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22 - 3 kill advantage to my team. 5 minutes later we lose. I was so close to thrashing my computer screens.




We just got aced 5 for 2 while having Nashor...


I still say Sejuani is not UP though. I again did well full game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not likeing this new jungle on the PBE. Everyone is pretty much forced to get the Hunters Machette except for afew amazing jungles like Cho and the "gold increase" doesnt seem to be real in the jungle. From what they have said the money will only be noticeable after lvl 11 and whos going to be able to free farm the jungle once they hit 11?

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Well ELO has reset, so time to enrage myself by trying to get higher than Silver II this season lol.


Same here, only I got Bronze II or III... As of now I got Loss (but an over 50 minute game and we would MAYBE have won if Kogmaw wouldn't have had a dc, one of my favorite rankeds ever), Win (I think the one playing our AD carry was Eloboosting though, when I looked at his match history...), Loss (flame team), Win (all lanes winning, me totally useless sitting in the jungle, can't gank because enemies just can't leave their towers). 2/2 now. At least a lot better than my S2 placement matches. I went Win, then 5x Loss due to feeders, flamers and afkers... Add to that the system gives/takes FAR too much Elo for the first 10 matches, and there you got why I had only 1074 Elo last season...

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  • 1 month later...

Lol this is a fun thread to come across in DM.


I've never seen anyone mentioning Vayne, I focus on Vayne for a while now.. With a good sup, you can get insane with Vayne. Without sup, it is pretty hard to play tho. I like Sion (I play AD sion) and I think Nunu is awesome too!


I'm pretty new to the game, only started 2-3 months back. I can play 1-2 matches per day but I dont think anyones in my server though. I'm playing at Turkey server with the WORST community ever. I am planning to start a new profile in a different server, so maybe I'll pick EUW, I understand a lot of people in this thread is in EUW.


Sad thing is, I dont have many friends playing this, so I have to go with community to play and it REALLY is bad..

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I just recently picked up Trundle and I have to say, he is one of the most amazing junglers I have ever tried. He destroys teams with only one or two tanks.

Two full blown tanks? In EUW, I consider myself lucky if I don't end up with 9 Assassins in Summoner's Rift. At least they don't build IE, Boots, BCx4 any more ;)

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A typical game for me consists of one really bothersome initater.. Malphite, Amumu, Orianna, Blitzcrank, Leona, Maokai.. Impossible to ban them all xP


When the enemy picks all out assassins (3 assassins and adc/sup) we usually win. Assassins don't have good initate attacks for teamfights. And if you have something like Malph/heca/amumu + Orianna, you can really destroy them before they cause any harm!

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Coordinated high Elo games aside, where the meta is still intact. Why would a team full of assassins line up for teamfights or should I say, fair teamfights? And I've seen a LeBlanc blow up an Amumu in the time between his Bandage Toss and his ult and that was a game where he actually managed to get decent farm in the jungle against a Nocturn.

All that aside, my 9 Assassin comment wasn't meant to describe reality but is a exaggeration of the current popularity of assassins, similar to the tanky bruisers of last season.

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Coordinated high Elo games aside, where the meta is still intact. Why would a team full of assassins line up for teamfights or should I say, fair teamfights? And I've seen a LeBlanc blow up an Amumu in the time between his Bandage Toss and his ult and that was a game where he actually managed to get decent farm in the jungle against a Nocturn.

All that aside, my 9 Assassin comment wasn't meant to describe reality but is a exaggeration of the current popularity of assassins, similar to the tanky bruisers of last season.


If the enemy forced baron, forced mid inhib, there wouldn't be any other choice than going for a teamfight =P


but yeah, I agree. Assassins are rather popular at the moment, and Ryze >_<.

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