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What uses for the power can you think of, that aren't being explored in the books so far?


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This is just a fun little thread, where you can outline ways of using the source, that it isnt done yet.


Bonus points for funny ideas.


My ideas:

- Mailboxes with tied off gateways of 1x1 foot or less, that drops the letter in a similar box in another city. I.e. want to send a letter from Caemlyn to Tear? Drop it in the Blue letter box, and it will instantly drop out of the similar box in tear. Each city would have its own boxes with its livery on.


- Same concept, but for indoor toilets. Only the endpoint would be some random place in the waste.

Instant sewerage.

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LOL, fertilize that s***. The puns are boundless with that one. Maybe the fertilization of the Waste's soil could combat the desertification there?

Same concept, but for indoor toilets. Only the endpoint would be some random place in the waste.

Instant sewerage.


Those poor Aiel, always getting pooped on. Why not the middle of the ocean, or down the caldera of Dragonmount or something like that? I was thinking about suggesting putting them over the Bore in Shayol Ghul, cause if anybody deserves it, it's the Dark One, but he'd probably have a fade or trolloc stick a sword or polearm up there from time to time, and that would be an unpleasant surprise while you're sitting there reading the Caemlyn Times.


And where's the Cuendillar armor? Egwene and a whole bunch of other Aes Sedai and Accepted and even Novices know how to make the stuff. They should be setting up their whole army and the Tower Guard with that stuff. And you'd think Zen Rand would know how to make it too, teach his Aes Sedai and Asha'man, and start outfitting his trolloc fodder too.


Hmm, could you open a gateway inside a volcano and pour the magma contents all over shayol Ghoul burying the entire thing in 30 feet of lava?



Like the idea about the armor.


New idea: Set up two gateways horisontally so they form a portal (the game) setup, where you drop a stone into the lower, it drops out of the upper and into the lower again, gaining speed, until it has terminal velocity, then change the top gateway into the vertical, and shoot that giant boulder 50 miles.


It wouldn't work, Thras, cuendillar can't bend, so you could never get it on or off, and you couldn't fight effectively while wearing it. That is why we don't simply have soliders wear very thick armor, we have materials that cans top bullets but they are useless because they restrict mobility completely.


Hmm, Create a gateway to behind the enemy when they attack you, so they end up hitting themselves with their own attacks. Ohh, and just make nice stone boxes for trolloc legions. I don't think they will do well trying to get through a 50 ft wall of solid stone on all sides.

cuendillar can't bend


Neither does steal, yet knights wore platemail...


I've always wondered why channelers don't just maintain a constant shield of solid air in any combat situation, given the description of how powerful most of them are it shouldn't be a problem, and then they could just sit back and blast away at any non-channeling enemies with impunity.

  On 4/1/2012 at 9:08 PM, Azrayne said:

Neither does steal, yet knights wore platemail...



That's where you're wrong. Steel can bend, it just takes quite a bit of energy to do so. Heartstone literally cannot bend.


I'm also thinking there should be a whole adult market to explore assisted with the power of the source...


High priced escorts with .... special... services.

  On 4/1/2012 at 9:20 PM, Ala Rubra said:
  On 4/1/2012 at 9:08 PM, Azrayne said:

Neither does steal, yet knights wore platemail...



That's where you're wrong. Steel can bend, it just takes quite a bit of energy to do so. Heartstone literally cannot bend.


Ok, you're talking about bending it to make the armor? I was wondering why someone would want their armor to bend...


Anyway, they could easily just forge the armor out of iron/steel whatever it is the cuendillar precursor is, then convert it, same way Egwene/Rebel Aes Sedai did.

  On 4/1/2012 at 9:08 PM, Azrayne said:
cuendillar can't bend


Neither does steal, yet knights wore platemail...


I've always wondered why channelers don't just maintain a constant shield of solid air in any combat situation, given the description of how powerful most of them are it shouldn't be a problem, and then they could just sit back and blast away at any non-channeling enemies with impunity.


I think a shield like that keeps in as well as keeps out.



I did like the idea of the mailboxes though.

  On 4/1/2012 at 9:33 PM, Misheru Sedai said:
  On 4/1/2012 at 9:08 PM, Azrayne said:
cuendillar can't bend


Neither does steal, yet knights wore platemail...


I've always wondered why channelers don't just maintain a constant shield of solid air in any combat situation, given the description of how powerful most of them are it shouldn't be a problem, and then they could just sit back and blast away at any non-channeling enemies with impunity.


I think a shield like that keeps in as well as keeps out.



I did like the idea of the mailboxes though.


Again, no more than steel. You don't take platemail off by bending it, it's tied up with straps and knots.


And there's always chainmail.


You'd have to do each piece of chain separately, and then how would you link 'em? Remember the harbor chain in Tar Valon was a single piece after it had been turned. You'd really only be able to do plate armor and helmets. But still, they should be doing that much.

