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Game of Thrones Season 2


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thanks Emp *snuggles*



okay, so i watched the full episode last night, and i totlaly agree it was worth the wait.



once again, they seem to be progressing at a fast pace through the book; Tyrions already in Kings Landing, Stannis has already sent the letters, Danny's Blood Riders are already out searching, the Nights Watch is already to Casters place, Sansa's already saved the drunkard .... i was blown by how far into the book they already are, yet how smooth and seamless the quick pace went. also, the transition from Season 1 to season two is good as well; i can't wait to get the series on DVD and watchit 1 season after another completely to see just how seamless this transition was (though i did kinda do that since i was glued to the re-showing of season 1 last week :laugh:)



i have to admit, i was grinnign ear to ear when i saw Tyrion again, i really do like the little Imp; i was also grinning at Jamie too, i luv the Kingslayer, yesh i do.


all in all, there wasn't much that was changed imo from the books that i could pick up on.



Casters place looked great and i loved his attitude, though he was much younger than i thought. i expected a guy similar in looks to Filches character (Lord of the Twins). i mean, Caster looks liek a southern lord, all fat and clean shaven and with a head of hair; not like his farm has been suffereing because of the approaching Winter. i guess my beef is that he looked too clean ya know; i pictured him to be a grungy looking thing of a "man" (and i use the word Man very loosely btw).


other than his looks, they did alright by me with the scene; from his attitude to the looks of the farm to how the women behaved.



Danny ... tbh, i'm no longer as thrilled by her plot line as i once was (totlaly GRRM's fault, not HBOs). i still enjoy seeing the dragons, though i take major issue of her caging them and with us only seeing Drogon and not the other 2. the only real thing i wanted to point out was at first it looked like she was traveling away from the commet, instead of following the direction in which it was falling. i'm thinking this was just the camera angle though.



Starks. first i want to say i was thoroughly impressed by the CGI with Greywolf :happy: i got goosebumps as the direwolf stalked around the cage. Jamie was 100% OUTSTANDING!! i love his arrogant pompous attitude even when being a captive and the mind games he was trying to play with Rob. this scene was a great addition to the series; though we never read anything like this happening, you have to know it did at some point in time. however, i dislike how childish the whole exchange made Rob seem. imo, Robs character wouldn't have entered into that slight pissing contest with Jamie, it was very uncharacteristic of him imo. the only complaint i have with Jamie is the fear they had him show against Greywolf; cannon Jamie would have smirked and made some comment about "yeah your brave since i'm tied up boy." not cringed away from the beast.


now the exchange between Rob and Cat was perfect to cannon imo and i wouldn't improve a single thing about it.




i will say that i was still surpised to see Theon there though. in the books, isn't he already gone by this point?


speaking of Theon, anyone else think "Reek Reek Ryhmes with Meek" everytime they see him and feel a mixture of laughter, saddness and cringing?


btw, i totally cannot wait to see Asha!!





Stannis, is not how i pictured; i figured him to be older looking, like he was carved from wood with a perminate 5 oclock shaddow on his face. other than looks though, the character was perfect. i loved the scene where he's composing the letter and the adjustments he makes, very true to Stannis's form imo. Davos looks great, though i kept trying to steal glances at his pouch (and frankly was suprised they didn't explain that story arc yet). the Red Witch is just like i pictured, including her attitude; she gives me the same bad vibes first meeting her in the show as she did in the book.



and now to Kingslanding.



Joffery ... why is HBO giving the boy more balls than what he had in the books. yes he's arrogant enough, yes he's got the childishness, but the whole added scene in the throne room ... it didn't sit well with me. imo, HBO is trying to play Joff up less as the boy-child that he is in the books and more like an adolescent man whose just got a mean streak in him but could be a competint (yet tyranical) ruler. i am glad they finally introduced (however briefly) his siblings though. Thomas didn't look nearly as plump as he should have been though, but Myrcelle was perfect.


Sansa ... they're giving her character backbone a bit too quickly imo which will lead to less character growth ability later on. she's more manipulative in this show right now than she was in the books; which makes her look less like the dumb little bird she is imo.


