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Do the Ways go to Seanchan?


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There are Ogier Guards in the Seanchan army, so the Ogier must have interacted with them at some point in time. It might be possible that the Ways once connected the mainland to Seanchan. If the Ways go to Seanchan and the Trollocs are using the Ways then the Trollocs will probably invade Seanchan unless they think of it the way they do the Aiel Waste or the former city the Rand destroyed while cleansing the source. I tried searching this topic with no luck.


Do you think the Ways go to Seanchan?


Will the Trollocs go to Seanchan?


If Seanchan has to deal with Trollocs, how will this affect Rand's need for their help at the Last Battle?


Just curious.


The Ways don't go to Seanchan, or there would have been easy interaction with the Seanchan continent until 500 years ago when they went dark. The Ways were still safe during Hawkwing's time. It appears as though the Aes Sedai who made the Ways were on the Randland continent, and the Ogier only grew Ways to stedding they found on foot. And so they were limited to the one continent.


I have no idea, but that is an awesome question...


The Ogier there are different though.. they are warriors and their steddings may also be different.


The steddings arent diferent to the steddings in Randland, it's the Ogier themselves that are different to the Randland Ogier. I cant find the link, but it was word of RJ that the Ogier in Seanchan arent afflicted with the longing. The Seanchan continent had so many Stedding after the Breaking that the Ogier found them much eariler than their Randland cousins. I'd like to know more about their culture to contrast it to what we know of the Randland Ogier, but it seems they had enough contact with the Seanchan humans to have an almost totaly diferent culture. I think we'll find out more about the Ogier in AMoL, but no there has been no contact with the Seanchan contenent with the Ways. If there had been, there would have been no need for the High King to sail his troops there.


So with the exception of Seanchan darkfriends (there are darkfriends everywhere, even among the Aiel) and whatever Shadow forces that find a way to Skim or Travel, Seanchan should be a place for R & R (rest and relaxation) for the Light troops during the Last Battle. No Trollocs. If, that is, IF the Seanchan Empress, may she live forever, allows it. Interesting.


Not an ideal place for R&R. There is a massive civil war taking place, while a murderer openly sits upon the Crystal Throne.


There are indeed portal stones on the continent. That is how the grolm where introduced to Seanchan.

There are indeed portal stones on the continent. That is how the grolm where introduced to Seanchan.

That's how they were introduced to Randland, but they were most likely introduced during the Age of Legends, and they simply didn't survive on the Randland continent.


I am fairly certain that the grolm and other exotic creatures were brought via the portal stones only on the Seanchan continent, as stated in the BWB. Of course some of the things written in the BWB are not entirely factual. In this case it makes more sense than the exotic animals were brought from mirror worlds during the AOL, but "died out" in the Westlands.


I am fairly certain that the grolm and other exotic creatures were brought via the portal stones only on the Seanchan continent, as stated in the BWB.

You are correct. I thought I looked it up, but apparently not.


Of course some of the things written in the BWB are not entirely factual. In this case it makes more sense than the exotic animals were brought from mirror worlds during the AOL, but "died out" in the Westlands.

I made the assumption partly because of Lanfear's familiarity with the creatures.


Not an ideal place for R&R. There is a massive civil war taking place, while a murderer openly sits upon the Crystal Throne.



Not to mention total chaos all over the continent. Almost like Tarabon had at the worst.


Although let's be honest, when was the last time a murderer did not sit on the Crystal Throne? :)


Kind of related, but kind of not-related...

Are we to assume that at the opening of the Book of Translation the entire global Ogier population would be relocated or only those within its general proximity (like going through a Traveling gate)?

I can't wait to see what happens when a Seanchan Ogier and a mainland Ogier meet - that could potentially be one Stump not to miss (personally, I think the Seanchan Ogier would want to stay due to their obvious participation in the Seanchan government whereas the mainland ones with their clandestine nature would decide to leave the humans to their own...Could this inspire an Ogier war/interfighting?).


Kind of related, but kind of not-related...

Are we to assume that at the opening of the Book of Translation the entire global Ogier population would be relocated or only those within its general proximity (like going through a Traveling gate)?

I can't wait to see what happens when a Seanchan Ogier and a mainland Ogier meet - that could potentially be one Stump not to miss (personally, I think the Seanchan Ogier would want to stay due to their obvious participation in the Seanchan government whereas the mainland ones with their clandestine nature would decide to leave the humans to their own...Could this inspire an Ogier war/interfighting?).


Cant believe I didnt think of this. Now I have another thing to look forward to in AMoL.


There are ogres in Seanchan, so there are probably steddings.....So most likely the ways do go there.

