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Favorite "Quiet" Scenes


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In EotW when rand finds out tam isnt his father

Lord Agelmars assessment of the boys is quite funny too

the various stories about 'I mean to slay the serpent' dealy (Aiel war party found slaughtered, mad man entering a stedding and blabbering on about it)

Dark Rand scenes when he puts cadsuane in her place

Light Rand scenes when he puts cadsuane in her place

When Tam tells off cadsuane

when Egg and Elayne try to teach rand how to channel, and he makes 7 different weaves, making them look like total tools

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To list a few: APPLES FIRST(i loved that entire chapter especially Almen bunt(sp?) tucking in his shirt even though he doesnt like it just because his dead wife would have wanted him to.) A CONVERSATION WITH THE DRAGON. In “the shadow rising“ where rand looks at callandor-after just being skewered by his own reflection- and thinks that with that in his hands even the forsaken would fear him but for now “he just wants to sit down and remember a shephered called Rand al‘Thor“ ,very moving. Also, Perrin sitting down and listening to Rand‘s recitation of the names of all the dead maidens after dumais wells.


Sorry for posting this here, I had a weird night well doing some computer work.. I came across this song and for a scary moment I was Mat hunting for the Gholam in Caemlyn.. Cold loney streets and a Mat on a mission..... Time To Toss the Dice..




Individual Improvement Strategy is the name of the song...


Way back early in TEOTW, Thom realizing how wide-eyed the kids are at seeing a gleeman , acts like a real jerk and makes fun of them by "talking over their heads."


Egwene catches on and calls him out on it. Thom is ashamed of himself and sincerely apologizes.


Nice moment.





I'm fond of Rand's relationship with the Maidens so there are countless little interactions that I like, but here's one example. The following is from ACoS when Rand is disguising himself as a prisoner to be able to enter Caemlyn under the radar. It takes place not long after his rescue at Dumai's Wells.


When Sulin stepped around in front of Rand, she took one look at

his face, and her breath caught. “They did this to you,” she said softly,

and reached for her heavy-bladed belt knife. A foot or more of steel, it

was almost a short-sword, though none but a fool would say that to an



“Pull up the hood,” Rand told her roughly. “The whole point of this

is that no one recognize me before I reach Bael and Bashere.” She

hesitated, peering into his eyes. “I said, pull it up,” he growled. Sulin

could kill most men with her bare hands, but her fingers were gentle

settling the hood around his face.


With a laugh Jalani snatched the hood down over his eyes. “Now

you can be sure no one will know you, Rand al’Thor. You must trust us

to guide your feet.” Several Maidens laughed.


Stiffening, he barely stopped short of seizing saidin. Barely. Lews

Therin snarled and gibbered. Rand forced himself to breathe normally. It

was not total darkness. He could see moonlight below the edge of the

hood. Even so, he stumbled when Sulin and Enaila took his arms and led

him forward.


“I thought you were old enough to walk better than that,” Enaila

murmured in mock surprise. Sulin’s hand moved. It took him a moment

to realize she was stroking his arm.


Nortune I could not agree more, I have always loved the relationship between Rand and the Maidens.. so many good parts, My throats constricting just thinking about them all...


...You will do well.

That cut like a cold razor.


"Why do you weep here alone, Rand al'Thor? I have heard that some wetlanders think it is shame to be seen weeping."


He glared at Sulin, standing in the doorway.






The one I love most i think is in the prolouge of ToM in the scene where they're in the tower on the Blightborder and the invasion begins. The father sends his son away as a messenger but the son gives his place to someone else then the father gives his son the sword to declare him a man earlier than he should. I can't remember the exact quote but I think it's something like "the sword is given to a boy when he becomes a man and it seems to me it's late in coming, because I see a man before me now" That part makes me tear up every time.


" A little while longer with them seeing only Rand al'Thor, But once He began moving. Best that they were afraid of him. Best that He forgot the Two Rivers. He wondered whether the mountain ever got lighter for a time, or only kept on getting heavier" [im such a nerd] I tear up so much with this books its riduclas, but I dont give two shakes of a fades eyes...... I need you DragonMounter's [No pun intended] Keep it safe, Keep it secret, Keep it sexy..


