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The Wolfkin have arrived


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*digs around the pit, flinging balls as far as she can* Hiya TinaHel, I'm Kari, nice to meet you. *continues throwinng balls and adds in a few limes*


Hi Kari! Nice to meet you too. I had a wolf sitting on my head, guess that is why I didn´t noticed you at first.


*throws brownies to Kari*


Try these, they are magical.

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*is floated in the air by Turin* Ah! *whimpers* Aunt Heart!!! Help! I h-hate h-heights!

*smiles down at Tina* Thank you, nice Tina human. I will certainly try some, just as soon as someone gets mes down from here....

*looks sadly down at Turin* I nos sits on yours head no more, Master Turin human...can you please set this Wolf pup servant down?

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*licks Heart gratefully before trotting up to Turin and looking up at him, yellow eyes gleaming before running over to one of her hidey holes and bring back one of her favorite gleaming balls and dropping it at his feet*

Well met, Air mover. You are my new friend? Here is my favorite ball to show good will. *she then curled her little gray body around Turin's feet, sighing happily*

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*she watches as her Aunt flies through the air* Whoa! Ok, if Aunt Heart can fly, I'd like to try it, but lower to the ground please, I just don't like heights... *her gray tail wags slowly as she cocks her head at Turin* Please...

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*turin weaves a bit of Air lifting Kari up just to knee height and sends her to float along in a circle around wolf Heart* there you go. you will be plenty safe around your Auntie. Thank you for the ball but I have no real use for it so you may keep it. *with an other flow of air the ball flies directly toward the little wolf's snout*

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