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Game of Thrones Season 2


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no complaints about this episode from me i was estatic with it :happy:


<3 Jarquer (sp) and the actress playing Arya was wonderful with the facial expressions and actions. one of my fav scenes so far. except seeing little Drogon breath fire for the first time :happy:


they've finally started to show Cersie in the manipulative role, though it's still not being done well enough *sigh* hopefully they'll continue to impvore on this.


the doppleganger part was brilliant! i like that they had Littlefinger having a hand in the Tyrells next move, it fits imo (even though if memory serves, the Spider was behind this particular move) ah well, nice way to move the plot with two birds imo *nods* i still disagree with how manipulative their showing Margery to be *shakes head* seems liek they have her character and Cersies backwards; but she is that ambitous, so i'm okay with it for the time being. knowing the actresses other character (from tudors) i'm not surprised she's making Margery more manipulative than what she is in the books.


the mages from the house of the dead in Danny's scene is great, though i still agree with Sam that Danny seems more ... immature i guess ... than i remember her at this point in the books. theres room for growth and i did notice a bit of growth in her resolve and decleration that the throne is hers from last episode to this. it sounds like less of a question and more of an assertion now imo.


also, LOVED the scene between her and the Bear (Moromount)


and Brans scene was EPIC!!!! i wish they would have showed us the dream, but his description and Oshas reaction were perfect. i also enjoyed seeing Rickon again :happy: also, the look of longing as old boy went to help the towns being attacked was great as well, perfectly summed up Brans internal struggle of wanting to be in the action like Rob and being forced to stay in Winterfell due to his handicap.



i'm geting confused about Danny's story line though and about a bit of the Iron Islands





Danny - isn't Quarth the last city Danny takes, because isn't that vault old boy showed her where she ends up locking 2 of her dragons later in the series?


Iron Islands - didn't the Doppleganger the Red Lady birthed also kill Theons dad? or does that happen later? could have sworn that by the time renly is dead so is Theons dad (yes i realize HBO is jumbling the story lines to make them more palitable for tv viewing)



Rickon - once again, i'm left wondering where the heck his story line is going. it's now been what, 4 books since we last saw Rickon :unsure:




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i'm geting confused about Danny's story line though and about a bit of the Iron Islands





Danny - isn't Quarth the last city Danny takes, because isn't that vault old boy showed her where she ends up locking 2 of her dragons later in the series?


Iron Islands - didn't the Doppleganger the Red Lady birthed also kill Theons dad? or does that happen later? could have sworn that by the time renly is dead so is Theons dad (yes i realize HBO is jumbling the story lines to make them more palitable for tv viewing)



Rickon - once again, i'm left wondering where the heck his story line is going. it's now been what, 4 books since we last saw Rickon :unsure:






1. I don't know who old boy is but the city you're thinking of is Mareen.

2. It happens later. Also I'm pretty sure that if anyone actually killed Balon it was his brother Euron.

3. He's going to hook up with Arya, calling it now.



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Badass episode, seriously. Loving how they're doing Jaqen's part.

The Tickler's death was done just perfectly.



I really wish they'd show more of the dragons, that's really my only complaint so far. It seems like they're skimming over Dany's part too much. And Rickon almost doesn't exist. My parents watch the show too, and they didn't even remember that Rickon existed. Definitely being downplayed too much, especially considering he becomes more of a character later on.


Biggest props for this episode, Pyat Pree. Holy crap, he was perfect! Totally creepy; looking forward to seeing more of him in future episodes.

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Ooohh yeeeaah The Ghost of Harenhal is here! :baalzamon:

Also wow the Fist of the First Men looks wicked I can't wait for what goes down there


Am I crazy or was that an episode with NO nudity whatsoever? Man it's been awhile...


While not actual nudity, Jon Snow and his merry men were way too undressed. In a place that looks like somewhere people freeze to death, you don't strut around without covering your head.

That detail annoyed me everytime we saw action behind the Wall.

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I'm pretty sure the reasons are time issues and money issues

Time can't be helped since they're squeezing everything into 10 episodes but the reason there's money issues I'm pretty sure is that they plan on making

The Battle of Blackwater

really really epic

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@Sakaea I'm pretty sure the reasons are time issues and money issues Time can't be helped since they're squeezing everything into 10 episodes but the reason there's money issues I'm pretty sure is that they plan on making

The Battle of Blackwater

really really epic


Yeah, that's what I'm hoping^_^

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Maybe they're just tougher. :D


So why are their wearing gloves and furs and boots, only their heads are tougher?


They do have mighty thick skulls, and a full head of 'hair'...


