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Into the jaws of hades...


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With a sudden rush of wind that seems to come from no where, the banner of the White Tower is ripped from the sky and flung to the earth in a ball of flame. Warders scramble around to put out the small fires, but as they do so, figures emerge from the maw in the ground.

There is a pretty woman, alluring and causing mens hearts to stop (sometimes literally) and she was luring men in with....cookies, of all things!

Behind her comes a man with a glimmer in his eye. He was a man who loved to laugh, but some of the Warders were concerned as what could make the sinister man smile.

Behind him came a woman of voluptuous beauty, and a soft, warm fragrance flowed from her. It drew men in, tempting them to get closer to her, where she waited with her devilish knife.

And trailing them all came a rather short man, in all black. He looked somber and struck fear into many Warders, new and seasoned alike.



Who were these people and what did they want?!







Tune in to the next poster to find out. :D

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*stumbles in.... takes a deep breath* Ahhhh.... sooo much better. Great lord! I have infiltrated the warders! Do you know how hard this is??? I can't eat people there! Quick! Someone... get me a hoomahn leg to eat!







*starts playing eye of the tiger on his pan flute*

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Excuse me, sir. That helmet put you at what I judge as a -very- high risk of spontaneous combustion. Mind if I just, eh, remove it?


*Removes helmet*


Ah, thank you. Don't you feel better, knowing you won't just be naturally incinerated by odd atmospheric conditions?



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*giggles is a very Horror-Movie sort of way* New toys! Can I keep one?



*giggles if a very Horror-Movie sort of way* New toys! Can I keep one?




Not only once....but twice. *shakes head*





Really....if you want to play.....

We'll let out the Shadowspawn...they have Limi....she's one nasty creature, I tell you wHat.




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*grabs Piano by the lapels of his coat*


Light man, pull yourself together! You're a Warder; we fight for the Aes Sedai. Look into yourself, this is a far better cause than because you feel like it. You know this to be true. :smile: *nods and lets go of coat*

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