were based loosely on the citizens of Charleston. Since I'm a native, this one is really a no-brainer.


As for the plot, I was just intrigued by the whole notion of channeling. Most other fantasy epics (until recently) all had the same cookie cutter magic system, with the mighty wizard with a staff and pointy hat, or the beautiful sorceress. Channeling was fresh and new and made the WoT unique.


3. When did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?


When Jim was diagnosed with his illness. I kept checking in to get updates from Jason and Wilson on the main board, to see how Jim was doing and to see what the future of the WoT was going to be in the worst case scenario. After Jim's passing, I wanted to share my grief with like-minded people that loved Jim and the stories he shared with us. So then I joined the social forums and found a new home.


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?


In college, back in the early to mid 1990's. I was introduced to them by a classmate and design project partner.


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?


The first one I read was Eye of the World, of course. At first, it's typical (I think) to identify with the "small town" characters who could be any one of us (if we lived in that world, that is). Then we get a glimpse of the Myrdraal (without knowing what it is) and meet the Trollocs and suddently Moiraine is there with her "bodyguard." Then the Trollocs attack and we see Moiraine with this Power . . . And then the story unfolds with Moiraine taking the boys (and Egwene) away from the "safety" of their small village. At that point I couldn't stop. And then we realize that Rand is the Dragon Reborn and realize the fate that awaits him . . . and we learn more about the prophecies and the Forsaken. I have to laugh when I look back now because my roommate got into the books the same time I did and she used to take notes and we would discuss the books at length and look things up to include in her own personal "big white book." :biggrin:.


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?


I think I was searching one day to find when the next book was going to be released and found DM in the process. First I lurked on the theories/discussion board and would argue with people there (in my mind; I still hadn't joined). Then I check other areas and realized there was a social side where I could relax and not get wound up because someone was trashing Cadsuane . . . LOL! The rest is history.


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's last imprint on your life?


Well, because of him, I have a wealth of new friends, some of whom I have met in person, others I haven't. But he also introduced me to a whole new world - one that I love to spend time in within my own imagination. Some people say that fantasy isn't necessarily healthy because it can give you unrealistic expectations. But, for me, it's my escape from reality, from drudgery, from the logic and facts I deal with on a daily basis and it helps to keep me sane and balanced! All work and no play would make me crazy. :biggrin:


So I must absolutely say, "Thank you, RJ! My life is richer for having "met" you through your work!"


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?

I got a bunch of books from a friend. Amongst them was A knife of dreams. I was like "meh, uninterresting". Then a year or so later I was in a bookstore and talked to the girl working there, I think it was about the Name of the Wind or something. And she said I should try WoT. So I did. And she made some good money of me that year :P This is two years ago now, I think. I remember being done with TGS a week before ToM came out.

2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?

They just... Hit something inside me. And stayed there.

3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?

First I was reading trough most of wikia.wot and the unofficial FAQ. Then I found Leigh Butlers re-read on Tor.com. In the meantime I'd read the books three times. None of my friends have read WoT, and I was desperate to talk to someone about them. I'd been into Dragonmount a couple of times during googling for stuff, so I decided to give it a try. And then I found a new home and decided to stay.

4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?

I know he has enriched my life with his amazing story. And he brought me here, to a place where I am already starting to make great friends. And his story inspired me to finally do something I've always wanted; buy a kick-ass drawing tablet and start to learn digital tablet. My life goal isw to be good enough to make my own paintings of all the WoT-characters.


A side note: Im really sad I only found WoT after Robert Jordans passing. It pains me that I will never get the oppurtunity to send him a letter thanking him for his amazing books. I really wished I could to that.


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?

2-3 years ago I was on vacation with my cousins. I had run out of books to read and they had brought the first 3 books to WoT with them. I thought they were just old generic fantasy books but I had nothing better to do so I started them. Since then I have never really been able to forget about them. I still have my cousins copy on my shelf much to their dismay.


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?