Tyrion, perfect as usual. how i have missed the little imp and his sardonic quips.


Cerscie, okay i'm still gitting the feeling that their trying to play the sympathetic angle from her. i'm still not over them twisting the whole "lost the baby from Robert" when in actuallity she pruposefully aborted the babe; and now they have Tyrion chiding her about "doesn't feel good to be the disappointing one" and her actually looking abashed at the comment and not pleasing her father! come on HBO!!! this is not the Cerscie i detest in the books! shes not arrogant enough! she's not strong headed enough! she's way too meek and tight lipped and sympathetic! this is a chick whose convinced she is Tywin Lannister in a skirt, only better cause of her assets which allow her to manipulate men easier than her father; not some little spineless chit that plans to let the men take the reigns of the kingdom again.


which brings me to my first real gripe of the episode, the added exchange between her and Littlefinger. while true to form in how Cerscie really is supposed to be, i don't recall Littlefinger knowing abotu the incest until Stannis's letters were made public; and at this point i don't recall the letters having reached their destination yet (i'm also speaking about Joff mentioning the rumors as well, as i recall him hearing about them much later in the book)


my second (and last) gripe is still in Kingslanding and is dealing with Roberts bastards. correct me if i'm wrong, but i only remember two bastards in Kingslanding, the babe in the brothel and Gendry. the rest we're spread out in the Kingdom. nor do i recall Robert having a bastard around every corner like the episode made it seem. also, the order to kill all of Roberts bastards was never so open and public, i recall it being secret, as to not flame the rumor of incest.

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I agree with that mostly, but I also think that what they've added or taken out is with the approval of GRRM. So maybe he's like, using the show to show what he didn't put in the books? I'm thinking of the scene with Littlefinger and Cersei in particular.


I also think they're teasing us with the dragons, making us wait to see them all.


I can hardly wait to see Arya's story arc continued, she's really my favorite. Tyrion and Dany are a close second, tho.


The Direwolf was awesome. They did very very well with that scene.


Stannis was different than I had expected, but not different enough to disappoint me. Melisandre was perfect, the next episode should be wonderful!


Overall, I couldn't be happier with the season premiere. The only problem is waiting a week for the next episode!

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Stannis was different than I had expected, but not different enough to disappoint me. Melisandre was perfect, the next episode should be wonderful!

Definately, I thought he would have looked just like his brother, only more gaunt, and taller. (Did he have blonde hair in the show? Thought he was a dark black like his brother?

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Oops, I didn't see this thread when I posted in the other one (which is the one linked on the front page)


This was a good start to the season, lots going on, but they handled it well and it didn't feel overwhelming (at least not to me).


I visited Dubrovnik, Croatia last year (about a month before they filmed there), so the King's Landing parts were cool because I recognized much of it from my time in that city. Really well done how they incorporated the real location into the story location.


I don't think the Stannis here is like anyone would have imagined him. I always thought he would be a stern Patrick Stewart type. I believe the book describes him as bald.


which brings me to my first real gripe of the episode, the added exchange between her and Littlefinger. while true to form in how Cerscie really is supposed to be, i don't recall Littlefinger knowing abotu the incest until Stannis's letters were made public; and at this point i don't recall the letters having reached their destination yet (i'm also speaking about Joff mentioning the rumors as well, as i recall him hearing about them much later in the book)


my second (and last) gripe is still in Kingslanding and is dealing with Roberts bastards. correct me if i'm wrong, but i only remember two bastards in Kingslanding, the babe in the brothel and Gendry. the rest we're spread out in the Kingdom. nor do i recall Robert having a bastard around every corner like the episode made it seem. also, the order to kill all of Roberts bastards was never so open and public, i recall it being secret, as to not flame the rumor of incest.


They've only got so much time to tell the story, I feel they did these just to move things along, create more on-screen tension with more bastards being killed at once (instead of stretching it out and adding another tangent of hunting them) and to cement the others' movites for claiming the throne. The way the storyline jumps around, they don't want to confuse the audience, so it's easier to just have everyone know about these things at around the same time.

