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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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We should get Leelou to do it. She can actually throw a real rock at him. It's a lot more fulfilling.






She CAN? the mod goddesses powers are great and mystical...


I have great powers! *goes to messages to plan next meet*

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I believe we can already assume all the scum were on my train d1. I only revealed because i was being lynched. I was going by memory when i did that because i was trying to hurry. I admit to making mistakes in my responses since then because ive been trying to keep up with you all while at work. Not a good idea because i cant really concentrate on it. This is the fastest moving game ive been in and im trying not to fall behind. That being said i think if ee are looking for scum the better choice today is Player. Again i am going from memory but i dont recall him needing to reveal at any point. I will look at this closer when i get home. For now...


vote player

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Vote Count


Rhea (6): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya

Player (5): CTM, Tina, Ape, Smiley, Rhea


Not voting: Des, Paet, Locke, Player, wombat, Solimind, Verbal


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline Saturday 9 AM EST

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Well I still don't trust Rhea

So I am happy to VOTE RHEA


As for my reveal I did set it up. I just wasn't prepared to do what Nyn did at first

Like I said

I believe you. I dont want to lynch a random town just cos of this deadline

But I dont really see another way with him claiming docUNVOTEVOTE TALYA


I explained why it took so long to post later


CANCELL that!UNVOTEapparently there are others online (my comp didnt tell me there were more post since the reveal)We could still turn this round


I have to go to the dentist to get my stitches out (Yus!) Ill be back this afternoon. So if you do all decide to jump on my train please just don't hammer me till after you have let me get back and speak. I will be back in about 6 hours from this post (no idea what time that is in the USA)

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Vote Count


Rhea (7): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya, Player

Player (5): CTM, Tina, Ape, Smiley, Rhea


Not voting: Des, Paet, Locke, wombat, Solimind, Verbal


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline Saturday 9 AM EST

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I believe we can already assume all the scum were on my train d1.


Erm. Why can we assume that, exactly?





Why would they vote no lynch?


Well, one reason could be to avoid lynching a teammate :P Besides, I very much doubt that ALL of them bunched up to vote you, Rhea. Scum usually do their best in distancing themselves from each other to avoid any connections.





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I believe we can already assume all the scum were on my train d1.


Erm. Why can we assume that, exactly?





Why would they vote no lynch?




From? It makes more sense to me to vote for someone to distance. Didnt someone already say meesh was voting me for distancing? Im confused.

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I believe we can already assume all the scum were on my train d1.


Erm. Why can we assume that, exactly?





Why would they vote no lynch?


Well, one reason could be to avoid lynching a teammate :P Besides, I very much doubt that ALL of them bunched up to vote you, Rhea. Scum usually do their best in distancing themselves from each other to avoid any connections.





This makes sense.

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inactive players... Were they kidnapped too? Where did they go?


I just didn't want anyone to forget Despo declined to make the hammer vote and allowed yesterday's random result. He definitely needs some more looking into in the future. We would have had the result of a Rhea vote yesterday if he had stepped up.


Despo AND Whea wewe both able to avoid the wandom lynch and chose not to.


The masons, I presume, will be dealt with when the cop is out in the open.

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They are hardly likely all to be on one vote...thought it has happened. Also some may have not been on...either time zones or inactive. Even if mafia tell them on the QT to get on here, they actually have to be on line. Plus they can tend to spread their votes (though, not always, especially near the end). So I would never assume they are all on your vote Rhea...though depending on what your alignment is would make me look at things in different ways, but I would keep an open mind, but it's something we can come back to in a few days as well, when we have even more info!


So we had 3 votes to 6 and then Smiley votes for Player, and then Rhea votes player (which is hardly surprising). So Smiley is looking suspect...either protecting his team mate or trying to distance himself from a lynch if she turns out town..another to add to my watch list

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I don't know why we're continuing with Sol, atm he's an uncountered doc claimant, should that change, based on meesh's defense, I may be the first in line to string him up


Then his opinions are more important since assuming he is town, he isn't attempting to manipulate us.


Oh, I'm not trusting him, tolerating is a better word


... also Wombat. Where you at, boy?





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oh wow finally done catching up here. I agree with a lynch on Rhea or Player at this point but there seem to be a few people who think player is a better vote but are voting Rhea for a longer train, while I can understand that I will put my vote on player, but I will change it if Rhea needs to be hammmered (did I use that right, I meant that I would change my vote if it resulted in a lynch, or helped towards one, especially if we are in a situation like last time)






Can't just make a statement like that and not back it up.

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I didn´t know Wombat was so cute. (Well, actually I knew.) :biggrin:


I have been to a loooooooong meeting and it´s time for me to sleep. About Meesh busing a team mate or not, we can only guess. It looks like an odd vote but as someone mentioned - at least me, Talya, Smiley and Nyn was asleep at deadline so maybe she guessed that there wouldn´t be a controlled lynch? Just speculating and not actually adding anything to what others has already said.

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I believe we can already assume all the scum were on my train d1. I only revealed because i was being lynched. I was going by memory when i did that because i was trying to hurry. I admit to making mistakes in my responses since then because ive been trying to keep up with you all while at work. Not a good idea because i cant really concentrate on it. This is the fastest moving game ive been in and im trying not to fall behind. That being said i think if ee are looking for scum the better choice today is Player. Again i am going from memory but i dont recall him needing to reveal at any point. I will look at this closer when i get home. For now...


vote player



I don't care about youw flimsy weveal. I care that you could have self-voted to avoid a random kill, and you didn't. You said yourself that you were vanilla and a safe lynch. Yet your behavior at the deadline said otherwise.

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I believe we can already assume all the scum were on my train d1.


Erm. Why can we assume that, exactly?





Why would they vote no lynch?


Well, one reason could be to avoid lynching a teammate :P Besides, I very much doubt that ALL of them bunched up to vote you, Rhea. Scum usually do their best in distancing themselves from each other to avoid any connections.







Agwee with evewything Nyn is saying hewe.


Do not agree with the couple of people who have pushed the idea that all the scum would be on Rhea's lynch train. Not in any mafia game I've ever played.

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inactive players... Were they kidnapped too? Where did they go?


I just didn't want anyone to forget Despo declined to make the hammer vote and allowed yesterday's random result. He definitely needs some more looking into in the future. We would have had the result of a Rhea vote yesterday if he had stepped up.


Despo AND Whea wewe both able to avoid the wandom lynch and chose not to.


The masons, I presume, will be dealt with when the cop is out in the open.

BOOOOOOOOOOOO for nearly forgetting again. I don't see how you can remember nearly every time John.


Her failure to save town from the random lynch is one reason I am voting her over player atm. I just wanted to keep Des' stance from falling off our collective radar. I agree that the masons are an issue for a future day.

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