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Grayt Jello Love Fest : WoT Love


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Let's discuss WoT lovestories!


:wub: :wub: There are lots of them and I'm sure everybody has a favourite one :wub::wub:





What do you think about it?

Do you have your favourite among the girls?

Or do you think Rand should choose somebody else?

Or one of the girls should choose somebody else?





Do you like this couple?

Or they'll be better with somebody else?





Do you think they'll be happy together?

Do you think Mat fits better with somebody else or maybe he should stay free?





My favourite storyline. Because they are so cute together :happy:

Do you like them?

Don't tell that you don't!





Good choice?

Or they'll be better with somebody else?



Do you think some other is the most interesting?



:wub: What is your favourite lovestory? :wub:


My second favourite lovestory is Mat-Tuon. They are so different. That's why it's so funny to read about them :laugh:



And I haven't mentioned it but I like Siuan-Gareth very much. Because Siuan stopped to be a title and became a woman at last! It suits her better :happy:


^This :laugh: Suian/Gareth. I agree with what you said Kuka, and I also like them because their scenes are often very funny. Also they both learn from each other :biggrin:


That being said, I am a major Nyn/Lan fan XD They of all people deserve to be together, and Lan's shtoopid widows weeds mumbling & Nynaeve's stubborn and hilarious refusal to accept that makes the books so much more :)

Seriously, I will cwy my eyes out if anything happened to them in the end. I just hope that if that were the case, my copies of the books would survive the valley flood.




p.s. Bela and Mandarb would make an interesting pair. Jus' saying.





My favorite would have to be Bayle Domon and Egeanin Tamarath. There whole romantic sequence just seems more fairy-tale like. Yeah, I'm a mush ball sometimes. shuup.


So hard to choose!! I love them all...


Maybe Lan & Nynaeve. Kuka said it, they're SO CUTE!! biggrin.gif


Or Mat & Tuon. I think they'll end up being happy together. To this question: "Do you think Mat fits better with somebody else or maybe he should stay free?"


If I lived in Randland, he should stay free...

Ahem. They're a really adorable pair too :)

I actually like Gawyn and Egwene too, though they aren't my favourites.


I will try to go through all the topics quickly.


Rand and his ladies: I waver between Avi and Min as being my favorite. I haven't liked Elayne as much since she got back to Caemlyn and got all Game of Houses. They all seem to have come to an agreement about how their situation is so if it is good for them I am okay with it.


Matt and Tuon I enjoy because she is EVERYTHING Matt claims to not want in a woman and yet he can't take himself away from her. A true case of opposites attracting.


Perrin and Faile are good together but please don't ever let them be apart cause they were both kind of annoying when separated. The whole arguing just to argue thing confirms the Saldeans have some madness in them.


Lan and Nyn are adorable. The big gruff super badass ultimate warder guy with his young and looking really young Aes Sedai. They are more similar than they appear at first glance in that duty as they each see it is the point of their existence until they find each other and can realise that there is more to life.


Egwene and Gawyn need to be together cause they have W's in their names. I am not particularly fond of either of them but they are similar in that they were considered second best in their formative years. Eggy was behind Nyn and Gawyn behind Galad, except in his sister's eyes.


Other people have mentioned Suian and Gareth as well as Domon and Ms. Shipless. (and Bela and Mandarb, as if he would stoop so low as to foal around with that shaggy pony) I like both pairs.


I love Aviendha so naturally I want her to be with the man she wants.




I think Mat and Tuon are cute, though for a while there I had this strange idea that he and Birgitte would somehow end up together :P


Lan and Nyneave are another one of my favorite couples. They're both passionate, but they have different ways of expressing it. And they're love just is very true :)


Nya, I always thought that Aldieb and Mandarb is an excellent pair. But we know Bela. She is quite only at first glance :laugh:


Millon, I like them too. I like to watch when people don't like each other at the beginning but can't resist :happy:


Ledinna, I'm so sorry for all the girls who can't dance several jigs with Mat after Tuon arrived :dry: If I lived there I wouldn't like her :tongue:


Turin, I've never thought about Egwene and Gawyn as second best :happy: I usually was more concerned about Nynaeve that nobody cares about her everybody cares about Egwene and Elayne :dry:


Heart, I had the same idea about Mat and Birgitte. They are so much alike. But Mat with someone like Tuon is much funnier :laugh:


My favorites are Gareth and Siuan along with Moiraine and Thom. I can't wait to hear about how their relationships develop in MoL.




Has anyone considered that both Siuan and Moiraine are in love with Morgase's cast off lovers?



Ryrin can you put that under a spoiler label?


