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New Sword Forms


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As discussed in the quote below in another topic, these are the honorary firsts posts


I'm trying desperately to "fix" my pronunciation. Cairhien was always CAIR-heen to me, until I looked in the glossary, where it's like 6 syllables. Some of it is ridiculous.


You know, swordfights in WoT are really boring. It's just 'he used insert technique here'.


I remember reading a thread about funny techniques. The only two I can remember are "Cat Craps in a Sandbox" and "Fat Guy Rushes the Food Bar." I still giggle when I read those....LOL



:biggrin: That's awesome. We need a new thread to make up funny swordfighting technique names.


One to drive the ladies crazy: "Man Washes the Dishes"


-Empties the Chamber Pot

-Adjusts the Shawl

-Tugs the Braid

-Smiles without touching one's Eyes


Maybe a little to close to home? :baalzamon:


-Empties the Chamber Pot

-Adjusts the Shawl

-Tugs the Braid

-Smiles without touching one's Eyes


Maybe a little to close to home? :baalzamon:


Didgya m8 u forgot "Smoothes The Skirt"


The Almost Smile


Carlton dances to Tom Jones


Plucking the Harp


Monkey @%^&ing a football


Directing the chorus


Starting the lawnmower


Combing the desert


Unnecessary flourish


The Almost Smile


Carlton dances to Tom Jones


Plucking the Harp


Monkey @%^&ing a football


Directing the chorus


Starting the lawnmower


Combing the desert


Unnecessary flourish


This guy wins. LOL this whole thread is majorly win. Guess I'll try my hand:


Dropping the Ladle


Splitting the Pant Seat


Shooting the Bird


Catcher Squatting in the Rye


Dog Drags Rearquarters Across Carpet


Flushing the Goldfish


Fly Buzzing Around Excrement


You Go Girl (requires quick flashing side to side movements with sword while snapping)


Rolling the Cabbage Patch


Revealing the Mullet (youd have to see the youtube video for this one to make sense)


-Empties the Chamber Pot

-Adjusts the Shawl

-Tugs the Braid

-Smiles without touching one's Eyes


Maybe a little to close to home? :baalzamon:


Didgya m8 u forgot "Smoothes The Skirt"


You also forgot "Drinks the tea"


The Almost Smile


Carlton dances to Tom Jones


Plucking the Harp


Monkey @%^&ing a football


Directing the chorus


Starting the lawnmower


Combing the desert


Unnecessary flourish

Once again Sid pulls out the awesome!

I am surprised that the "dirty" minds (mine included) haven't came out with some...well..

-Dangling in the Cleavage

-Nestling in the Cleavage

-Snugs around the Hips

-Sways down the Hall

:graendal::lanfear::biggrin::rolleyes: Thank you :jordan:


Sword forms that rely on deception:


Holding in the Pot Belly


Wearing the Make-up


Tightening the Girdle


Spraying the Comb-Over


And another death blow:

Turning the Spit (But Pretending to Swallow)


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