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The Top 100 Most Used Word(s) or Phrases

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I've noticed a lot of geldings are "mouse colored" but have not seen any mice "gelding colored."


During the long summer that lasted from FoH thru PoD there was a lot of "punch" in various forms. When winter hit, the punch was replaced by "spiced or mulled wine."

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Alongside Breasts, is the other randland champion: BOSOM, whether be it huge, impressive etc...

And cleavage is also a close contender.


RJ had some serious issues with Oedipe's complex.

I agree 100%. RJ found it mandatory to describe a really nice rack. So if he didn't mention the lung warts you could assume they were Appalachians instead of Rockies.

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Egwene "raised an eyebrow."


Funny, most characters in WoT seem capable of the one-eyed-eyebrow raise made famous by Spock in Star Trek yet in reality, most people aren't capable of raising just one eyebrow.


The more I think about and read the almost constant non-verbal clues to clue us in to how a character feels, thinks, or reacts, I can't help but think that in most of these instances, we can figure out the mood of the character based on the dialogue and not an endless procession of sniffs, snorts, eyebrow raises, arms fold, fists on hips, sensing through the bond, or, if you're a wolf friend, being able to smell everything from simply fear to casual amusement with a hint of apprehension underlying a slight sense of urgency...

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