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Dungeons & Dragons

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Ive played D&D before, but I prefer the White Wolf system, which uses nothing but d10's. I havnt played in awhile though.


I played it a lot in the mid-eighties fo early-nineties. This abomination that's out now though I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. Ever since TSR sold the franchise, it just isn't the same. I still have all my hardcover books with the original artwork from 1980. Not the second printing artwork. I bet those would pull some good money on ebay. Also still have the basic set from before even the hardcovers, the ones that came in the cheap, crappy boxes. So yeah, I wasted many sleepless nights playing back in the day.


I role played a lot before I got my daughter. D&D was the game that we played the most. I love it. We tried to start all over a couple of years ago but I got tired of one of my friends. The same things happens over and over again - it takes a lot of time to make a character and then when we have played 4 - 5 times he gets bored and want to start all over. I usually put a lot of effort into my characters and I like to play the same one for a long time so I just got tired of him. So I haven´t played for two years. Too bad because my friend is great when coming up with adventures. I ran a WoT themed game before I got my daughter and that was great. People still talk about it.


I used to play some waaaay back in the day. I was never that serious about it. My friends had all the books and stuff but I enjoyed playing with them. I did like to play the same few characters over and over and over. My two favorites were a druid and an assassin. We did some kooky stuff as the guys I played with were all early 20's military guys.


Ishy, if you had fun it wasn't a waste of time.


Ive played D&D before, but I prefer the White Wolf system, which uses nothing but d10's. I havnt played in awhile though.


I'v never heard of that. Sounds cool. Is it an official version, or something you made up?

I played it a lot in the mid-eighties fo early-nineties. This abomination that's out now though I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. Ever since TSR sold the franchise, it just isn't the same. I still have all my hardcover books with the original artwork from 1980. Not the second printing artwork. I bet those would pull some good money on ebay. Also still have the basic set from before even the hardcovers, the ones that came in the cheap, crappy boxes. So yeah, I wasted many sleepless nights playing back in the day.

My main problem with the new one is the second and third monster manuals. They seemed like a place to dump crazy ideas and make money.


I role played a lot before I got my daughter. D&D was the game that we played the most. I love it. We tried to start all over a couple of years ago but I got tired of one of my friends. The same things happens over and over again - it takes a lot of time to make a character and then when we have played 4 - 5 times he gets bored and want to start all over. I usually put a lot of effort into my characters and I like to play the same one for a long time so I just got tired of him. So I haven´t played for two years. Too bad because my friend is great when coming up with adventures. I ran a WoT themed game before I got my daughter and that was great. People still talk about it.

Nice! How did you handle channeling?


White Wolf is on official system, but its not DnD based. It has its own everything. White Wolf deals more with modern day and how sci-fi/fantasy mix into that instead of the full on worlds like DnD and Forgotten Realms


How we handled channelling? lol That was one of the things we could never agree on. I almost never made any magicians. When you use the original system the magicians are very weak in the beginning. I like it that way. I don´t like to start out with everyone being a hero. It either gets boring when you win all the fights or you have to come up with more powerful monsters. But my friend wanted to adjust the rules all the time and make powerful wizards. Every time we started a new game he said that no one should be a wizard but in the end he always created a powerful one himself. :biggrin:


I love pen and paper!


I play it all the time with my brothers. I've never played D&D, but my dad invented a totally different system when he was a kid and I've adjusted it to suit. My dads friend put it on the market once but I don't think its very well known as its in German and I haven't found an English copy yet. Although I am working on translating it but it takes a while... :biggrin:


Its called the Saga System and can be found here but its German as I said.


It uses 20 sided dice and is amazingly effective for Magic, Melee and Misslie attack. I've also found a way to use the One Power with it! I think it works very well!


I've got the system book and I'll try to translate the main system part ASAP.