It seemed real. More so than the heros of many other fiction books at the time. Once I had finished book 3 I could see that massive plot and all the things that could happen in it. I couldnt just leave the story like that so I read the rest. By the time I finished whichever one was out at the time, think it was ToM may be wrong, I just couldnt stop. I had to see how it ended.


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?

I was rereading it and this time I was abit more grown up. I had found the site awhile back but had never really done anything. This time when I found it I wanted to see everyones theories and peoples thoughts for how the books ended. One way or another I got sucked into the social group side. I think it had something to do with the BT Trivia game that was starting around the time that I joined.


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?

I dont know really. I think I am still to young to say/know for certain. As I grow older and read the books some more I may notice some things but until then I just cant know.


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?

It was... About three years ago now I believe. A couple friends of mine read them. I was part way through the series when TGS came out, so maybe it's closer to four years now.... Wow I feel old.


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?

It was both really. There would always be one character that I loved, one storyline that I just had to find out the rest of, something that always made me keep flipping pages and resulted in me inhaling the books.


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?

Well I was most of the way though my first reread of the series last summer and I saw something about dragonmount.com in the back cover. One of my friends had mentioned the site to me before and this series had at this point pretty much taken over my life. Whenever real life became to much to bear I'd just escape into Randland. So I wanted somewhere else to escape to, to meet other fans of the series that I could talk to about the books and when I joined the evening of July 6th I was instantly hooked on this wonderful place


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?

I can't even begin to describe it... I clung to those books during my dark times. I wonder what I would have done without them. Plus, there's moments in the books, like Nyneave surrendering and Rand's epiphany and so many more that struck cords deep inside me and... just helped. Plus those books led me here, where I've made so many friends and have healed so much.... It's hard to say where RJ's imprint on my life ends!


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?


I picked up my first WoT novel in the early '90s. I forget which year.


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?


I am a fantasy fanatic. It reminded me alot at first of the Dragonlance series which I loved. The group of young "kids" going on a journey and then eventually becoming heroes. Add in the one power, good vs evil, kind of twisted plot, the wolves, etc. Its just all great.


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?


I was doing a reread of the books last January and I guess I talked about them so much that my day tx clinician suggested I find a fan site and join. So I looked up "Robert Jordan Fan Sites" on google and this is the second one that came up. The first one was really weird. I didn't like the look of it at all. Then I found this site and it seemed better than the other one so I joined. I almost wasn't able to join cause I misread the "security" question on the form. I thought it wanted FULL names when in reality it said FIRST names. So I messed up with Rand and Perrin and even when I realized my mistake and just put in their first names it would go through so I had to type in Mat's name and it finally worked.


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?


If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have met all the wonderful people her on DM and would not have made any friends. I am a loner so don't have any friends in RL so this is my haven.


It's neat hearing how profound an impact Robert Jordan has had on everyone's life. I envy those who got to meet him when he was alive.



1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?


--I first started reading the series in 2003. A college friend was reading the books and said I'd like them, so I picked up tEotW that summer.



2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?


--I have always loved the well-developed characters. There are many I relate to, but even with the ones I can't relate to, it still provides a nice look into their psyches. I also love the brilliant worldbuilding that draws from mythology, religion, physics, and other areas.



3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?


--I was itching to talk to people about the books, and I just didn't know many fantasy geeks in my area. I did a generic online search for WoT sites and found DM. After looking around, I got excited and joined. The rest is history!



4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?


--Because of these books, I've met some of my closest friends in the world. I met one of my former boyfriends here. I've done a lot of growing and have become more confident as a result of being here. I've learned a lot about leadership, cultures around the world, and myself.


Thomas Edison

(February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931)


As one of the most prolific inventors in history, Thomas Edison was responsible for many of the gadgets we take for granted in modern times. Some of his inventions include the phonograph, the first working motion picture camera, and the most commercially practical version of the electric light bulb.


Questions for Day 2:


1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?


2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?


3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?


1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?

I cannot imagine how that would be like at all. At home we have music on at all times. I really can't think of how life would be without it.


2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?

I love watching movies. We have a DVD-collection who is steadily growing larger. If I'm having a really, really bad day, I put on one of my favourite movies and just get lost in it.


