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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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I love hanging out at bars! Though I do hate talking to anyone who isn't my friend because, as I am fond of telling everyone while drunk, they have "sub-standard banter." I tells ya, it's lucky I'm short and blonde and stuffs otherwise I would have been punched a long time ago.

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Went out to the bars with my brother-in-law and his friends this past weekend.  We ended up getting kicked out of two because one of his friends went sprinting past the line from "acceptable drunk" to "unable to stand."  Good times though...felt like I was 22 again :tongue:

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*strokes the kitteh affectionately*


Okay, I'll give you that one... I don't have the need to worry about drunken boys trying to come pick me up :biggrin:

Depends on the bar!  :wink:



Lol! I'm a man who can take a compliment :wink:


If it gets me more drinks, I might even flirt a little

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Went out to the bars with my brother-in-law and his friends this past weekend.  We ended up getting kicked out of two because one of his friends went sprinting past the line from "acceptable drunk" to "unable to stand."  Good times though...felt like I was 22 again :tongue:


It happens TG :biggrin:

While I was ported in Korea, my buddy who I have spent literally hours drinking with before, got pretty hammered and ended up falling asleep in the bar we were at. Cut my night short to say the least, we had to haul his arse back to the ship.

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