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Please welcome a new Trolloc!


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Hey welcome Leelou!! Let me know if you need anything as you settle in. Mainly I can supply vodka so if you keep your requests to that, we'll be fine :)


Drekka only thinks the water in the hot tub is his because he had an accident in it, and now it smells like him!



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Nyn!! ^_^ <3


Aust, do you make jello shots with vodka?


Oh not only do I make jello shots with vodka, I make shallow swimming pools full of jello vodka in which I host epic jello wrestling contests!! :D


Cindy, I don't think there are chemicals potent enough to take care of the stuff that comes out of Drekka (he is a trollock after all ). And Drekka, you can't pretend that incontinence is purposeful, but given that you use your condition to spread chaotic and virulent plagues I'll give you a pass this time ;)


See how much fun we are Leelou?? :D

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