3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?


I actually had to do this in desember, on a saturday night when suddenly both the light in the kitchen and the living room went and we had no spare bulbs. It wasn't even an hour before I started going a bit crazy over it.


Robert Jordan - Sorry for the late response.


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?

I got a £10 book voucher for my birthday one year, so I went into the book shop and found part 1 on tEotW (atom produced the first 2 books split into 2 to attract young teens) so I read the back and was intrigued by what it said. It was £5 and part 2 was also £5 so I bought both with my voucher. At first I couldn't get into it so put it down, then a couple of years later I took it with my to Thailand. Once I got into the first couple of chapters I was hooked and didn't put it down all holiday. I've been hooked ever since!


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?

I love fantasy, anything with magic and people with powers. The depth of detail RJ goes into in creating the world, it really sucks you in and when I'm reading I feel like I'm right there with them.


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?

I found DM (can't remember how now) and was mainly looking at the gallery and the news pages. I then uploaded a drawing I had done of Moghedien and someone commented that I should come over the the Illuminator Org in the forums, so over I came and then found the White Tower. I am so happy I did as I have had a lot of fun on here, and if it hadn't been for reading WoT I wouldn't have met my lovely bonded Mashi :)


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?

I couldn't imagine my life without the WoT world and without DM and some of the people I have met. I just can't imagine it.



Thomas Edison


1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?

That would be really weird... music really helps to change my mood, it can cheer me up, chill me out. I have at times thought about what it would be like to be without music, and I think I would be very sad if I was unable to listen to it, so I am very greatful to be able to listen to it whenever I want.


2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?

My life would be very different without motion pictures. I am a huge film fanatic, I go to the cinema on a regular basis and my career dreams are centred around film. I really cannot imagine life without it. Films allow you to escape into different worlds and lives that you would not get to experience otherwise (visually speaking). It has also had an impact on my bank balance as I have an addiction to buying DVDs! Lol



3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?

I am at work right now... so I can't try this but I think I would find it really hard to go without using lights, I could use candles but I would be very worried about starting a fire! I would like it try it for a day though, we do take these simple things for granted.


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?


It was a year or two ago, I'm not sure. But it feels like I've been reading them for all forever :) It was at the local library, where I go once a month or so. I noticed that the two separate fantasy sections had been put together, and that's how I saw WoT's the first time (taking two rows of space from the bookshelf, it would've been hard to miss)


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?


I liked (and of course, still like) the multiple layers of the plot. I think it makes WoT more realistic and all. I loved how there came new things to wonder, and while they were answered, still new questions arose. And the awesome characters! I love their unique, but on the same time believable personalities. I think I really could meet that kind of people in real world.


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?


I found DM by putting WoT in the search machine, and lurked here for months. It started to feel kinda the right place for me, I wanted to meet other WoT readers. I actually think I'm the only one in this town, I've never seen a WoT book being away from library.


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?


It has kinda affected how I see the world now, I've met more people here and have become more sociable and getting away of shyness, it's been a part that has grown my love to books and fantasy, it has given me many great moments. And I think I won't know all the gifts of WoT until I've got my AMoL in hands. If even then. Maybe after a thousand re-reads or so :)



Then the day 2 questions



1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?


Oh dear, it would be horrible! I can't imagine how the only chances to hear music would be in concerts or my own playing at home. It would be really awful not to be able to listen what I want when I want. I think living without it would take away a veeery big part of my life.


2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?


Well, of course there is tv, movies and all. It would be weird not to be able to see the news, and the series are quite nice too :P And I think it's great that we can make our own little films of something. We have a film of my baptize, and my brother's too. It's weird to watch myself as a baby, but I think it means a lot for my parents.


3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?


We've experienced this too, when the wind was so heavy that it cut trees, and that broke the electricity lines. It's alright during the day, especially this time of year as the daytime is growing again, but when I just imagine how it was during dark winter... not nice. It was fun for half an hour or so, but when it lasted for hours, I already wanted the light back. It was hard to do anything at all. No reading, no playing, no tv-watching... the candles didn't help that much either.


