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Better check your sentries


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*through the dark, shimmering mist. Figures start to take form as they run through to Shayol Ghul. But is it for Battle? For revenge? NO its to have fun so put dow your weapons and step up the the archers tent to get the mix of everything :biggrin: .


i've pm'ed naeannn to make sure this was alright and i got a yes it was so here we are to put an alligence together lol and to have the most fun in Dragon mount. The Archers, Sneaky, pranksters and stealthy men and woman on DM + the overly Subtle, extremely smooth talking and plot making Shayol Ghul= a hell of a good time

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They must be stabbed with all the vehemency we can muster, fellow 'Ghulers!




*Stab* *Stab*


*Stab* *Stab* *Stab*


*Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab**Stab* *Stab* *Stab*



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well my spelling is always awful you see i hate to type/write/print so i just write what i think the word is spelled like and really don't care but since Moon is here i guess i have to watch my step since moon is here. oh come on people we come in peace (only problem is it looks like all my banders are inactive) which is completely rotten. Anyways since im new Captain General of them (and now you know another Alak) i don't really really have my grasp on the garentees of joining so why dont you just pop over and see for yourself...of course there probaly wont be anyone active unfortunately. :sad:

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Well, I for one welcome our new archer overlords (quick what am I quoting)


*Wraps verb, combat and what in flows of air*


Here, we've even set up targets for you. Don't worth, shadowspawn are relatively worthless and easily replaced.

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Do the Archers have any social benefits? Healthcare perhaps, or free dental?


If you wish us to join you, then we need incentive.


Most of us will work off people to stab.





No, it's my understanding that Archers join simply because they are trying to pay for college.


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well my spelling is always awful you see i hate to type/write/print so i just write what i think the word is spelled like and really don't care but since Moon is here i guess i have to watch my step since moon is here. :sad:


*channels weaves of air around deadly*


I love that I've got a Rep. . . :biggrin:




Now, what shall I do with such a. . . enthusiastic one such as Deadly. . .


I know! :baalzamon:


*spins him around in circles, with weaves of air then snuggletackles*


They never see it coming.


You've just been snuggletackled by a flaming turtle.

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Well, I for one welcome our new archer overlords (quick what am I quoting)


*Wraps verb, combat and what in flows of air*


Here, we've even set up targets for you. Don't worth, shadowspawn are relatively worthless and easily replaced.



Silly mortal. Remember that your Power cannot be channeled at Shaidar Haran. Fool.





And it's from the Simpsons, but from a book before that. Don't remember the author.

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I used to be in the infantry as well. -hides my spoon-




*hangs Nae up by her ankles*



As the recent CG and now 2nd in command, I order you to return to the Infantry and dig some latrines!



Just as soon as you clean out the dungeons here for me Krak. ;)

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