  On 4/1/2012 at 9:26 PM, Azrayne said:

Ok, you're talking about bending it to make the armor? I was wondering why someone would want their armor to bend...


Anyway, they could easily just forge the armor out of iron/steel whatever it is the cuendillar precursor is, then convert it, same way Egwene/Rebel Aes Sedai did.


No, I wasn't. Steel armor protects in two ways: First, by preventing cutting/piercing of the thing behind it, which Heartstone obviously can do perfectly. Secondly, however, it protects by deforming under the force of the attack, absorbing much of this force before it reaches the thing behind it. Heartstone cannot do this, because it cannot bend/deform. All of the force of the attack will go straight through the armor. With that said, however, Heartstone would somewhat mitigate the damage the force would cause by spreading the force over a greater area.


(Disclaimer: I am not an expert on either physics or armor.)


That's a good point, but isn't cuendillar specifically stated to 'absorb' incoming forces? Not sure how that would translate into actual use as armor, but I doubt anyone in Randland would say no to a suit if you offered it.

  On 4/1/2012 at 9:03 PM, Soraz said:

Hmm, could you open a gateway inside a volcano and pour the magma contents all over shayol Ghoul burying the entire thing in 30 feet of lava?


You are not thinking big enough. RJ mentioned that circles of 72 can reach other star systems. Should be easy enough then for Rand to open one gateway at SG, and the other at the center of the sun. If the Sun is similar to ours, Moridin and his forces would quickly experience the effects of being connected to a temperature of (according to Wikipedia) about 1.57×107 K. Since Moridin had a fireplace going during both his dream meeting with Rand and the real meeting with Graendal, the poor guy is obviously feeling cold. Rand would really be doing him a favour to warm him up a bit.


I confess I have no idea what effect connecting the atmosphere of a planet with a center of a star would have, but I figure so long as Rand kept the connection small enough and brief enough, he would not destroy the entire planet, just all of Blight.


There's other threads about how uncreative the characters are even with things we've seen them do let alone say all the horrible things you can do in battle with small bubbles of air in the wrong places or with small cutting edges (like Asmo's trap for Rand at Rhuidean's fog/shield).


Cuendillar armor is pretty easy: just leave places to attach straps (loops or holes) like our metal armor has.


  On 4/1/2012 at 11:55 PM, Datakim said:
  On 4/1/2012 at 9:03 PM, Soraz said:

Hmm, could you open a gateway inside a volcano and pour the magma contents all over shayol Ghoul burying the entire thing in 30 feet of lava?


You are not thinking big enough. RJ mentioned that circles of 72 can reach other star systems. Should be easy enough then for Rand to open one gateway at SG, and the other at the center of the sun. If the Sun is similar to ours, Moridin and his forces would quickly experience the effects of being connected to a temperature of (according to Wikipedia) about 1.57×107 K. Since Moridin had a fireplace going during both his dream meeting with Rand and the real meeting with Graendal, the poor guy is obviously feeling cold. Rand would really be doing him a favour to warm him up a bit.


I confess I have no idea what effect connecting the atmosphere of a planet with a center of a star would have, but I figure so long as Rand kept the connection small enough and brief enough, he would not destroy the entire planet, just all of Blight.

Gateways have a number of issues, unless the air pressure is the exact same on both sides, you have a hurricane (think explosive decompression times a ton). Yah, author probably didn't think of it :) Stars are weird, sure it's ~5kK on the "surface," but it's not dense enough to heat much, radiation/gravity are bigger problems. Deeper into the star, it's that + other dangerous stuff...not exactly sure what would happen, but it would probaby threaten the planet.


Yeah I'm fairly sure that even a few moments of exposing the planet's surface directly to the sun would cause irreversible damage to, it not outright destroy, the planet.


Remember the harbor cains when they turned to Cuendillar? The trouble is that it doesn't quite keep its shape when it is changed and it "sticks" to anything in contact with it. Also, we don't know how heavy it is, but based on the descriptions we have had, a suit of armor of it would probably crush the poor guy who tried to wear it.


You could make the plate armor arbitrarily thin, like foil thin. In fact, it doesn't even need to be plate at all. You could weave the shape of a breastplate or helmet with a thin iron wire and mold it around a form, then flash the whole thing into one piece of cuendillar and tie it on like a normal plate or stuff it with padding like a normal helmet. It doesn't need to deform to absorb force because all the force put into hitting it just makes it stronger, not being transmitted to the soldier wearing it. And even if it is incapable of deformation to absorb some of the force of a blow, it's also incapable of shattering, breaking or bending in any way, like a sheet of metal could.


I would create atomic sized explosions out of compressed air and a spark at the middle. I would also super heat a piece of rock and drop it on someones head and watch it melt it's way through the entire body of the poor fella. I would make razor edged blasts of wind. I would open a very large gateway to outer space above the enemy battalion and dump them all in space. Just a few I woulds with the power.


p.s I would also figure out a way to create the right settings to start fusing atoms and creating new elements and manipulating them to create powerfull miasmas of death.


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