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Seems the only way...


But is it still infinite, in that case? You could also say that it is a new world, so that it ended. But of course, it would be the same Wheel. But when would our age be? In the seventh Age? Because the first is of the wolfbrothers. They won't know of them if that was 7th age. It would mean that we are heading towards the end... lol.

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Well, the substance is still there through the BC/BB process, so yes I'd say it's still infinite. But I don't think we're there yet.. For one thing, we are seeing writings from what is called by some the Fourth Age :biggrin: For another, the Big Crunch is supposed to happen when all the energy in the universe has 'flattened out' into heat alone; no stars, they've all burned out and are nothing but cinders. Our own / Randland's sun has to cool and go through a red giant stage, which will take millions of years, during which time the planet will become uninhabitable anyway. So I think we've got a way to go yet.


If we can make it past next December, of course.. :wacko:


(Edited: You're quite right, I'm getting ahead of myself :wink: )

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Not next December, but the December after that. We at least have time to read AMoL...


And, if the Big Crunch is going to happen, it doesn't need to be after all stars burned out. It just means that all stars, planets and everything else collapses at one point, because of the gravity.


Or maybe nuclear weapons can destroy Cuendillar...


Then a 3rd WW would be enough. And we also have stories from our age. While we know we were before the first age, because we have no memories of talking with wolves.

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It is slowly subducted into the planet's core, where it accretes in the centre, pushing the iron in the core outwards, destabilising the planet's magnetic field, resulting in a massive increase in dangerous stellar radiation reaching the surface of the planet. All life ends in flaming, cancerous doom, and Shai'tan starts getting very lonely.

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A simple explanation could be that when channeling disappears from the world, cuendillar loses its indestructability.


Yeah, this makes the most sense to me as well.




I still wonder IF channeling disappears...


Can someone maybe give me a quote?


Well, seeing as how Randland is our world in either the distant future and/or the distant past, and since channeling doesn't exist in our time, it has to stop existing at some point and come back. I read somewhere on the forums about how supposedly Tamyrlin was the person who first (re)discovered channeling at the end of the First Age, so prior to that it has to not exist.

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Well, seeing as how Randland is our world in either the distant future and/or the distant past, and since channeling doesn't exist in our time, it has to stop existing at some point and come back. I read somewhere on the forums about how supposedly Tamyrlin was the person who first (re)discovered channeling at the end of the First Age, so prior to that it has to not exist.


Well, I think Tamyrlins role is wildly exaggerated, especially considering how one of the main themes of the story is the distortion of information. but we do know that the discovery of channeling marked the transition between the 1st (our) Age and the AOL. We have no indication of when channeling will dfisappear, though looking at Avis second trip through the glass columns, in one of her most distant memories the seanchan are using rifles and arrows rather than damane. that of course does not necessarily mean anything, with more modern weaponry the seanchan might simply have decided that damane are no longer needed, and started to execute any channeler they find on the spot.

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I still wonder IF channeling disappears...


Can someone maybe give me a quote?


Well, seeing as how Randland is our world in either the distant future and/or the distant past, and since channeling doesn't exist in our time, it has to stop existing at some point and come back. I read somewhere on the forums about how supposedly Tamyrlin was the person who first (re)discovered channeling at the end of the First Age, so prior to that it has to not exist.


Thanks. I have know that, but I forget it. Maybe I would've remembered if I had thought a bit more about it.


And talking about that our Age is the first, I don't know. We also know, that there were wolfbrothers in the Age before the AoL. Do you know any?

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Well, seeing as how Randland is our world in either the distant future and/or the distant past, and since channeling doesn't exist in our time, it has to stop existing at some point and come back. I read somewhere on the forums about how supposedly Tamyrlin was the person who first (re)discovered channeling at the end of the First Age, so prior to that it has to not exist.


Well, I think Tamyrlins role is wildly exaggerated, especially considering how one of the main themes of the story is the distortion of information. but we do know that the discovery of channeling marked the transition between the 1st (our) Age and the AOL. We have no indication of when channeling will dfisappear, though looking at Avis second trip through the glass columns, in one of her most distant memories the seanchan are using rifles and arrows rather than damane. that of course does not necessarily mean anything, with more modern weaponry the seanchan might simply have decided that damane are no longer needed, and started to execute any channeler they find on the spot.


Even with modern technology (guns etc.) channellers would still be a potent force. IMO channelling would have to disappear for them to "get rid" of all their channellers

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Well, seeing as how Randland is our world in either the distant future and/or the distant past, and since channeling doesn't exist in our time, it has to stop existing at some point and come back. I read somewhere on the forums about how supposedly Tamyrlin was the person who first (re)discovered channeling at the end of the First Age, so prior to that it has to not exist.


Well, I think Tamyrlins role is wildly exaggerated, especially considering how one of the main themes of the story is the distortion of information. but we do know that the discovery of channeling marked the transition between the 1st (our) Age and the AOL. We have no indication of when channeling will dfisappear, though looking at Avis second trip through the glass columns, in one of her most distant memories the seanchan are using rifles and arrows rather than damane. that of course does not necessarily mean anything, with more modern weaponry the seanchan might simply have decided that damane are no longer needed, and started to execute any channeler they find on the spot.


Even with modern technology (guns etc.) channellers would still be a potent force. IMO channelling would have to disappear for them to "get rid" of all their channellers



Maybe they'll be able to replicate the Guardians and fill the world with them. Maybe some mobile Guardians for use in wars against AS. This will limit the potency of channellers, especially since they'll use mostly OP. Of course, the AS will try to fight this by creating a large number of Wells. It depends on which faction will be able to better nullify the enemies' strengths, and keep the advantage long enough to make a decisive move against them.

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No one really know's everything about Cuendillar. Is Cuendillar REALLY indestructible?

WOT history is extremely short in geological terms. Maybe Cuendillar decays after 5001 years? Maybe it dissolved in sea-water after being immersed for 4002 years?

You cannot damage Cuendillar with the OP, but how about 30Xtons of pressure? the kind of pressure deep underground?

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Or... that the ending to the series is that it will take the sacrifice of Saidin and Saidar to successfully seal the bore negating both powers. (like what my brother says all the time, and is a very disappointing ending) Making after TG Age an age of no One Power.


Anyway back to the Topic. Where are all the Cuendilar from the Infinite cycle of the Wheel? This will be simpler to tackle once we know how to destroy it.

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No one really know's everything about Cuendillar. Is Cuendillar REALLY indestructible?

WOT history is extremely short in geological terms. Maybe Cuendillar decays after 5001 years? Maybe it dissolved in sea-water after being immersed for 4002 years?

You cannot damage Cuendillar with the OP, but how about 30Xtons of pressure? the kind of pressure deep underground?


Well, balefire can even destroy diamonds. Do you know anything that we can make to destroy diamonds? Except other diamonds? Balefire can't destroy Cuendillar.

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