Besides, if your going to critque that, why aren't you asking why you can't always see there 'breath', or there cheeks aren't getting nice and 'rosey'?

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To be fair, there's not much of Dany or Jaime in ACoK to begin with, so I'm not surprised by how little they are in the show. Particularly Jaime. Jon does more, I can only assume they'll be showing more of him in the second half of the season.


Either way, I think they are doing a great job with this adaptation, despite some of the character cuts and fast-forwarding that is going on. It's rare to see a show juggle so many storylines yet still be engrossing. 55 minutes goes by so quickly.


I too thought it funny they were going around with their heads uncovered north of the Wall, but they probably did it so it's easier to recognize them. Bundled up with everyone in black, it might be confusing.

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lmfao Kovan, such is the life of being a SoF&I fan :happy: dont worry, we all feel that way with this series, so it's normal.



okay, so not a great episode last night, but not the worst either. either i wasn't really paying attention to Danny's story line in the books as well as i thought i was, or HBO is really jugglign things up with her.



Yiggitt was great! though i was waiting for her to say the line XD though i guess i should be happy she hasn't started saying it yet, considerign the fact that by DwD i grimanced everytime i read it becuase of it's over use *nods* still thoguh, it's just not Yiggitt unless she says it lmao


the added scene with Littlefinger was ... interesting. part of me likes it, because it helps to explain a part of the plot and shows little fingers involvement more. but the other part of me disliked the "almost" discovery of Ayra (how it added un-needed stress to her character) and how their down playing the Spiders involvement in all of this. as i've said before



wasn't it the Spider who arranged for Margary to merry Joff, not Littlefinger




Kingslanding was good, even the embelishments on Sansa's scene were good. <3 the Hound. i do feel they've shown him to be more of a Snape in the show than potraying him as a villian like he was in the books. which takes a bit away from his character developement *shrugs* but nothing to complain about all things considered. i love that he's already started calling her "little bird".



Theon's scene was good as well, reminds me exactly why i disliked the character regaurdless of his story arc. i actually teared up for Sir Rodrick *nods* my main question is where the heck are the frog eaters?! those two kids are rather important in the up comming events imo.



Robbs scene i'm only so-so about. part of me hates the fact that Cat is with him, given that she's supposed to be Riverrun by now ... i felt her comments about Rob adn his budding interest were un-needed tbh. looks liek i was right about them moving up that particular story arc with Rob though *nods*



and last is Danny's part.


okay, they need to stop potraying her like a sulky little girl. i saw less of a flustered queen whose aggrevated by all the political manuvering and more of a sulky little two year old being denied a cookie before bed time. her entire exchange with the trader was demeaning to Danny's character imo and did nothing for character building for her. in fact, imo it set her character back in growth. the director really needs to fix this.


2nd, i'm glad their not drawing out her time in Quarth, but ... wtf is up with her Dragons being stolen. i don't remember this part at all. in fact, from what i recall; the only reason Danny wants to go to the house of the dead is partly to get a question answered and partly because they flat out told her she can't cause she's female. i dont recall at any point during the series her dragons being stolen :unsure:

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Yeah not loving the Danny portrayal this season. Hopefully that will change. In Qurth, there was a threat to steal her dragons but they didn';t get stolen. That was why she took the ships with Barristan, to avoid the loss of the dragons.

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In the Inside the Episode for #17, D.B. Weiss explains Danny somewhat by saying when her dragons are stolen, she reverts back to the pre-Dragon Danny and all the confidence she gained in the past few months is lost. FWIW

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In the Inside the Episode for #17, D.B. Weiss explains Danny somewhat by saying when her dragons are stolen, she reverts back to the pre-Dragon Danny and all the confidence she gained in the past few months is lost. FWIW



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wasn't it the Spider who arranged for Margary to merry Joff, not Littlefinger


Nope. It was Littlefinger.

As I mentioned before, the actual timeline had Tyrion sending Littlefinger to negotiate with the Tyrells after they learned of Renly's death. He wasn't with Renly's host at the same time as Cat was in the books, and Ned's bones were sent to Cat at Riverrun along with Tyrion's plan to help Jaime escape, which ultimately failed.



They're definitely messing with Dany's Qarth storyline, but that is as I understand it quite intentional because she did very little there except receive gifts, get proposed to by Xaro Xhoan Daxos,

visit the House of the Undying and have some ca-raaaaaa-zy visions - which i hope we see...... oh, and acquire Barristan Selmy and Strong Belwas as protectors, to Jorah's chagrin.



I guess they wanted more "oomph"... and I'm guessing the stolen dragons are now at the House of the Undying, which gives her good reason to go there.

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