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Red Ajah Autum Fair - Snugglebitting Booth!


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Welcome to the Red Ajah's Autumn Fair Sugglebiting Booth!

The Red Ajah is known for its' Snugglebiting abilities. Each and every Red must learn to snugglebite without spilling a drop of blood.


Now, much of the time, snugglebiting is restricted to the Red Ajah Halls, but in honor of the Red Ajah Autumn Fair, we have decided to bring the Snugglebiting to you.


Of course, Snugglebiting does not come free. At least not for this Fair anyway. Just like paying for the kisses at the kissing booth, payment will be required here too. Payments can be in many forms. Servitude, ego stroking, and pampering are all recommended, but contributions to the White Tower will ensure extra snugglebites. Something like posting a thread in the Warders forum or at one of the Ajahs are prime examples.


To collect your snugglebites, you need to post a link to the payment you are offering.


Can't think of an offer? Ask one of the Reds what they will accept. We will be happy to assign you a task.


Be sure to follow all the rules of the boards, if you decided to post. If the Ajah has said they don't like spam, then don't post spam. If a member of higher rank tells you to stop, then stop.


Above all, enjoy yourself and enjoy the Red Ajah. We promise it will not hurt too badly.

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I luuurves me some proper snugglebites. I am sorely missin my Red bondeds so I have been without them for too long. I am definitely game. SO what shall my task be?


I luuurves me some proper snugglebites. I am sorely missin my Red bondeds so I have been without them for too long. I am definitely game. SO what shall my task be?


**Torrie leans out the booth and smiles at Mill**

Awww. Are you going through withdrawls, Mill? lol Are you asking us to assign a task or do you have one in mind?


Ooo...we can ask any of the Reds for a snugglebite? Hmm...how brazen and bold should I be....*thinks*

We love brazen and bold. :wink: Just remember to have the payment match the product.


Ok then...this could very well be a win win for me....*grins* let me live on the dangerous side and ruffle the Sword Captain's feathers! ;)


What would be the payment to get a snugglebite from Tynaal?


Ok then...this could very well be a win win for me....*grins* let me live on the dangerous side and ruffle the Sword Captain's feathers! ;)


What would be the payment to get a snugglebite from Tynaal?


Well... Aren't you just an adventurous one :wink:


Let's see... The question is not what I want, but what you are willing to pay to tease our dear Sword Captain :tongue:


Ok then...this could very well be a win win for me....*grins* let me live on the dangerous side and ruffle the Sword Captain's feathers! ;)


What would be the payment to get a snugglebite from Tynaal?


Both your ears and your left gonad...


and me?

We have not forgotten you Mill, I was about to reply when my kids school called. lol Kids. :rolleyes:




Is there a Red you are looking for?


I would say that you need to post a thread in the Warders area. This thread needs to teach all the warders and warders-to-be how to ball room dance. :biggrin:


Ok then...this could very well be a win win for me....*grins* let me live on the dangerous side and ruffle the Sword Captain's feathers! ;)


What would be the payment to get a snugglebite from Tynaal?


Both your ears and your left gonad...


Awh love, don't ruin the fun :wink:


Kar.. you can write an Ode or something poetic like that :tongue: to Fnorrll about how wonderfully autumnal he would look with red hair. :biggrin:


He's so cute when he glares *sniggers*


Errr yeah just wanted to say that I'm up for snugglebites, if the payment is good :biggrin:


*staps on her bib and makes a last check of her fangs*


't is been too long... *grins at the passerbys* Oh yes.... too long. :happy:


I would like to be snugglebit by all the lovely reds in turn in one big marathon snugglebiting session! If I survived, I would clearly be the toughest man alive... Set a task for that, if you can :p


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