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Which nagging storyline is least likely to be resolved?


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I guess there's plenty of speculation about what might happen, what do you think is least likely to be resolved?


My guesses:


1. What exactly do Sharans do?


2. Tinkers don't find the Song.


1) The ultimate fate of the Aiel

2) Elayne's and Aviendha's babies

3) The whereabouts of Gaidal Cain

4) The definite source of Mat's earliest "Old Tongue" episodes/old blood relation (it will remain theoretical)

5) The fate of the white tower (including it's relation to wise ones, windfinders and the kin)

6) The song and the Tinkers (unless this is the method they use after the last battle to eradicate the blight)

7) Does Ilyena exist in the present age?

8) Tam Al'Thor's full back story (Illian, etc)

9) Anything else about the green man

10) Maybe none of the above, or a million other things that will make my brain itch....


damane/seanchan situation (at best I think there's only time for an uneasy truce that will probably not survive past the LB)


Moiraine's time spent with the Finn (she may brush on it, but I doubt she'll go in any details on it and the others won't push her, not wanting to increase the hurt she's already endured as they will see it).


Birgitte being found out by others. Unless the Heroes of the Horn blurt it out at some point where a lot of folks are gathered, I don't think this will ever be made public.


What exactly happens when the Ogier open the Book? They go to another world, but which one? What's so special about that world and why did they come to this one in the first place? How? Is this a Portal Stone world? Or something else again? Is it the same world the exotics from the Seanchan came from? How do they choose which world to go to when they open the Book? Do they get to choose or is a world chosen by the Book? in short: anything to do with the Ogier in more detail from their past and their intended future.


The Shara..... seriously, if you're going to ignore an entire culture then don't put in hints of it that are tantalising enough to curl my toes! tsk! *twaps*


Same for the Ayar. Having them do that mass suicide and stuff, but to what end? What on earth was the purpose of that? Of them? How is committing suicide different from harming someone? It's a corruption of the Way of the Leaf (which the Way of the Wave is derived from or copied on or some such, in any case they're related). Tinkers wouldn't commit suicide, so what gives?


Cadsuane's history... that would make a fine story to read. But only if written true to RJ's vision of her. In BS's hands, she's been off slightly, which makes for a different feel to the character even if the majority of her is still the same. I know it's a hairsized difference, but there it is.


Moiraine falling in love with Tom. When the flaming frack did that happen? I don't believe she would go in to the Finn world, be told he's her future hubby/warder and then go instantly Oh Tom...... *le Sigh* Something must have happened.... but what? When? Where? How? Gimme!


Shaidar Haran. I reckon he might be alive at the end but without the connection to the Dark One. Either that or he'll die without any of the Lights big players knowing he ever existed.


Shaidar Haran. I reckon he might be alive at the end but without the connection to the Dark One. Either that or he'll die without any of the Lights big players knowing he ever existed.


Whoa! I just had a crazy theory pop into my head after reading this.


I suddenly just thought "maybe Shaidar Haran comes back in a later Age as Mordeth."


My reasoning: I've always liked the theory that Fain becomes the new DO. It would be interesting if, eventually, Shaidar Haran (the DO in bodily form, so to speak) becomes Mordeth later on... The circle of life (or the Wheel of Time) never ends after all.... Weird, I know, but that just popped into my head.


Shaidar Haran. I reckon he might be alive at the end but without the connection to the Dark One. Either that or he'll die without any of the Lights big players knowing he ever existed.


Whoa! I just had a crazy theory pop into my head after reading this.


I suddenly just thought "maybe Shaidar Haran comes back in a later Age as Mordeth."


My reasoning: I've always liked the theory that Fain becomes the new DO. It would be interesting if, eventually, Shaidar Haran (the DO in bodily form, so to speak) becomes Mordeth later on... The circle of life (or the Wheel of Time) never ends after all.... Weird, I know, but that just popped into my head.


I always like speculating stuff like this. Just how many evils can you fit into one man? I cant get enough of it. Fain needs to make Shaidar his bitch! I mean hes already merged with two evils (Mordeth and Machin Sin) plus he was the Dark Ones Hound to begin with, so he already has serious evil force potential himself. Hes already there with Machin Sin and his zombie Trollocs. All he needs to do is sent the smoke at Shaidar and boom.


Shaidar would get spanked.


Hell, who knows? Callandor could be the next dagger, and the next Dragon might be corrupted by that instead of the taint, and corrupt others around instead of making food rot. Salvation and destruction and red and black references all over again, with the Fain-Dark Ones minions being obsessed over red and black...