Day 1 Questions


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?

I first picked up the Eye of the World in a sort of used book shop back in 1996 while I was looking about for something different to read. I just happened to pick it up and I started reading it, and I thought it was interesting so I decided to take it,


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?

Well, honestly, if I did not see the word Aes Sedai in those first chapters, I would have probably put it right back down as I am not really into this sort of fantasy genre. It looked like aes Sidhe, so I thought it might have a bit to do with Irish lore...and in a way it kind of does, I guess (not exactly in a way I like, but yes... :dry: )


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?

For awhile I stopped reading the series, but then I decided to revisit it in 2010, and I noticed the address in the back of the book and decided to check it out, which was on my old account 2 years ago. I am back now though, and this time to stay.


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?

Erm, he gave me a good book series to read. And I found my way here where people are very nice.


Day 2 Questions


1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?

It would be a terrible loss - I do not have money to go see orchestras or theatres after all, so I would barely ever be able to listen to the classical music or operas that I love. Anything else though, I would just have to take a trip to the pub more often - they usually have some live and lively music going there :wink: .


2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?

It has been great! I love films; they do not beat live performances in my opinion, but I love how they seem like windows into another time or place.


3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?

I only have one light bulb, and it sort of functions as a torch - I can move it to whatever room as needed. Turning it off for a day would not be much a problem - I always have a lot of candles - I would just not be able to read or write so well while inside at night because the light is not as good as the bulb.


1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?

There are some weeks that I listen to music all of the time, and then other weeks when I don't listen to it at all. I would think I'd be ok, but there are those moments when I just need to listen to a particular song, so I'm not sure




2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?

I lovelovelovelovelove movies. I'd be very sad without them. Movies are a good escape, a good way to make you laugh, and every now and then they surprise you with something absolutely amazing.




3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?

During the day I never have any lights on. At night.... Well I usually don't technically have a light on because my computer screen provides all of the light I need :P I'd probably last a few hours without light, but if I was going to be up during the night for very long I'd probably flip the switch


1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?

Music is ingrained in my culture. My daughter started dancing once she was able to stand properly! I think our lives would be quite empty without it.


2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?

I really like going to the movies and watching movies at home, but my husband LOVES it. It's the one date he consistently takes me on! :rolleyes: And he's not into too much else. So, without Edison, I'm not sure what my husband would do in his spare time, lols.


3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?

I dont think I'll be able to make through the day!


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?


Waaaaaaay back in 2001 when I was fourteen. I know that doesn't sound like a long time to some of you, but it is for me. Heck, the last two years have seemed like ten to me.


Anyways. It was assigned as a school project, and it just took off from there. I'm a slow reader, so I was still reading it after the project was done, but that's just how good it was. I was still interested even after I had finished my obligations. I quickly picked up the second book afterwards.


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?


Both blended quite well together. I loved - and still love - how well Robert Jordan handled this ever-expanding plot with a huge compendium of characters.


This is why I've been roleplaying it for the past few years. My WoT muse hasn't really left me these past four years since I came back from my hiatus in 2003. I may leave a few sites, but my characters are always there. ;)


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?


Honestly, because the roleplay with my friends had died out, and I suddenly found myself with a lot of time on my hands after I dropped grad school. I left DM for another site for a bit, but I had a lot to sort out. I'm still on that other site, and it's still my home on the internet, but DM is now another home. WoT is a huge thing to have in common, when you think about it. It makes for good friends crazy conversations, great roleplay...I could go on.


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?


There are numerous things. But...if I had to pick out one, I'd say it was Siuan. I know it sounds strange to pick one character out of so many and say she had the biggest impact in my life. (Especially since I'm a Sachian. ;)) But I feel like I can relate to Siuan. Even when something that she treasured was ripped away from her, she never slowed down. I'll warrant, there was a very small pause before Min let her out of the Tower, but after she got out of Tar Valon, she didn't let anything get her down. She had motivation, and she wouldn't let anyone take that away from her. Not even Gareth bloody Bryne. ;) Her journey as a character has been almost parallel to mine, it seems, emotionally and mentally. I'm not claiming to be like her, or that no one else has had journeys after something that is core to who they are was taken away from them. But even though she's fictional, Siuan feels like a kindred spirit. Like I'm not alone.