I used to play some waaaay back in the day. I was never that serious about it. My friends had all the books and stuff but I enjoyed playing with them. I did like to play the same few characters over and over and over. My two favorites were a druid and an assassin. We did some kooky stuff as the guys I played with were all early 20's military guys.


Ishy, if you had fun it wasn't a waste of time.

Lol sounds fun. It's always more amusing that way.


White Wolf is on official system, but its not DnD based. It has its own everything. White Wolf deals more with modern day and how sci-fi/fantasy mix into that instead of the full on worlds like DnD and Forgotten Realms

Interesting. Kinda like Gamma World, then?


How we handled channelling? lol That was one of the things we could never agree on. I almost never made any magicians. When you use the original system the magicians are very weak in the beginning. I like it that way. I don´t like to start out with everyone being a hero. It either gets boring when you win all the fights or you have to come up with more powerful monsters. But my friend wanted to adjust the rules all the time and make powerful wizards. Every time we started a new game he said that no one should be a wizard but in the end he always created a powerful one himself. :biggrin:

Lol that sounds like one of my friends. He's always complaining about high damage and stuff, and then he made a vampire that does 127 damage in one attack. :dry:


I love pen and paper!


I play it all the time with my brothers. I've never played D&D, but my dad invented a totally different system when he was a kid and I've adjusted it to suit. My dads friend put it on the market once but I don't think its very well known as its in German and I haven't found an English copy yet. Although I am working on translating it but it takes a while... :biggrin:


Its called the Saga System and can be found here but its German as I said.


It uses 20 sided dice and is amazingly effective for Magic, Melee and Misslie attack. I've also found a way to use the One Power with it! I think it works very well!


I've got the system book and I'll try to translate the main system part ASAP.

Cool! I always wanted to try doing something like that. Sounds like a lot of work. Hope you can translate it successfully!


Is the dice system very different?


Ive never played Gamma World, so I cant say anything about it. All I can say is that I have really enjoyed White Wolf.


Still looking for a dm that will let me use my 3.5 exalted fighter/monk. When my friend, who accepted my schitzophrenic paladin, won't use it you know its bad.


Ive never played Gamma World, so I cant say anything about it. All I can say is that I have really enjoyed White Wolf.

It looks pretty cool. I should try it sometime.

Still looking for a dm that will let me use my 3.5 exalted fighter/monk. When my friend, who accepted my schitzophrenic paladin, won't use it you know its bad.

Exalted fighter/monk? Lol sounds Either OP or VB. A schitzophrenic paladin... somewhat baffling. Sounds very interesting to play, though.


Cool! I always wanted to try doing something like that. Sounds like a lot of work. Hope you can translate it successfully!


Is the dice system very different?



Ohhh yes!


And yes, the system is very different! It makes it more real, i.e you don't really have health points because, like in real life, the health of a person can't be visualized in points! so there's a real good system for that, including RL injuries...

Also combat, actions... are very different as you don't directly take the numbers from the dice, but the 20 numbers are divided into different qualities: not, clumsy, skilled, very good and brilliant. That way, even a real weak newbie can manage to hit a blade master. It is hard to do so of course! But it's possible, not like many systems I know.


I know this sounds a bit crazy and weird but I'll post the first few pages inc. the intro soon! Everything will clear up :biggrin:


And its awesome!!!!


Nice! That clears up a lot of the problems I have with D&D, a.k.a the huge masses of hit point that take forever to take down, and that it is impossible for low level poeple to hit anyone high level.

And it kinda makes sense that if you bash someone on the head with a halberd three times, they'd be dead. Not so in D&D.

This sounds a lot like WoT combat to me. Is that true?


Is that a dragon in your dungeon or are you just happy to see me?



In other words D&D doesn't have much of a following over here. I know of many who enjoy the Warhammer 40k games though. None of it ever really grabbed me though. I suppose I'm a PC and Console gamer at heart.


I've played once...my stepdad and his friends were teaching me, my brother and one of their kids. I became annoyed with the two of them *nods*


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