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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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*sleeps and dreams of......* never mind.......


You just can't stop thinking of me.



Ok. the quote is "dream of large women"--I happen to like men


Saying I was dreaming of large men just sounds wrong.


And this is just awkward.



Ignore Mo, Curly, and Larry and do whatever you think is best

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CTM's plan sucks. Cop, do whatever you want.



don't cop direct wormbat


You left out "nannah nannah poo poo" you big baby.


so bitterw when you don't get youw way. Lol, goof.


I was joking you insufferable turd...


I don't care about getting my way, it likely means some of those disagreeing are scum, or just grew up under power lines.. like you!

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CTM's plan sucks. Cop, do whatever you want.



don't cop direct wormbat


You left out "nannah nannah poo poo" you big baby.


so bitterw when you don't get youw way. Lol, goof.


I was joking you insufferable turd...


I don't care about getting my way, it likely means some of those disagreeing are scum, or just grew up under power lines.. like you!


Joking? You left out the funny.


I disagwee. Am I scum? Looks like you caught the whole scum team.... I guess that's a wrap.



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Thwee day deadlines for night actions is abysmal... today sucked because no mafia to play. :(


Quicker deadlines = more of teh mafia goodness.




36 hours =/= 3 days.


I believe he means 3 days because his other mafia site has 12 hour days, therefore he is more used to having three days in this timespace that only one


CTM's plan sucks. Cop, do whatever you want.



don't cop direct wormbat


umm lol, I'll take that as loaded with internet sarcasm


Right now I don't particualrly like CTM's plan, mostly because it does give our cop a shelf life, I think that it may be better to implement further in the game, hopefully with some refined points on how its carried out. What I do think does raise some suspicion is what I see as pretty obvious cop direction. Now it's possible this could just be CTM trying to impose what he thinks is the best way to go about being a cop, to the benefit of the town. What I do think it also could be is him being scum directing the cop to investigate a pool filled with people who may not even be scum, for all we now the scum could fake claim to leave only townies in your roleless townie group.


His insistence on this plan really raises my suspicion of him

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BG your T-Rex appears to not have missed many meals. :myrddraal:



ok going to a club for the next 3 hours. Bye all


AH goes clubbin?!






Anyways, I also think CTM's plan stinks to scum heaven. Here's some of the main things about it that reek: Forget putting a shelf life on our cop, our cop can literally be NK'ed the first night scum get the chance!!! Weaksauce plan already. Second, mafia might be clever enough to claim their character, but say that it's not mafia based. Nolder did something similar not too long ago when he claimed a Darth Vader character or something (I wasn't in the game, just heard about it) and claimed to be town, which town ended up buying. So in other words, the pool from which the cop can try and find scum would be made smaller with the chance that mafia end up outside of it.


But THIRD, and here's the major thing: CTM is completely buying Sol's Doc claim right now, and using that to prop up his idea that the roles are character driven, when Sol hasn't been vetted yet! No one has mentioned this, everyone is taking it at face value that because Sol revealed to be the doc, he must be so. He was about to be strung up people! If he's mafia which I kinda still believe him to be, it wouldve made a world of sense for his teammates to tell him to claim doc, cause there woulda been a chance the doc wouldve cc'ed and the mafia would've gotten something for one of their teammates deaths.


After rereading btw, it does make sense that Talya would be one of the ones least likely to false-claim her vanilla role. Rhea, Player, AND Nyn all deserve some attention now I'd say, as well as a few others. As far as the case on Rhea, I felt the vast majority of it came from her removing her joke vote from me, but that "what other kind of townsfolk are there" post did really ping to me after going back through some of that stuff again. Kinda feel stupid for not catching that sooner.

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BG your T-Rex appears to not have missed many meals. :myrddraal:



ok going to a club for the next 3 hours. Bye all


AH goes clubbin?!






Not that kind of club!!!! The "group of people all interested in the same thing so we meet somewhere on campus" kind :P me going to the other kind is inconceivable

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As you sat in your cabin, the ship starts to slow. You know you must be near the Cliffs of Insanity. You make your way topside wondering how you are going to get the horses up the cliff. Once you reach the deck you notice a crowd gathered, you rush over to see what is going on, all thoughts of horses vanished from your mind. You gasp as you see Song laying in a pool of her own blood. She was run through with a sword. As shock is wearing off, you hear a faint drip, drip, drip behind you. Turning around, you see Meesh slumped lifelessly in the crow's nest, blood dripping down onto the deck. Someone brings up their belongings to search.


Song, townsfolk of Florin (vanilla townie) is dead.


Meesh, Yellin (Mafia goon) is dead.


It is now day, with 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline is Saturday 9 AM.

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umm lol, I'll take that as loaded with internet sarcasm


Right now I don't particualrly like CTM's plan, mostly because it does give our cop a shelf life, I think that it may be better to implement further in the game, hopefully with some refined points on how its carried out. What I do think does raise some suspicion is what I see as pretty obvious cop direction. Now it's possible this could just be CTM trying to impose what he thinks is the best way to go about being a cop, to the benefit of the town. What I do think it also could be is him being scum directing the cop to investigate a pool filled with people who may not even be scum, for all we now the scum could fake claim to leave only townies in your roleless townie group.

His insistence on this plan really raises my suspicion of him


Then lynch me.



There was no cop direction, what I said was that I hope the cop investigates "townsfolk of florin" cause I suspect that investigating someone that has a character would be redundant. Meaning, that whoever they investigate, known or unknown, end up being the a townsfolk of florin, rather then someone who has a character.


Also you people worried about cop shelf life are ignoring the fact that the clocks already ticking on that, we had what 9 reveals day 1, none of whom we're cops, with 5-6 scum that's a potential for 70% of the game to already be known to them..

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As you sat in your cabin, the ship starts to slow. You know you must be near the Cliffs of Insanity. You make your way topside wondering how you are going to get the horses up the cliff. Once you reach the deck you notice a crowd gathered, you rush over to see what is going on, all thoughts of horses vanished from your mind. You gasp as you see Song laying in a pool of her own blood. She was run through with a sword. As shock is wearing off, you hear a faint drip, drip, drip behind you. Turning around, you see Meesh slumped lifelessly in the crow's nest, blood dripping down onto the deck. Someone brings up their belongings to search.


Song, townsfolk of Florin (vanilla townie) is dead.


Meesh, Yellin (Mafia goon) is dead.


It is now day, with 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline is Saturday 9 AM.



Nice shot!


vote Player

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Thwee day deadlines for night actions is abysmal... today sucked because no mafia to play. :(


Quicker deadlines = more of teh mafia goodness.




36 hours =/= 3 days.


I know - I was more thinking about the bolded.

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