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Naming the Dark One


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In the Great Hunt, we saw first hand that naming the DO has tangible negative effects. It begs to ask then, if no one names the DO, or almost no one, why has his name not been lost? Can it be written safely? Is it okay to whisper? How can something never said be remembered?


In the Great Hunt, we saw first hand that naming the DO has tangible negative effects. It begs to ask then, if no one names the DO, or almost no one, why has his name not been lost? Can it be written safely? Is it okay to whisper? How can something never said be remembered?


Whatever you do don't think of an elephant named 'chartreuse'. Its a horribly secret name and if you say the ..um...colored elephants name you'll feel him stomping near you. Maybe feel a trumpet. So don't think of an elephant named...wait I can't say it.


Did I mention it was Char-- um ..nevermind.


I think the element of 'don't ever think of this word' will cause it to live on in infamy for thousands of cycles lol. Cuz every idiot's probably gonna say it at least once. However, once the elephant stomps on your foot you sure will remember NOT to say the name.


It could probably relate to the phrase "Speak of the devil and he comes".



The Great Hunt scene seems to be a poor example since the Trollocs & Myrddraal seemed to be already in before Rand said the name.



Rand also spoken the name in Path of Daggers. Though that also might be a poor example since it could relate to the Ebou Dar One Power situation in combination with Callandor.


Also previously towards the end of Eye of World. And nothing bad happened directly after.


For me, it always begs the question of who exactly named the Dark One as S***'***?


His mother, she always had a special place in her heart for that name.


i think it's a corruption of satan, which comes from the hebrew word which is pronounced, "sahtan," which doesn't mean the devil, it just means challenger, or maybe prosecuter, like in a court. but when the torah and the judaism got translated, the concept of the sahtan turned into the concept of satan, and then frank herbert turned that into shaitan, and so did RJ. or mabe they both got that pronunciation from a religion with which i'm less familiar.


Another word/title often attached to that translation is "Accuser" not quite the same as prosecutor but still worth mentioning.


early in the series, i was certain it was all just superstition. i'm a little surprised that it isn't.


Moraine believe that it was bad luck too though, and she hardly seems the superstitious type.


It also seems that part of the reason that the attack on Fal Dara was so bad was that Rand named the Dark One.


Another word/title often attached to that translation is "Accuser" not quite the same as prosecutor but still worth mentioning.


ya, it's the same in my mind, but i learned it in hebrew, so i can't put it directly into english very well.


i think it's a corruption of satan, which comes from the hebrew word which is pronounced, "sahtan," which doesn't mean the devil, it just means challenger, or maybe prosecuter, like in a court. but when the torah and the judaism got translated, the concept of the sahtan turned into the concept of satan, and then frank herbert turned that into shaitan, and so did RJ. or mabe they both got that pronunciation from a religion with which i'm less familiar.






In some cultures, word Shaitan(Shaytan) is used quite often. They don't fear the Dark One!


i think it's more that we/they don't see the sahtan, or shaytan, as the Dark One. it's just a desire to do evil that's present in everyone, alongside the desire to do good. our better and worse natures. the figurative little devils and angels on our shoulders. nothing to fear because nothing is there that has any power over anyone or anything.


but getting off topic, eh? this happens when i post sleepy.


Another word/title often attached to that translation is "Accuser" not quite the same as prosecutor but still worth mentioning.


ya, it's the same in my mind, but i learned it in hebrew, so i can't put it directly into english very well.


The Hebrew dictionary I have shows that שׂטן (transliterated śâṭân) and pronounced as saw-tawn' is literally defined as "adversary."

Defining the Dark One, or Shaitan, as The Adversary is a good way for me to understand it here in the WOT series.





shaitan is actually the arabic word for devil.


i also just found out that naeblis sounds similar to ibliss who is the name of the head devil who refused to bow down to adam when commanded by God in islamic circles

early in the series, i was certain it was all just superstition. i'm a little surprised that it isn't.
It still seems superstition to me.



It could probably relate to the phrase "Speak of the devil and he comes".
Same applies to unwelcome inlaws.
Probably any disliked person.
early in the series, i was certain it was all just superstition. i'm a little surprised that it isn't.
It still seems superstition to me.



When Rand named the DO in TGH the world shook around him.

early in the series, i was certain it was all just superstition. i'm a little surprised that it isn't.
It still seems superstition to me.
When Rand named the DO in TGH the world shook around him.
Some chance of the shake coming from the Trollocs & Myrddraal that were already in.


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