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i mean, Caster looks liek a southern lord, all fat and clean shaven and with a head of hair; not like his farm has been suffereing because of the approaching Winter. i guess my beef is that he looked too clean ya know; i pictured him to be a grungy looking thing of a "man" (and i use the word Man very loosely btw).

I agree

his attitude was perfect but his look was a little off


Danny ... tbh, i'm no longer as thrilled by her plot line as i once was (totlaly GRRM's fault, not HBOs). i still enjoy seeing the dragons, though i take major issue of her caging them and with us only seeing Drogon and not the other 2.

have you read all the books so far?

if not major spoiler in my spoiler so don't read if you care

and if you have read then you already know


in later books she literally chains them up and locks them away underground

this is part of the reason I hate Dany

she's the mother of dragons? what kind of mother is she that she'd lock away her children eh?

she just never treated her dragons right



Starks. first i want to say i was thoroughly impressed by the CGI with Greywolf :happy: i got goosebumps as the direwolf stalked around the cage. Jamie was 100% OUTSTANDING!! i love his arrogant pompous attitude even when being a captive and the mind games he was trying to play with Rob. this scene was a great addition to the series; though we never read anything like this happening, you have to know it did at some point in time. however, i dislike how childish the whole exchange made Rob seem. imo, Robs character wouldn't have entered into that slight pissing contest with Jamie, it was very uncharacteristic of him imo. the only complaint i have with Jamie is the fear they had him show against Greywolf; cannon Jamie would have smirked and made some comment about "yeah your brave since i'm tied up boy." not cringed away from the beast.

gotta agree with this

I may be biased since Jaime is probably my favorite character in the series but I don't feel like he'd have flinched from Grey Wind

he's (supposedly) not afraid of death and he knows his value as a prisoner

why would he be afraid? especially of the honorable Ned Starks son?

I dunno just doesn't add up imo


Joffery ... why is HBO giving the boy more balls than what he had in the books. yes he's arrogant enough, yes he's got the childishness, but the whole added scene in the throne room ... it didn't sit well with me. imo, HBO is trying to play Joff up less as the boy-child that he is in the books and more like an adolescent man whose just got a mean streak in him but could be a competint (yet tyranical) ruler. i am glad they finally introduced (however briefly) his siblings though. Thomas didn't look nearly as plump as he should have been though, but Myrcelle was perfect.

I think his attitude toward Cersei is...very off

Joffrey is a mommy's boy


also Tommen and Myrcella were in season 1

although I think these are different actors? they seem much older

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Not sure if I posted this in other thread but here are the synopsis from the next 4 episodes.





Episode #12: “The Night Lands”


Debut: SUNDAY, APRIL 8 (9:00-10:00 p.m.)


In the wake of a bloody purge in the capital, Tyrion chastens Cersei for alienating the king’s subjects. On the road north, Arya shares a secret with Gendry, a Night’s Watch recruit. With supplies dwindling, one of Dany's scouts returns with news of their position. After nine years as a Stark ward, Theon Greyjoy reunites with his father Balon, who wants to restore the ancient Kingdom of the Iron Islands. Davos enlists Salladhor Saan, a pirate, to join forces with Stannis and Melisandre for a naval invasion of King’s Landing. Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss; directed by Alan Taylor.


Episode #13: “What Is Dead May Never Die”


Debut: SUNDAY, APRIL 15 (9:00-10:00 p.m.)


At the Red Keep, Tyrion plots three alliances through the promise of marriage. Catelyn arrives in the Stormlands to forge an alliance of her own. But King Renly, his new wife Margaery and her brother Loras Tyrell have other plans. At Winterfell, Luwin tries to decipher Bran’s dreams. Written by Bryan Cogman; directed by Alik Sakharov.


Episode #14: “Garden of Bones”


Debut: SUNDAY, APRIL 22 (9:00-10:00 p.m.)


