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July Stats


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July had a crazy amount of points flowing around, mostly thanks to the Faire! Cheers to those who participated.




July Stats



Dreadlords - 1,418


Ama: 377

Vam: 237

Mottle: 200

Blackhoof: 84

Ed: 80

Kathleen: 70

Play3r: 55

Krak: 45

Adella: 35

Tigs: 30

Gerr: 25

MCS: 25

Moggy: 20

Thorkin: 20

Christine: 20

TMD: 15



Black Ajah - 1,038


Kivam: 302

Cindy: 293

Jack: 185

Moon: 138

Barm: 85

Lily: 20

Pandy: 10

Hax: 5




Shadowspawn - 552


Wombat: 200

Tina: 171

Nyn: 85

Limi: 60

Berf: 21

Verby: 10

Locke: 5



Fuls/Misc/Nae - 242


Smiley73: 101

Leelou: 48

Nae: 20

Yahna: 20

Czechs: 20

Otpelk: 20

Nyanna: 10

Glip: 2

Csarmi: 1





Once again. We rock.



And congrats to Ama!

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I didn't get points in July!?


What madness is this!?


I demand someone give me all of their available points so that I don't have to worry about getting any for all of August.


It's my 21st birthday soon. Someone should do this for me.

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