[*spoiler] that goes here [*/spoiler] (take out the *)


Not everyone here has read ToM :)


Has anyone considered that both Siuan and Moiraine are in love with Morgase's cast off lovers?


hahahahaha, I had NEVER made that connection before! That is hilarious hahahaha. What would be even better would be a chance to see Morgase actually say it lol


Kuka, I was mostly thinking that growing up and when they started training they were both the "little brother" syndrome. Where there was someone they looked up as a youngster that everyone knew was more talented in a field they were interested in.


Also this is a paraphrase taken from the discussion boards in things you want to see.



Moirane meets Suian at the field of Merrilor...


Suian: How have you been? what has happened to you?


Moraine: Well, I was held captive, went through great pain, lost a considerable portion of my power but as a balance I did Marry and bond one of Morgase's former lovers. How about you?


Suian: Well, funny that you mentioned that...


:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:



Also this is a paraphrase taken from the discussion boards in things you want to see.



Moirane meets Suian at the field of Merrilor...


Suian: How have you been? what has happened to you?


Moraine: Well, I was held captive, went through great pain, lost a considerable portion of my power but as a balance I did Marry and bond one of Morgase's former lovers. How about you?


Suian: Well, funny that you mentioned that...


:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:




I've never thought about that connection too :laugh:

About all those connections :laugh: :laugh:


Christine, that's going to be the most popular pair :rolleyes:





What do you think about


Galad and Berelain?



Was you surprised? I was very surprised :happy:

But I think they suit each other :happy:


Am I gonna make this spoiler thingy work...




My fav couple is Thom and Moraine, it caught my totally by suprise the first time I read ToM, but after a re-read it just seems so... Right, for both of them. Gives me the happies.



I am a superfan of Perrin and Faile when they work, when they don't... Let's just say that my desk has a dent in it from the amount of *headdesk* I've had over those two. The love triangle I am quite ambivalent about. Gawyn and Egwene... When they work out their issues, I think they can be great.


It's gonna be mighty interssting to see how Mat & Tuon works out. I still cannot wrap my head around how that's gonna work in the long haul, especially since the future of the Seanchan is so unsure.


Some other couples I really like that hasn't been mentioned in the main post; Luca & Latalle (they deserve each other!), Julien & Amathera (d'awwwwww) and Nyn & Lan of course. Because (warning: stereotyping) every girls like the notion of "taming" the wild beast. Haha, just joking. But they are adorable.


Mat and Tuon is going to be great. He's realized that he loves her I think, and I love how.... I can't remember if this is in ToM or not so I'll spoiler it



I love how his image of an "ideal" woman has changed since Tuon. He commented that one woman had too much hair and it was distracting (so he likes Tuon's lack of hair or presence of short hair) and said that even though she was slim he thought she'd fill his arms nicely and all.


And then Tuon is slowly beginning to realize that she's in love with Mat. She felt as safe with him as she does surrounded by guards, and she's a little bit saddened by the thought of him chaining to Seanchan culture and I remember her finding herself missing him at one point I think.....


And plus, she likes Olver!!! :D



I'm a Mat/Tuon person :P


Misheru, I totally agree about your spoiler thing. After thinking about it I'm surprised I didn't see that coming too :happy:



And about Lan and Nynaeve that's a question who is a wild beast among them :laugh: I think Lan has no chance to escape :happy:



I think Tuon should change a lot to be with Mat. He won't be able to follow all those formal Seanchan relationships.


Ryrin can you put that under a spoiler label?


[*spoiler] that goes here [*/spoiler] (take out the *)


Not everyone here has read ToM :)



I tried and it didn't work. Ok, got it.


Kuka, I was mostly thinking that growing up and when they started training they were both the "little brother" syndrome. Where there was someone they looked up as a youngster that everyone knew was more talented in a field they were interested in.


Also this is a paraphrase taken from the discussion boards in things you want to see.



Moirane meets Suian at the field of Merrilor...


Suian: How have you been? what has happened to you?


Moraine: Well, I was held captive, went through great pain, lost a considerable portion of my power but as a balance I did Marry and bond one of Morgase's former lovers. How about you?


Suian: Well, funny that you mentioned that...


:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:




:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Actually, I distinctly remember, after meeting Berelain, thinking, wow she would be GREAT for Galad.



When it all turned out I was like... OUT OF THE ENTIRE SERIES, THE ONLY THING I GUESS RIGHT... is that. SERIOUSLY?!


Actually, I distinctly remember, after meeting Berelain, thinking, wow she would be GREAT for Galad.



When it all turned out I was like... OUT OF THE ENTIRE SERIES, THE ONLY THING I GUESS RIGHT... is that. SERIOUSLY?!



Yes, it crossed my mind as well, briefly.


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