Joffrey punishes Sansa for Robb’s victories, while Tyrion and Bronn scramble to temper the king’s cruelty. Catelyn entreats Stannis and Renly to forego their ambitions and unite against the Lannisters. Dany and her exhausted khalasar arrive at the gates of Qarth, a prosperous city with strong walls and rulers who greet her outside them. Tyrion coerces a queen’s man into being his eyes and ears. Arya and Gendry are taken to Harrenhal, where their lives rest in the hands of “The Mountain,” Gregor Clegane. Davos must revert to his old ways and smuggle Melisandre into a secret cove. Written by Vanessa Taylor; directed by David Petrarca.


Episode #15: “The Ghost of Harrenhal”


Debut: SUNDAY, APRIL 29 (9:00-10:00 p.m.)


The end of the Baratheon rivalry drives Catelyn to flee and Littlefinger to act. At King’s Landing, Tyrion’s source alerts him to Joffrey’s flawed defense plan and a mysterious secret weapon. Theon sails to the Stony Shore to prove he’s worthy to be called Ironborn. In Harrenhal, Arya receives a promise from Jaqen H’ghar, one of three prisoners she saved from the Gold Cloaks. The Night’s Watch arrive at the Fist of the First Men, an ancient fortress where they hope to stem the advance of the wildling army. Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss; directed by David Petrarca.




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my short responses to the Episodes Emp, in a non-spoiler way


Epi 12 - ASHA!!!!


Epi 13 - Jerry!! Jerry!! Jerry!!


Epi 14 - Hax fav epi lmao


Epi 15 - you know nothing Jon Snow!!!



i think i'm most looking forward to epis 12 and 15 out of that line up ^^ and it seems like they are moving through book two rather fast, judging from the synopsis the Battle of Black Water should be episode 16 or 17 then o.0




Nol - yes i've read all 5 books, though i haven't read 1-4 in about 2 years so i'm due for a re-read. i 100% agree with what you said and this is why i say GRRM has made Danny's arc just unenjoyable for me


(don't read the spoiler if you haven't read DwD)



less so for how she treats the dragons and more so for how dull and whiny she becomes and how she just stalls out after taking over the last city. i'm hoping that with her getting another Khal behind her (or at least thats how i think it will play out given they have swords and horses and she has Drogon, the baddest BAMF of her three dragons :laugh:


but... my fav scene from DwD still remains to be the part where she jumps on in the slavers pit and dominates Drogon and rides off on his back. i could literally feel the dragons breath on my face while reading that part :happy:


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Haven't read the books, but plan to. So I don't really know what's going to happen, but I LOVE Dany. Mostly b/c of the dragons.....but I just like her.


And more Jon Snow, please.



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D/L ep 2 right now

will edit in comments after I watch


edit: alright I watched the episode

spoilers spoilers spoilers!




scene by scene

Arya: Jaqen H'ghar is cooler than I thought he'd be.

Tyrion/Cersei: Cersei feels....fake in her scene. The joke about too many kings seems forced I dunno.

Sam/Jon: Nightswatch blah blah blah

Dany: I can already see where this is going. We're going to spend at least half the season in the desert doing nothing with her.

Theon: Wow uhhh they found a girl that really does that ship captains daughter justice. That was well done.

Littlefinger: Ewwwwwwww. Also this scene seems entirely unnecessary.

Tyrion: I like Slynt a lot more in the show than I did in the book. Also Peter Dinklage is on top of his game right here with the quips.

Arya: Yeah yeah I know you're boring until you get to Harenhal.

Theon/Asha: The whole scene with Asha (I refuse to call her Yara HBO.) wasn't as gross as in the books but it's still cringeworthy. At least he wasn't talking about her milk.

Theon/Balon: I kinda like Balon. Too bad he's a dick. Like son like father I guess?

Davos: Salladhor Saan is pretty cool.

Tyrion: So they're making Joffrey to be the really bad guy here? I guess Cersei will have her time to shine later...

Stannis: Oooohhh naked Melisandre. Nice.

Jon: Blah blah blah Craster killing babies.



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From the interviews I've read, as part of the adaptation process they're moving things from Book 3 into season 2, and pushing some things from Book 2 into season 3... although Season 1 was pretty much solidly based on Book 1, it's not going to work out that way from now on. They're considering the run of the show overall as adapting all of the Song of Ice and Fire series (if they're lucky enough to keep going without being canceled).

