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The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon

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Well, darn! I had checked that thread in the Blue Ajah and also the Grey Midsummer Festival thread earlier yesterday but must have just missed those darn Trollocs. Tricksy, sneaksy creatures that they are . . .


*squares shoulders determinedly and vows to scour the Tower in search of the Shadowspawn . . . as she has time, anyway*


I'm with you Dar! I checked both those threads yesterday. Must be they hadn't been put there yet. I would've checked again last night, but husband and I had a date night so I couldn't exactly go hunting for Trollocs then! I do have only a half day of work today though, so maybe I can find me a Trolloc or two.


Also, wooo Mills! Thank you for keeping the Blue Ajah safe from invading Trollocs :biggrin:.

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*recleans pot 5* *feels unsure if she should be happy or sad about leaving* On one hand I don't have to soak my handsies any longer, on the other I have the weight of the knowledge I will have to clean 13 pots next time on my shoulders...


Don't worry Alannalynn Sedai, I haven't been tortured or abused [badly]. It was a very...interesting...experience.


Until next time!!! :baalzamon::mat:


*leaves at a run to pounce on the poor ickle threads she has left alone for so long [two days]*









Sweet Creator. What's goin ON in the Tower? Someone needs to get on these guardsmen.


*grumbling Millon walks into the kitchens to see if there's any grub left*


KREEYYYAAAAAA!! *screeches the eagle headed trolloc.*


OH COME ONNN!! I am NEVER gettin a bite to eat am I?! Just because Marta said I was gettin a lil too 'comfy' doesn't deserve THIS kind of diet management. Not that heavy.


*again the trolloc screaches*


Alright, alright. i suppose you have waited long enough *Millon sighs as he reaches.......* O_O oh crap. It's in my room!!


*he dodges around a prep table as the trolloc lunges at him. Searching quickly Millon grabs the nearest things* haHAAAA!


*he weilds a pot and a..........rolling pin?* CRAP!!


*Millon continues to run around the prep table with the trolloc's Talons scraping on the tiles in pursuit. One lap. Two laps. Three, Four, five laps. They both stop. panting staring at each other. Millon sticks out his tongue at the creature and they start running again. Millon starts to laugh at the obsurdness of the situation*


This has got to end. Enough already.


*Millon levers himself up onto the prep table swinging the black pot up, over and ontop of the trollocs and RINGS it with rolling pin!*


BOOOONNNGGG!!! *and the trolloc falls holding it's head in it's hands, eyes bulging dazedly out of it's face. With a quick STOMP to it's neck he collapses it's wind pipe and waits for the body to become still. He kneels down and removes the chain from the feathers.*


Skull and bones. Yet another I do not have. How many different fists are there?

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Grumble. Why did the quote not work!




Sweet Creator. What's goin ON in the Tower? Someone needs to get on these guardsmen.


*grumbling Millon walks into the kitchens to see if there's any grub left*


KREEYYYAAAAAA!! *screeches the eagle headed trolloc.*


OH COME ONNN!! I am NEVER gettin a bite to eat am I?! Just because Marta said I was gettin a lil too 'comfy' doesn't deserve THIS kind of diet management. Not that heavy.


*again the trolloc screaches*


Alright, alright. i suppose you have waited long enough *Millon sighs as he reaches.......* O_O oh crap. It's in my room!!


*he dodges around a prep table as the trolloc lunges at him. Searching quickly Millon grabs the nearest things* haHAAAA!


*he weilds a pot and a..........rolling pin?* CRAP!!


*Millon continues to run around the prep table with the trolloc's Talons scraping on the tiles in pursuit. One lap. Two laps. Three, Four, five laps. They both stop. panting staring at each other. Millon sticks out his tongue at the creature and they start running again. Millon starts to laugh at the obsurdness of the situation*


This has got to end. Enough already.


*Millon levers himself up onto the prep table swinging the black pot up, over and ontop of the trollocs and RINGS it with rolling pin!*


BOOOONNNGGG!!! *and the trolloc falls holding it's head in it's hands, eyes bulging dazedly out of it's face. With a quick STOMP to it's neck he collapses it's wind pipe and waits for the body to become still. He kneels down and removes the chain from the feathers.*


Skull and bones. Yet another I do not have. How many different fists are there?


Daruya dashes in to see if any more Trollocs had been found only to rebound off of something with a clang.


Darn Warder! Why can't armor be softer? That stuff hurts! Backs up and looks up at the Warder in question, only to see feathers and beak and cruel beady eyes staring at her hungrily.


Aieeeeee! Daruya just about trips over herself backing up and hurriedly prepares a weave of Air, holding said Trolloc firmly as she puts some distance between them.


Why are Warders never around when you need them? she mutters. Raising her hands, she forms a weave to remove the feathers (following Mother's example; after all, waste not, want not and someone might need a new pillow) and stuffs them into a burlap bag. Looking at the featherless Trolloc she ponders whether or not to salvage the armor. It probably wouldn't fit any warders anyway. Shrugging, reaches up and pinches the Trollocs cheek, then pats it before backing off again and blasting the Trolloc with fireball after fireball. As the Trolloc cheerily burns, Daruya hollers out . . . Someone bring the marshmallows! No need to waste this wonderful fire!

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Ditto to what Millon said. I can't find the Trolloc alert list mentioned. I thought the Trolloc alerts were posted here with the number of Trollocs but can't find a post with clues.


I'd love to find another but probably need to draft up a kill first and have it ready to go. I had to rush the one I did earlier because I was afraid someone would beat me to it if I embellished it too much! LOL!


*wishes she had a paralis net that would give warning when Shadowspawn is near*

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Well, this will keep it beautiful.


*adds cucumber slices to the Sword Captain's eyes*

Now, lie back and relax.





