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Into the jaws of hades...


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*Ama wanders in to see what the fuss is all about, sees Kwom holding Song by the wrist*


Not on my watch Warder!


*channels and wraps up the Warder in Air, until he cannot move an inch*


You will not lay hands on our Fuls!


*hands Song back her dagger*


Here you go love, have at him :laugh:


Now, pets, i think i'd like me one of those too *snickers*

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Now Song, like this honey


*reveals her own dagger and pushes it into Kwom's side - just enough to cause a rivulet of blood*


Don't hurt him too much Song, he is a visitor after all.


Kwom you understand that we need to train our fuls don't you dear *pats his cheek*

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Cant stay long, will be marching back for our welcome home orgy i mean party soon


Oh hell yeah! Now we're talking Fnorrll! This may be the only time you won't hear a comment out of me regarding the fact that the Aes Sedai outnumber the warders!!


Dang.... I need to shave!

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Cant stay long, will be marching back for our welcome home orgy i mean party soon


Oh hell yeah! Now we're talking Fnorrll! This may be the only time you won't hear a comment out of me regarding the fact that the Aes Sedai outnumber the warders!!


Dang.... I need to shave!


yes you do *holds out her dagger* would you like for me to do it for you?

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Wow, ok then.


Kwom, i think i need to give you a bit of extra training before letting you out the tower next time...welldone for refusing their offer, I'v resisted their black allure for some time now out of principle as well...


*spanks Song and Adella with the flat of his sword*


And just to let you know? Me and Paet are the proud owners of fox head medallions. Now no bullying my troops!

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*stumbles in late as usual*


What's that smell?


*gets in line for the march and starts up cadence*


We are the Warders.


The mighty mighty Warders.


The world's finest warriors.

The shadow fears us


and the Aes Sedai leer at us


We fight all day and dance all night!


Doing the things to make our Aes Sedai feel alright!


I'm pretty sure that cadence is barred by the Geneva Conventions

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And just to let you know? Me and Paet are the proud owners of fox head medallions. Now no bullying my troops!


*Channels the ground out from under Fnorrll and throws the displaced dirt at Paet with weaves of air, knocking him into the trench*


Foxheads? How cute.


*Deposits the dirt on Fnorrl and Paet*

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