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It does make sense to not have a 'time gap' of 6 months between all the events on going on TV. People had hard enough time following Lost. And HBO isn't your 'lost' fandom.. I mean, that much skinavision? Half of them are just watching it for the boobies! :tongue:

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Awesome episode! The show just keeps getting better and better.


My only beef is

they call Asha Yarra instead. Anyone know why?



I'm really liking the character development of Gendry. And Jaqen (sp?) was awesome. Totally just like I imagined him! Same for Balon, absolutely perfect!

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Awesome episode! The show just keeps getting better and better.


My only beef is

they call Asha Yarra instead. Anyone know why?




they thought it would be too confusing having an Osha and an Asha as minor characters

. Yeah. Lame reason.

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okay, so lets take this bit by bit.



Danny's scene seemed pointless, i think Nol is right and we'll be seeing most of Danny's stuff either closer to the end or this seasion (all lumped into a few episodes) or they'll push it into next season (ie: Season 2 focusing on Kingslanding and beyond the wall / Season 3 focusing on events across the narrow sea). goign with the later makes more sense as far as time line wise and character developement, and atleast Danny's story line is still interesting imo (atleast until we get to later books). still, i would have preferred maybe some of Winterfell or more of the Iron Islands rather than throwing in Danny to the mix.



Theon. i agree, the actress that played the ship captians daughter did her justice. this scene, imo, was perfect. both to Theons character and to the captians daughter. Ahsa (and again, i'm NOT calling her Narya, she sounds like a flipping dire wolf with that stupid name anyways!) OTOH, i was NOT impressed with. first thing is i pictured her with jet black hair and to be alot more pretty than that, her looks were rather bland and unremarkable imo. the horse ride into town started off great; however, my compliments end there.


imo, this scene is one of the funniest in Book 2; i was really looking forward to the look of utter shock and embarassement on Theons face when he learns the woman he just fondled is his sister. instead the graze over that entire part like it's nothing. other than that, i think they did great with Theon's father.



Stannis. i could have really done without the sex scene. wrinkled old man arse is not something i enjoy seeing; they could have atleast done the decent thing and panned away from it, maybe shown the scene through flickering shadows instead :laugh: and considering the plot line here, the flickering shadows would have been an awesome use of foreshadowing imo. the Onion Knight is once again quickly becomming one of my fav characters in the show :happy:



Tyrion, spot on as usual. i can't help but grin everytime i see him waddle onto the screen :laugh:



Cersie :dry: they did a bit better with her this go around, with the whole comment about Tyrion killing their mother; but once again their milking the sympathetic angle with the whole "oh so it was Joff who gave the order to have Roberts bastards killled". yes Joff is the major villian at this point (at least the one in the forefront) but ....



if they keep putting emphasis on Joff being the villian and keep building Cersie as the sympathetic one; then when Joff bites the dust their going to struggle to have Cersie replace him as the villian in Kingslanding. hopefully in this season, we'll begin to see them drop the entire sympathetic angle




Littlefinger .... can i just say, i'm glad their starting to show the villianis side of him. in the book, we've already begun to dislike Littlefinger; yet in the TV show, HBO has lacked this sort of character developement on him from book 1. so while i'm with Emp on the fact that the sex scene, mainly the extent of the sex scene, was un-needed; i'm glad that their showcasing the more .... dispicable, shall we say, side of Littlefinger.



Arya/Gendry. this entire scene was EXCELLENT!! the three criminals in the cage are perfect, especially Bitter :happy: i also agree that Jaquen was spot on. the only real complaint i have is that Gendry doesn't have the build to be a blacksmiths apprentace, but thats a small complaint honestly. yes, the fan girl in my still thinks Arya and Gendry would make a good couple, once Arya gets a bit older *nods*



and last, Casters place. the actress for Gilly is perfect, i love where they ended it and how they ended it. i only hope that the scene wasn't so vauge that people who haven't read the series can understand exactly whats happening to Casters sons.

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