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Is Randland Earth?


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I was checking out their calendar in the Glossary, and they seem to have 365 days a year and "extra days" (e.g. leap year.) They also have 4 seasons, so the axial tilt of their planet is also the same. Many animals are also recognizable as having been on Earth: cats, dogs, vermin, horses, giraffes, elephants, flounder, etc. They rarely mention looking at the moon, but there are references to one, and I believe moonlight is also mentioned. If you squint at the map, it looks like Europe, although geographic features are in different places as is the weather (but this can be explained by continental drift and the Breaking.) Non-magical elements seem to be similar and in similar quantities (copper is plentiful and worthless, gold is rare and valuable.)


yes. yes, it is.

I mentioned in another thread, what happens when our Age returns and we go back to the Moon and find artifacts from our current age there? As far as we know, the Moon isn't affected by age changes.


Who knows? I mean its not like we know how the 7th age ends. >_< Pretty much anything could take care of it. As in there are so many things that could be the 'answer' that it comes down to, unless someone tells us we pretty much assume that somehow the artifacts are destroyed. :tongue:


It's also possible that our world is one of the "If" worlds accessable from the Portal Stones.


There's a lot of references to our time, from Mother Theresa, to Siddhartha Gautama, to John Glenn, to Sally Ride, to America and Moscow and the Cold War (and an all out war between them). There's even a Mercedes-Benz hood ornament. Certainly there could be a branching path type thing, but it seems heavily implied that it's not a mirror or parallel world.


Actually, the answer to this is pretty obvious: When (not if) we find artifacts on the moon (or mars, or wherever) that prove as coming from earth but way, way back, the cycling nature of time will be rediscovered (sorry, Old Greeks) and that discovery will bring on the next age.


I always thought it was. Aviendha's vision of the future sounded so much like Earth that it shook me up. All that talk of guns, and technology on the rise, and the disappearance of indigenous populations. Maybe the most heartbreaking, disturbing set of images I've read in a fantasy series.


Ba'alzamon seems convinces that the end of this Age will break the Wheel. He's the Father of Lies, so I'll believe that when I see it, but still ... I could see Randland becoming Earth, or at least a parallel to it, in the future.


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