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Thank you, thank you.


*looks at the paper in her hand*


Me and Ed would like to thank all wonderful BT members for this opportunity. Lord of chaos will now rule. We also thank our families and friends. Especially our mothers that put us on this earth. (I´m not sure if we should thank Ed´s mum but anyway...) Thanks also to whomever first come up with gasoline. Ed sends his best regards to all banana growers over the world, especially the Norwegians. And I will give a special thanks to... my teddy bear, my little ponies and Barbi dolls that I play with every day?





Anyway - have some brownies. If they taste good it´s mine, if they taste bad I think they are Lessas. :biggrin:

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congrats to Ed and Tina....


Oh and Tina, Lessa does the cookies i do the brownies, THE Original tainted brownies...So of course mine will taste better...Light and filled with taintedness and loads of chocolate! :biggrin:

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I would like to clarify that this is a reappointment. You couldn't resist this if you tried. *shimmies*




Also, Talm informed me that I had to do this all officially.


So....*clears throat and adjusts tie he is wearing with his pants....*



I, Edward Joseph Pena, of the Faction Shadow, do solemny swear to uphold the Taint with every appendage possible. I swear to hump every leg attached to Talya, and to bring "love" to everyone I can.




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Thanks Logains Pet. Well Storm Leaders ehm... do stuff and makes other peoples do stuff. And we can give out points to people that deserves them. Oh, haven´t given any jet. :ohmy: Better start looking around for posts that amuse me.


Hm, are we getting points for being Storm Leaders? Maybe I should have asked Talmanes before I signed up for this?

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