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The curse of the SG leader ....


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Due to unfortunate circumstances beyond my control I've had to resort to rooming up with my niece. I'll be moving in there tomorrow. This means that until I get a job I will not have internet access unless I can sneak over to my sister's house. Which will be rare. So I'll be taking a leave of abscence for the unforseeable future until I can get internet access. I've talked this over with Admin Kivy. Lily, Ed, and Verbal are in charge. Try not to tear the place up. :P


Kivam and Verbal.. please either assign someone to keep track of new members/promoted members or try to keep an eye on it for me PLEASE?


You all rock and this is the best social group on DM so I'm sure you'll do just fine! -does a mass stabbing of her entire group-

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Good luck, Nae! *stabs brutally*

Now you can play the pity card when you are looking for a job.

"I got attacked by a man monkey, and need to pay medical costs."




Ed, think of the fun we could have if we didn't have to share power with the Ewok/Admin.

Well, with me, the leader of the best faction, and you, leader of the second-best....we can officially vote to disband the SS.








*eyes Adella*

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And Rox, wouldn't it be hard to stay around as OL seeing as how you got banned? :biggrin:


Heh. Bring it up all you want. It wasn't a mistake or anything. I outright TOLD Kivam to ban me. :-p


Anyway, if I had been OL, I wouldn't have been banned. Seeing as I'd have been an admin, and the whole reason I got banned was that I was railing against the admins/mods and insulting 'em.

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  • Club Leader

Ed, think of the fun we could have if we didn't have to share power with the Ewok/Admin.

Well, with me, the leader of the best faction, and you, leader of the second-best....we can officially vote to disband the SS.








*eyes Adella*


While I understand that Dreadies have trouble getting things in the right order, I managed to understand your idea. The only problem I have with it is that we'd have to do something with the members. Do you want them?

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While I understand that Dreadies have trouble getting things in the right order, I managed to understand your idea. The only problem I have with it is that we'd have to do something with the members. Do you want them?

OH gods no.



We could always make a nice stew


^ This

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