Im not saying a word about Mats luck


Definitely next Dark One fodder. IF Shai'tan dies that is, and tbh I dont think he will, but I can still be a fan of a theory I dont think will pay off :biggrin:


What exactly happens when the Ogier open the Book? They go to another world, but which one? What's so special about that world and why did they come to this one in the first place? How? Is this a Portal Stone world? Or something else again? Is it the same world the exotics from the Seanchan came from? How do they choose which world to go to when they open the Book? Do they get to choose or is a world chosen by the Book? in short: anything to do with the Ogier in more detail from their past and their intended future.


they go to a parallel world, not a mrror world


Moiraine falling in love with Tom. When the flaming frack did that happen? I don't believe she would go in to the Finn world, be told he's her future hubby/warder and then go instantly Oh Tom...... *le Sigh* Something must have happened.... but what? When? Where? How? Gimme!


all there in the books

Terez has summarized it nicely


Moiraine falling in love with Tom. When the flaming frack did that happen? I don't believe she would go in to the Finn world, be told he's her future hubby/warder and then go instantly Oh Tom...... *le Sigh* Something must have happened.... but what? When? Where? How? Gimme!


I just fell off my chair laughing at that - brilliant!


As for unresolved issues:


1. The Ogier and the Book of translation. Always sounded massively interesting to me, but oh well. I hope we at least get to read Loial's speech to the Stump.

2. Tinkers and the lost Song

3. The future of the damane. Can't see how there will be time to fit the resolution to the spark vs learn to channel issue into the book.

Moiraine falling in love with Tom. When the flaming frack did that happen? I don't believe she would go in to the Finn world, be told he's her future hubby/warder and then go instantly Oh Tom...... *le Sigh* Something must have happened.... but what? When? Where? How? Gimme!


That's actually covered in the series--and from the very beginning, when Moiraine accepts Thom joining them despite Lan's disagreement (likely a result of Min's viewings). In any case it continues--Moiraine's confidence that Thom survived the Fade in Whitebridge, her comment to Egwene and the others that she 'knows the face of the man she would marry better than they' in tSR (Again, this must be Min as she had not stepped through the doorway yet). Her promise to Thom that they would meet again (Min), and her attempt to make him realise that not all Aes Sedai were like the Reds who gentled his nephew (her attempt to get him to open his heart to her).


My only problem in the whole arc was not her marriage proposal in ToM, it was her 'My dearest Thom, Mat doesn't hold me in the affection you do' in KoD. Nothing in what went prior in the development of their relationship supported that degree of familiarity. I can buy that they both loved each other (certainly its very well supported, if subtly, on both sides), and surprise proposals are by their very nature surprise--but that comunication was too casually intimate, and out of place.


OK, I think they are going to be LOTS, and RJ has hinted that many will be unresolved:


1) Tinkers and the Song

2) The Fate/Impact of the Ayar's suicide on the Sea Folk

3) If there is a possible new golden age with chora's and other beneficial constructs (Nym)

4) The fate of the channeling groups/their relationship to each other. Especially men channelers.

5) The Fate of the Ways after/if Rand defeats the DO. Can they be repaired? Does light return when the taint is gone?

6) The Fate of the Aiel

7) The Fate of the Seanchan Emperor/damane

8) How did they raise AS before the Breaking (only Rand knows), and why doesn't he tell them (hopefully we get it at Merrilor).


And for some frustrating plot points:


1) An explanation for some of Rand's choices in ToM/what he did for a month (not helping the Borderlands, not helping Lan sooner, not doing something at the BT, abandoning the SF after his promise to keep them close, etc)

2) An explanation for why Egwene largely also did the same (abandoned Lan & the Borderlands, etc).

3) An explanation for why no one but Min (and Rand and Caddy) really ever tried to figure out HOW the bloody LB should be won. Shouldn't have the Whites and Browns been on that one?

4) An explanation for why Verin didn't simply give the Caemlyn letter to Elayne, or another Sister she was sure of, and make her promise to open it after they left. Or, why, for that matter, didn't she just make Mat promise to open it? She should have been able to trust him to do the right thing after that, and known that pulling AS strings is a fear point for him. She'd have been covered in terms of betraying the BA (she'd have been dead by the time he opened it). And why such an onerus time limit? She said she tried to come back in like 2 days. Why not just have him wait 3 days, and open it? That was a huge blunder from someone who didn't make hardly any, and easily avoided.


I'm thinking maybe Malkier's fate, and what Rand and his families get up to after the LB.


I think Cadsuane's "origin story" is told in New Spring, at least how she gets the paralis-net and the charms in it.


I don't recall that...


I'm thinking maybe Malkier's fate, and what Rand and his families get up to after the LB.


I think Cadsuane's "origin story" is told in New Spring, at least how she gets the paralis-net and the charms in it.


I don't recall that...


It's not, though Cadsuane is in New Spring. Her origin story has been dribbled out in several books--essentially shortly after attaining the shawl, she encountered a toothless wilder named Norla. Norla owned the ter'angreal Cadsuane wears, and she eventually gave them to Cadsuane, though not until after Cadsuane had 'earned them'. We don't know what was involved in that, just that earning them 'taught Cadsuane the lesson that what must be endured, can be endured'.


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