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If you were there when the Reds attacked the Tower


Red Sisters, Black Tower  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we do about the Red Sisters who attacked the Black Tower?

    • Strike them down with Fire and kill them all!
    • Capture them and Compel them to obedience!
    • Send them away on a boat to the Seanchan
    • Shield them, Spank them and Send them back to Elaida
    • Still them and send them to Rand
    • Torture them for as much information as you can then still them
    • Forgive them all, for they are mislead
    • Other option.
    • Balefire them in the face!

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What do you fellow Asha´man think we should do with the Red Aes Sedai who tried to attack our Light-blessed Black Tower? I must say they deserve to be captured at least! I am a special soul, a female born with the ability to channel saidin =O the Creator must love me :rolleyes: and any woman who says I can´t channel but that they can, needs to be tightly leashed until they realize the folly of such thoughts!



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Rand was always very particular about Aes Sedai, so we usually leave it up to him.


Yes I would shield them... but if Rand took too long to answer I don´t think a little Compelling would be wrong...

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I have to say, that I was actually one of the reds that attacked the Black Tower. Well we were invited, but I ended up staying and eventually taking over as OL. Now you can take that as either a good thing or a bad thing as whether to allow it to happen again...


Oh you mean in the books...blush.gif

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I am disappointed that "Balefire them in the face!" was not an option.


There, fixed!

Although it would be a shame to waste such resources. They must hold some inside-info, or they can be perfect servant.

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Shield them, Spank them and Send them back to Elaida


That one... thats sounds like something I would do, and am now thinking about trying... thoug I would be sending them back to Elgee in WT


Maybe that would teach them some civility :tongue:

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Shield them, Spank them and Send them back to Elaida


That one... thats sounds like something I would do, and am now thinking about trying... thoug I would be sending them back to Elgee in WT


Maybe that would teach them some civility :tongue:


Maybe.... I'll have to try it and find out... though I dont think they will appreciate on of their warders doing that...

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Other: First, I would have all the Asha'man dress up in squirrel suits, climb into the surrounding trees, and pelt them with pine cones. After a significant amount of angry looks have been given, we'd drop out of the treaties and offer a peace treaty in exchange for the White Tower. However, we'd tell them all the treaty required of them was there felt hats and then distract them from noticing the truth by acting ultra cute. Once they signed it, our compulsion expert would Travel with it to the Amyrlin Seat and make her sign it and then make her think that she is a penguin. This accomplished, we would make all the Aes Sedai make us noodles.

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well, killing them would provoke the WT far too much, perhaps enouh so that they would send more sisters and entire amries after us, potentially destroying our fledging Black Tower. letting them go is far too light, though ,so i voted to shield them, spank them and send them back to elaida.


they would have learned not to mess with us, that we are capable of mercy without provoking an immediate attack from the WT. they would not like what we did, but they would realise that we could have done much worse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Come on guys, seriously? I CANT be the only one who thinks that a big, long, hard, black... tower... could do with a couple of girls running around the place...

I mean i'm not judging you fellas, but it is rather suggestive dontcha think?


I say shield them, learn from them and let them spruce the place up a bit... and if someone gets a bit of ass on the side...


Well hey lets just say im pretty confident I know why they're all a bit on the mad side =D


Lets throw another option in the survey...


Ohh my i can sense another freezing of my account coming along.....

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