Sorry. That is not how it works. Yes there are stedding in Seanchan, but as the elders of the Westlands have not been to Seanchan, they have not "grown" any waygates on that continent. Waygates are not naturally occurring, they are created.


Are there darkfriends among the Ogier? If there can be Aiel darkfriends why not Ogier? Or, for that matter, Tuatha'an (Tinkers)? Oops... drifted off subject... sorry. :rolleyes:


Back to the Ways.


My understanding of the WOT time line gets fuzzy. I've read every book five+ times and I still have trouble keeping it all straight. Right now I can't remember whether the Ways were already established by the time of Hawkwing. Or if they were already tainted. As I remember the story, Hawkwing did not simply pick up his army and move to Seanchan. They were an expeditionary force of some kind who simply never returned for a couple of thousand years. It makes sense that if Hawkwing didn't really know that he was moving to Seanchan, then the Ways were either not made yet or they had not gone to Seanchan. Unless the Seanchan exit was forgotten or something. My guess is to agree with the post that said they don't go there.


As for the R & R thought, ANYPLACE away from the Last Battle will be restful. Knowing that there will be no trolloc attack will make Seanchan more relaxing regardless of their internal strife. Maybe the Empress, may she live forever, will set up a special area for the troops of the Light to let their hair down... a few at a time... she wouldn't want too many soldiers hanging out at a time... not enough booze and women to go around!!! :biggrin:


Thanks for the comments.





A stedding does not necessarily have a Waygate in it, originally/prior to the Trolloc Wars when the Ways

were safe.

That being said, with knowledge of minimally the Aiel Waste (too arid for a stedding)

and Shara (of which we do not know its topography/geography; I get the gist of sand, from the saying)

I cannot understand why the mainland Ogier would not attempt to make new Ways (they had the means with

the several *angreal involved) to at least Shara. Seanchan was not in their range of sight/knowledge,

so that explains that to a certain extent.

As far as Darkfriend Ogier, I suppose its possible though I thought they were to be the Light's Trolloc

plotwise; if you remember the Ogier also had tried to make it to Malkier/Manetheren. As far as Hawkwing goes, I don't think he would readily threaten the Ogier and force them to use the Ways (despite them already being turned) - their participation in anything other than the Trolloc Wars/anything related to the Battle between Light and Dark

makes me think they maintained their secretive nature when it came to imperial expansionism.


Yes, the Ways were established shorty after and during the latter part of the Breaking. The Talismans of Growing were gifted to the Ogier by the remaining male channelers who sought refuge in the stedding for a time, hoping to hold off the taint. The Ways themselves are created entirely by Saidin, which is what led to their eventual corruption. However, the Westlands Ogier at least have a tradition of not involving themselves in human conflicts, they would have been unlikely to join Luthair's Seanchan expedition; Eldar Haman specifically notes that they did not participate in the following War of the Hundred Years, it seems unlikely they would have participated in the Unification either. If they had, then likely they would have brought a Talisman with them in order to have a path back to their stedding. After all, they could not have known that the Seanchan Islands were more densly populated with stedding than the Westlands, or indeed had any stedding at all. There was a Trolloc invasion during the later part of Hawkwing's reign, however, which occurred prior to the Seanchan expedition, so some, probably younger Ogier may have joined Hawkwing's armies to turn that invasion back, then stayed on to help with the expedition, but it seems unlikely that they would agree to take a trip they would have no reason to believe they would survive.


The Ways were established post-Breaking as mentioned above by male channelers who thus, gave the Westland Ogiers short-cuts between their steddings.

The Seanchan continental area had many more steddings. So Seanchan Ogier never had the Longing issues of the Westland Ogiers.

As far as we know, there are no Way connections between Westland and Seanchan. Almost certainly there aren't - Ogiers are long-lived and keep records. They would know of each other's existence and have maintained contact until at least the Ways got corrupted a few 100 years ago.


RJ confirmed that Ogiers could be Darkfriends (they could also become Warders apparently so they're open to compulsion).

We know the Ogiers fought against the Shadow in the Trolloc Wars and the War of the Power so it's not

common for Ogier to side with the GloD ( vide Loail's speech to his mom/ Elder Haman at Emarin's Manor).


Hawkwing didn't go to Seanchan.

His son Luthair did.

The implication is that the Seanchan Gardeners were recruited from that continent, and not Wsstland allies of Hawkwing/ Luthair.


Are there darkfriends among the Ogier? If there can be Aiel darkfriends why not Ogier? Or, for that matter, Tuatha'an (Tinkers)? Oops... drifted off subject... sorry. :rolleyes:


We saw Tuatha'an at the Darkfriend Social in TGH.


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