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Red Ajah Autum Fair - Bobbing for Apples


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Bobbing for Apples




A Brief History

Samhain, a precursor to our All Hallows' Eve or Halloween celebration, occurred at a time that was a magical for the Celts of Britain. A time when the veil separating the worlds of the living and dead was its thinnest. A time when the distinction between past, present, and future would blur. Many of the earliest Halloween games took advantage of this belief and were based on divining the future.


When the Romans conquered Britain they brought with them the apple tree. The apple was representative of the goddess Pomona, the goddess of fruit trees. She was known for her great beauty and fertility. Romans, although conquerors, were accepting of other cultures and soon accepted Celtic beliefs and the Samhain festival. The two were blended together and the apple became part of the harvest celebration that would become Halloween.


Because Pomona was a fertility goddess and because the Celts believed that the pentagram was a fertility symbol and when an apple is sliced in half the seeds form a pentagram it is natural that they believed the apple could be used to determine marriages during this magical time of year. From this belief comes the game bobbing for apples. During the annual celebration young unmarried people try to bite into an apple floating in water or hanging from a string. The first person to bite into the apple would be the next one to marry.



Bobbing for apples of today is a fun, traditional Halloween party game.


Here is a list of what you need and some tips to play at home.


Things You'll Need

large party tub




and prizes



Set the party tub on the ground where you want to play.



It is easier to fill tub with water after placing it where you want to play (it will get heavy). Fill the tub, but leave 4 to 6 inches of space at the top so that water doesn't slosh out.



Toss in several apples to float.



Place some towels at base of the tub to prevent the floor getting wet, if playing inside. Also, place some towels to the side for players to use after bobbing.



Select two or three players and have them put their hands behind their backs.



Say, "Go," and have players try to grab an apple with their teeth, all at the same time. The first to bring an apple up wins.



Since we cannot all gather around a tub full of apples, I found a fun online game that I would like to share with you.


Bonesy's Apple Bobbing Game


Please share your score from the game, and any bobbing for apples stories you may have.




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