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Swishhhhhh tick tick tick tick tick Swishhhhhh tick tick tick tick tick tick Swishh tick tick Swishhhh tick tick tick tick Swishhhhhhhhh tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick Swish tick Swishhh tick tick tick


So, who can tell me what the above represents? :biggrin:



My history!!! From pre-school to post-college!



Or otherwise put:



The beginning... train those finger muscles, Myst! And nevermind the bloody gashes if you slam in between the keys. Keep going!





A bit more style, please! Oil those joints! I'm getting rheumatism at 12!





OI! We have electricity!!! Introducing the latest of the latest: the electric typewriter!



yes, it has a chord. All the way to the socket in the wall. Over there *points to far end of the room*


Problem now.... for years we've been trained to slam those keys with slamhammer fingers, ignoring blood spurts flying about while biting off the tip of our tongue, determined to put that letter on that sheet of paper if it's the last flaming thing we'll do! Fingers well trained, fully muscled, slam like they've never slammed before.


It was ok with the electric ones, you still needed that physical impact to make a difference. But now comes....



The Electronic one!




This one was a nuisance for well trained finger slamming typists. A feather touch on any key and off it went on a tangent typing the same key two hundred thousand times.


NEW GAME!!!! How long can you make the machine type without touching it?


You type (blind and with ALL 10 fingers!) as fast as you can and then let go and watch the machine frantically trying to catch up. Go get a cup of coffee, a cupcake, have a chat with your neighbours, clean the kitchen, do the dishes, watch the news and casually saunter back to your desk in time to see the last dot being placed. Steam rising behind the machine and you can swear you hear it breathing heavily from the strain. Next paragraph.



anyone remember these???




remember when you could NOT use them for exams or tests or you would get an instant F? You miss spelled, you lost a point. That's the deal. It's English. The point is to LEARN to spell correctly. Not to learn to hit the backspace key. :tongue:

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I recognize the ass spanking thing at the bottom and the computer, Wolfbrother, but what's the rest of that? :blink:


Myst ... ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to call my sister to come read that. She still remembers typewriters :dry:


Fnorrll, Phelix is a friend and a Red from the RP side. I totally didn't entice him this side. Honest.


Rashi ... *shifts feet*

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We just used to sniff em, Myst....


And lmao at phelix's reply to my last comment, not sure where the guy has come from but he's funny, he really dont know me tho :p phelix, join warders!!


True, Fnorrll, I don't know you... we can correct that though.


*puts on his glasses and moves into the standard interviewer pose*


So, tell me about yourself. Where do you come from? What do you do? What makes you interesting?


(You'd be surprised how many people don't know how to answer those questions....)

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Myst, I was actually remembering these:




but the typewriter was a good guess! I, too, learned to type on typewriters! Remember the onion skin paper and carbon paper?


I'm not sure if they still have them but my parents used to have a couple antique typewriters that I used in high school for term papers and such, until they bought an electric one. We're talking OLD. Big, heavy and old. Ahhhh, the memories . . .

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haha typewriters nice! And we used to have an old looking phone too....but mom got it for style lol


And, like Elgee said based on my example, things are changing rapidly! More than the fact that my little brother has a cell phone, before my parents gave it to him, he was complaining that KINDGERGARTNERS have cell phones!!! little five and six year old with cell phones? Que ridiculo no? (pardon my spanish...weird things happen when you mix languages :) ).


haha playstation versus SNES...don't even know what SNES stands for, other than sneeze of course lol Does anybody remember the Atari? I played on that for a couple of years when dad finally gave in and said it was okay, he was very protective of his childhood items. He wouldn't even sell the Atari separate from the games, it all had to go as one package....so we still have it.

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And you had to milk your own cows. For real, not on Facebook.


*falls on the floor laughing* ROFL! Do you know people seriously spend real MONEY on those virtual farms? O-O


Phelix you're not the only one. I'm 32 and I've done a lot of these things! I used to make tape mixed off of the radio all day long and give them to friends. I had real mail penpals too. And I didn't et the internet til college when it was a new thing without any pictures. My first PC was a Commodore 64 that you had to PROGRAM yourself! Good old Unix and the Lynx web browser. Amen to this list! :D

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Fnorrell, I already applied to be a novice... but the rules say I can switch at any time! I'll just have to explore a bit and see what I like.


:biggrin: I like exploring. :biggrin:


(Question that's been floating in my head for some time... in your sig, the guy in the armor... is that you?)

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I do! My next door neighbor and I would have tons of board games for rainy days...that or books if we couldn't hang out together lol We would Monopoly, Sorry, Trouble, various card games--most of them made up with rules as you go and they always started fights between us, and we would even do paint type stuff together. Ah the good old days when life was much simpler lol

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Elgee, m'dear, I so rocked the board games. Clue, Scrabble, and Monopoly were my favorites... as for cards, we'd play Rummy, poker, and a bunch of kid games (like Egyptian Rat Screw).


Trivial Pursuit was also fun... but my dad cheated. He'd memorize the questions and answers!

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