Whisks into the Red quarters for overdue snugglebites and sees a Trolloc leaning over the Sword Captain, who is oblivious, as he has cucumber slices over his eyes.


Trolloc! Trolloc! Awake and to arms! For the love of the light, we're being invaded!


Daruya tosses cucumber slices down on the floor so that when the Trolloc whirls at her alarm, he slips and sprawls inelegantly on the floor. Pushing the snoozing Sword Captain onto the floor (for his protection, don't you know), Daruya hurriedly forms a gateway to nowhere and pushes the resisting Trolloc through the gateway. Closing the gateway hurriedly, she gazes in some disgust at the half of a Trolloc arm on the floor where it had been sliced off by the closing gateway!



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Should I start my Ter'angreal part of the discussion yet?





I, Tigara, was wandering the Great Hall, admiring it's greatness. Well, not so much admiring as being completely distracted by shiny things. I was entertaining myself with a golden vase when I saw a reflection go past me. It was a Fade! And it was.....skipping? What kind of sick twisted creature was this?


"I challenge you to a duel!" I called out. The Fade turned around and I can only assume he stared for a few second. Then he walked over and we stood facing each other.......





He was rock, I was paper...I win.


He let out a shriek of displeasure and swung his deadly sword at me. I quickly pulled out Alfonso, my trusty trout, to block and parry. We sparred for a moment, sword against fish. This was until I grew bored and thought "What in the Light am I doing, I can channel!" I quickly wove as much air into him as quickly as I could and watch him start to swell like a balloon.




Such a satisfying sound, nothing like popping a ooooh a shiny thing! :biggrin:

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ROFLMAO! Go Aes Sedai! :biggrin:


Also, Basel gets a special Amy point for the Creative use of Kitchen Implements Whilst Working Within The Limitations of his Rank *nods*

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Many people, especially our new members, struggle to get the various sword forms right.


With that in mind, we thought it would be very helpful to give a short description with an illustration. Please feel free to ad yours here.


The first one we will be showing you today is a combination of balance and defence against arrow attack *:



Step 1: put your full weight on your right leg.

Step 2: lift your left leg and stretch it backwards.

Step 3: bend your torso to the left.

Step 4: bend your neck to the left.

Step 5: bite the arrow shaft and pull it out your left buttock.


This Form is called "Swan balancing on right leg to pull arrow out of ass". It is most often used by new Warders who have not yet learnt the art of NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON A FLAMING WHITECLOAK!.


* Illustration courtesy of Nynaeve, our resident Whitecloak Yellow Head.







Daruya entered the Warder’s quarters, intent on finding that book of sword forms Mother had told her about.


It has to be here somewhere, she muttered.


Entering what appeared to be a library – complete with a bar – she spied a large open book on the bar. Opening the book she began looking through the forms. Suddenly, she felt the hair on her neck begin to stand up and, turning quickly, she saw a form dressed all in black. Her eyes slid across the eyeless face and she felt fear, the sick queasiness of fear, roil in her stomach.


As he stepped toward her, Daruya stepped back and reached behind her, grabbing a bottle of . . . something . . . from the bar. Checking the label quickly, she sees that it says “Rotgut from the Blight. Good for what ails you or will kill you instead.”


She readied a weave of fire and it blasted harmlessly around the Fade, scorching the pool table instead.

Alas! Her weaves were not affecting the Fade. She raised the bottle and brought it crashing down upon his head. As he wobbled on his feet, she grabbed a souvenir Trolloc hook off the wall and hooked his feet out from under him. On the wall hung a huge meat-cleaver looking implement; obviously another Trolloc souvenir. Grabbing it with flows of air, she held it over the Fades neck and dropped it, neatly severing his head.


Ha! Another one bites the dust. Light blasted Shadowspawn!

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I think I bonded your cousin, Narg - beaky guy with yellow feathers. Grunted a lot and licked my arm. Had to kill him, unfortunately.


*Hands Narg 1 of the yellow feathers she'd saved inside her bodice as a keepsake of her dearly departed Bonded that frigging Lick Freak with REALLY Bad Breath.*

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All what talk?


Also, I voted :p, and have voted before without telling you *evil ggl*




2 bands of trollocs so far. Ttwo. INSIDE THE TOWER!! First that hundred arms in the Moat, and now trollocs. Hope I don't run into any fades. Don't think I could take one of those on my own. Back to the yards to practice sword forms then. Need to be ready.


*stepping out of the tower he enters one of the reck areas of the yard. Past empty weapons racks and naked armor dummies. Stepping past one of the pin up boards for the latest Sweet 16 competition* Crap, where the hell are all the weapons?


*with a great bellow a trolloc jumps into the clearing. Catch pole raised before it. The beast charges straight at Millon. With no other choice he cicks up one of the benches into the trollocs path tripping it on it's face. Millon takes advantage of the trolloc being down and jumps on it's shoulders. Greatly underestimating it's strength to his peril. The trolloc rears up and Millon grabs it by it's wolfen ears*


Harder to let go of the wolfonce you grab it by it's ears. Never thought I would LITERALLY see what THAT'S like!


*trolloc bucks and Millon rides it out like a wild bull. Until eventually......oddly.....it stops in a lathered panting heap. exhausted. Millon hops off and pets the trolloc on the side of the head and feeds it some of his rations*


Goooood boyyy. That's it. Good boy.


*he puts a rope around the trollocs neck and begins to walk him back toward his dorms* I will call you Petey and you will be my friend. Come on Petey. Good boyyy hahaha. I'll teach you tricks and we'll play fetch and frolick in the park and.....


*when out of the bush comes a flight of arrows turning the trolloc into a pin cushion. The Guardsman commander commemorates Millon for delaying the creature so that they may dispacth him and they trudge off to find there next target*




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