I don't know how "quiet" this scene actually was, but in TDR, when Mat meets the assassain... oh, what's-his-face... in Tear, plays with the loaded dice, wins, then kills him. I don't know why, but I've always liked this scene.


I just re-read Elayne and Egwene trying to talk to Rand about channeling in TSR...that was a great scene. I had to step back and read it not featuring three of the most powerful people in the world, but a bunch of teenage kids trying to figure how to use these new - and scary - powers that they just found out they had.


It would seem as though a lot of the innocence that that scene has been lost - where was the stubborn Egwene swearing to figure out how to work with men who could channel instead of treating them as semi-criminals to be "dealt with" instead of formed into allies when she was presented with the Black Tower?


I must be one of the few, but I liked all of Mat's scenes in Ebou Dar and the circus. But to pick out a couple, Mat betting at the race track was a nice touch. To often in books those types of scenes aren't allowed in or not thought to put in yet really fleshes out the world that yes, people do do things other than work and drink. Another moment was when Tuon offers to buy Mat's spear and he refuses, saying something along the lines of paying more than money for it. Another nice scene was in (I think) the begining of Fires of Heaven when Mat is gambling with the Aiel in Rhuidean and he hits the piece of wood with a knife blindfolded.


I gotta go with Mat, Thom, and Moiraine sitting around the fire after the big rescue. Specifically her reaction to Mat "accidentally" marrying the Daughter of the Nine Moons.


"You did what!?"


"It was an accident!"


Just doing my final re-read now, so here are some that stick out.


1. Tellings of the Wheel (EoTW). Moiraine's story about Manetheren outside of the Winespring Inn.

2. Eyes Without Pity (EoTW). Perrin decides he'll kill Egwene instead of letting the Ravens get her.

3. More Tales of the Wheel (EoTW). Lan's history is revealed at Fal Dara.

4. The Wheel Turns (EoTW). Loial makes sure the Blight will not have Treebrother.

5. The Wheel Weaves (tGH). Thom fines Dena murdered, and plots his revenge.

6. What Might Be (tGH). I have won again Lews Therin.

7. To Come Out of Shadow (tGH). Ingtar's reveal and sacrifice.

8. Jarra (tDR). Great scene with Moiraine and Perrin and Simion and Noal. Really touching.

9.10. The Road to the Spear/The Dedicated (tSR). Rand learns the history of the Aiel among the glass columns.

11. Beyond the Oak (tSR). Perrin grieves for his family.

12. The Far Snows (tFoH). Rand and Aviendha.

13. The Price of a Ship (tFoH). The price of acting w/out thinking. As usual in WoT, others pay of the main character's mistakes. This time, Nynaeve's.

14. Fading Words (tFoH). Rand reads Moraine's letter by himself, and has a talk with Sulin about the Maidens.


Don't know how many you think qualify, but those are the ones I can recall easily from the first five books that really don't invovle battle/climax scenes. I'm sure I missed some. And there is one chapter in tFoH where Birgitte is just giving it to both Elayne and Nynaeve that I absolutely love, but I can't remember the chapter title.


Also, from ToM, I really enjoyed the Shanna'har chapter with Faile and Perrin. She shows she's really gronw in that one.


another one is mat, thinking "bloody everything" in CoS....and also when merrilile faints "Dead away" on hearing Reanne age....


--Nynaeve's travels to the Borderlands to help rally support for Lan.


For some reason, I love this scene so much as well. I love how the POV was from that Merchant noticing the little things about Nynaeve and how they didn't really add up in his mind, then his reaction to her reveal and the way you feel through the words his growing excitement as it crescendos and the energy is palatable from just reading it. Just one of those scenes that make reading in general so enjoyable! It was a great scene to epilogue a book with.


I have to agree. That's an odd choice...especially Cadsuane's entry scene is about as OPPOSITE to quiet as it gets, lol!!!


Id like to submit the moment after Dena's death when Thom very matter of factly decides to go kill Barthanes.





On re-read of the Towers of Midnight I really liked when Mat talks to Perrin with the badger in the sack. At the end of the exchange Mat leaves the sack and Perrin bends down to let out the animal and "ease the badger".


This time through I recalled the inn or tavern that they visited in the dragon reborn called "easing the badger". Perrin looks at the name and thinks, what does that even mean?


it gave me a chuckle.


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