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My lovely minions.....


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There are dark times ahead for us. The storm is coming and we must prepare for it. Changes will be occurring to implement the best way to face that storm. I can't go into detail yet but the changes start soon.. With the last book coming this was a neccessary evil. There is nothing to be done....

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Rey, seriously, take that effen crap to the Staff boards.

You haven't even been active in SG long enough to bitch like that.


You know DM goes through changes all the time.


Sorry to see this happening, Nae, but I will help as much as I can.

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*Strums a guitar and thinks of a certain Ozzy song*


We're going through changeeeeesss....where can I run to? what more can I do. Living for dieing stabbing.....dieing stabbing just for you.. Lala lala!


*Sees all the weird looks* Oh, sorry. Sometimes I get carried away. O_o

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I'm pretty sure it's a site merger (just a theory) with another site but I wish the staff would just tell us instead of just the vague "changes" my bigest complaint is the lack of complete information passed down ahead of time it's my hunch that the lack of information is why there are people who won't come back. I know I haven't been on DM long but I have volunteered for almost every single thing that has come up. (been turned down mostly but still tried) I dislike the lack of trust there is towards the members to be able to handle whatever the changes are like adults.

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There's no use getting angry about it. The people who own and run this site will do what they will do. I'll stick around unless they like, abolish DM completely.



But if they do... isn't that what we want?



I have won again, Lews Therin.



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If it was a site merge like what EP is guessing then that would just mean more activity on whatever site we end up on... you know? Especially if it's like Tarvalon where a lot of the people are already on both sites... the only problem I would have with that is the difficulty of settling who gets what display name if two people have the same one. And I'd want to be able to keep watching topics, I had a hard time figuring that out on TarValon :P


What ever is going on I'm sure it'll be fine. I plan on still being active after the last book as well. *Is a site hermit*

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