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It's Spring!


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This has been a beautiful weekend. Both Friday and Saturday were in the lower eighties and today has been warm even though it's been overcast.


It's our turn for nice weather, you under-earthers. Hand it over.

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So it's autumn for people who walk upsidedown from the South?

You call March-April-May Autumn and September-October-November Spring?


Nyanna :laugh: As there are more and more snow every day, I'll go find some lambs and calves maybe there is something looking like Spring :dry:


I usually put my dog on my legs she helps a lot to keep me warm :happy:


yes we do, Kuka :biggrin: Although personally, where I live we have about a month of Autumn and a month of spring and the rest is Winter and summer :tongue:


This Summer has been *super* dry, it's usually our rainy season, so it's not a good omen.


It's back down to the 40s-50s (or around 5-10 degrees if you're not American :P ) today >.>


*goes back to the hot chocolate* I've missed you, old friend :)

  On 3/25/2012 at 8:19 PM, Aiel Heart said:

FLOWERS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! BUDS ON THE TREES!!!!!!!! *Spins around before collapsing on the springy grass* (heheheh.... no pun intended...)

Agree! Spring for me is after the snow melts and I start seeing buds on the trees and new shoots pushing up through the ground. Rain washes the smell of winter away, and I can stop wearing my snow boots to and from work! LOL

  On 3/26/2012 at 6:05 PM, Aiel Heart said:

It's back down to the 40s-50s (or around 5-10 degrees if you're not American :P ) today >.>


*goes back to the hot chocolate* I've missed you, old friend :)


Where did spring go? I was getting so used to the nice weather...it better come back soon!

  On 3/27/2012 at 12:28 AM, Razen said:
  On 3/26/2012 at 6:05 PM, Aiel Heart said:

It's back down to the 40s-50s (or around 5-10 degrees if you're not American :P ) today >.>


*goes back to the hot chocolate* I've missed you, old friend :)


Where did spring go? I was getting so used to the nice weather...it better come back soon!

Odd that we have the same weather changes even though I'm a good 12 hours away :P


Where exactly are you located? I've been meaning to ask, seeing as you are somewhere here in the Midwest.


Spring and Autumn provide the not too hot and the not too cold weather.

Spring provides the hayfever, Autumn does too but not to any great extent.


I thought it was getting cooler here but it is still pretty warm today.


It's only around 27 (-3) degrees right now >.> ALL OF MY FLOWERS ARE GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and it's only supposed to get up to around 55 (12) degrees today *pouts*


Razen, I don't know how, but somehow this is your fault <.<


Whoever has the Bowl of Winds in hiding around the midwest hasn't guarded it very well throughout the years. >.>


The Midwest: where the forecast is made up and the seasons don't matter!!!!

  On 3/27/2012 at 12:16 PM, Aiel Heart said:

Razen, I don't know how, but somehow this is your fault <.<


Whoever has the Bowl of Winds in hiding around the midwest hasn't guarded it very well throughout the years. >.>


The Midwest: where the forecast is made up and the seasons don't matter!!!!

So true!


And Razen...I'm about an hour south of you. :p

  On 3/27/2012 at 2:03 PM, Rhea said:
  On 3/27/2012 at 12:16 PM, Aiel Heart said:

Razen, I don't know how, but somehow this is your fault <.<


Whoever has the Bowl of Winds in hiding around the midwest hasn't guarded it very well throughout the years. >.>


The Midwest: where the forecast is made up and the seasons don't matter!!!!

So true!


And Razen...I'm about an hour south of you. :p


I third the bolded blue.


An hour south? That's awesome!


Yep...I live in Rochester. So about an hour south, depending on where in the cities you are. :)


Nice! Are you near Dinkytown? The Peace Garden adjacent to there has a statue of my sister, Jean. Maybe you've seen it?


It is VERY windy today down here. Crazy. Warming up again too. I love it. :)


I am very close to Dinkytown. I haven't seen the Peace Garden, but I will definitely go looking for it the next time I explore the Cities a little bit more.


It is VERY windy today - I had an adventure walking over the river this morning. And yay for warm weather!

  On 3/27/2012 at 2:35 AM, Razen said:

Where exactly are you located? I've been meaning to ask, seeing as you are somewhere here in the Midwest.

Missed this before. I am somewhere within the 12 hour sweep of you still within the midwest :P Aren't I helpful?


Where I am depends on the time of year. My school and home are 4 hours away from each other and then my family travels a lot. I'm everywhere >.> <.<


It's always windy here. It's windier here than in Chicago I swear!!! Silly flat land (there you get another not very helpful hint :P )


I am too - my home is about 5 hours from the Twin Cities, on the other side of Wisconsin.


Judging by the wind and flat, I'm guessing you are in Kansas. Or maybe Ohio.


You skipped the three I's--Indiana, Illinois and Iowa are overall all rather flat as well. Some hilly areas, but then again the Cincinnati area of Ohio is VERY hilly.


Where is Heart? In the Heartland :D (well... Depending on which definition of "Heartland" you're using... It can also mean the South... Silly term having multiple meanings :P )


Go through Wisconsin a lot then? Ever driven through Tomah? It's kinda in south central Wisconsin. I have family there too :P


I have family in Sparta, which is close to Tomah. But I have not driven through Tomah - I'm more northern than that. I'm from around Green Bay originally.


Regarding the I's - so true. I sometimes make fun of my sister (who lives in Illinois) by calling her a flatlander. But it's all in jest - as she's originally from Wisconsin as well.


Ah ok. I've gone through Green Bay once in my memory. The coast is really pretty!!!


That was a fun drive..... Was going up to the UP of Michigan


I grew up where it was hilly.... Lots of flat here.... it bugs me... >.> <.<


Anyway, back to the weather report: IT'S GONNA STAY YUCKY!!!!!!


This is my least favorite temperature range. Not cold enough for snow and not warm enough to be warm >.> *pout*


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