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New to Dragonmount


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Salutations to one and all,


I've been reading the Wheel of Time for years, and I have the Dungeons and Dragons 3.0e source book for role playing with Robert Jordan's fantastic world. I've been planning and plotting on what I would do with my players, and figured that the internet would be a good place to look for ideas. 'Fans of the Wheel of Time have made a role playing forum, they must have.' I thought, and lo and behold I was right.


Since I arrived I've been routing through your various rules, and 'read this first' posts. (which is quite a lot to read through) I finally got to a point where I think I can email off a bio without getting myself into trouble, and have done so. For those of you in the Freelanders boards, you might see a lot more of me if my Bio for John Smithe is accepted and cross checked.


I've been role playing for... Oh god, it's been 24 years! (I'm 29, huzzah for 5 year old kids gaming together!) So I'm hardly new to role playing. I've been co-running and playing a play by post forum set in our own home brew Dungeons and Dragons setting since Aug 15, 2006, at 2:45pm according to my profile over there. So play by post isn't new to me either.


I'm excited to play here on Dragonmount, because the caliber of role play seems much higher (At least the rules suggest that it will be, I heven't yet peeked into any live threads.) than the play by post I'm currently involved in. Anyway, I've blathered on long enough, I think it's time to throw this post into the wind that is not a beginning, for there can be no beginnings...


Welcome to DM, and to our RP, Delfon.


I'm from the White Tower, but some of my best friends are Freelanders :biggrin:

Hope you have a great time there!


Hey all, I'm new to this site and was just looking around. I've never tried roll playing but it sounds like a lot of fun. How would someone go about getting started? Thanks for your time and help!





Welcome Delfon. You certainly have a big RP background. I am more involved in the social side. I hope you enjoy yourself here. There is a lot going on around here to have fun.


Welcome to DM!


Hope you enjoy your time RPing! And don't forget to check out the Social Groups either!


*waves his :bandredhand: banner all over the place*


Hey all, I'm new to this site and was just looking around. I've never tried roll playing but it sounds like a lot of fun. How would someone go about getting started? Thanks for your time and help!





Has someone helped you yet, Sleepy?


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