-(Also, this last answer wouldn't un-bold. Terribly sorry.)-


1. When did you pick up your first WoT novel?

Iwas on deployment in the Med in 1990 when a friend on the ship gave me a paperback copy of EotW. I started reading it and was hooked. I was living on a tight budget so had to wait for the paperbacks to come out. That lasted until LoC. I could not wait the extra 6 months or so and shelled out for the Hardbacks on the release dates.


2. What attracted you to the plot or characters?

Initially it was the characters and how they interacted. The Two Rivers kids particularly. They seemed like people I knew. People with real foibles which can be rare for "heroes". My enjoyment of the intricate plotlines came later as they got more and more interesting.


3. Why did you choose to go beyond just reading the book to now participating in Dragonmount.com?

I found out about RJ being ill and wanted to see about his health and if he would win his battle against the disease and keep on writing. I would read his blog and look for news. Then later After I heard he passed I would check to see if the series was going to be finished. Finally I joined and participated some in the discussions before growing a little tired of the arguing about why Character X was better than character Y and moving goalposts etc... Ilooked at the new threads thingy and found 3 new threads started that day in one particular SG and after checking it out I joined there. Then after a time I joined here.


4. What do you think is Robert Jordan's lasting imprint on your life?

Like many have said that I have met many wonderful people here. But from him directly I would say that it was a general form of inspiration when I was a young adult that being young and inexperienced did not keep you from being capable. It gave me the strength to step up and take charge of situations that needed dealing with even though I was not the oldest or wisest or in some cases even the responsible party (read as technically in charge).


btw, totally jealous Ishy.


Also late. Been out of town. Mr. Edison tomorrow.


1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?



Wow. That's hard to imagine. I have ADD, and music is what helps me concentrate. Which is essential when I'm driving. I can concentrate without it, though, but it is difficult.



2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?



It brings stories to life. Stories are what drive me at my core. Without stories, I'd be a very different and shallow person.



3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?


Oh, goodness. I live with four other people. I don't think they'd be very appreciative of that. But I have gone days in a black out. It's difficult, but it can be done. It's very annoying, though, and I feel less productive.


1.) The phonograph was the first device able to reproduce recorded sound. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to listen to recorded music. What would that be like for you?

Love my music. I drive a truck and out on the road having good music really helps you stay in a good mood and also stay alert. My mp3 player is very important.


2.) Although other inventors tried to design motion picture cameras, Edison's model was the first that actually worked. How has this invention impacted your life?

Movies are a great enjoyment. I think I could live without film if I did not know it existed. Just do not try to take my books.


3.) As an experiment, try going for an entire day without using light bulbs. Were you able to do it? How long did it take before you started going crazy and wanted to just flip on a light?

This actualy happened not too long ago. We had a lightning strike close to the house and all the power was out for several hours. It was a nightmare. I realy needed to turn on a light. The worse think was that my internet was knocked out. the horror!!


On with Day 3!


Leonardo DaVinci

April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519


Here's his bio from en.Wikipedia.org:

was an Italian Renaissance man: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination".[1] He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.[2] According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote".[1] Marco Rosci points out, however, that while there is much speculation about Leonardo, his vision of the world is essentially logical rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods he employed were unusual for his time.[3]


As an artist, DaVinci was known for drawing detailed sketches of the human body as well as many animals. As an engineer he designed bridges and a prototype for a flying machine. Only one question this day: What if DaVinci had never been born? Would advances in technology and medicine have been delayed? Where would we be today?


What if DaVinci had never been born? Would advances in technology and medicine have been delayed? Where would we be today?


Delayed maybe, but they would have been made eventually. It is too good a fantasy that if he had never been born, the world would never have become this strange and noisy :dry: .


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