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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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*stares at Corki from a corner*


*pokes him to see if he's real*


Hiya! I'm BB!


Careful with the poking...who knows how he'll react....


*sips his M-G Brew*


Ah, it's good to see that none of the madness has gone away!


I'd do more than sip that M-G brew before I change my mind and take it back :wink: Then again....just hand me a sangria and you should be able to keep that one!

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*saunters into the tavern and eyes her bonded and banded*


Oi!! You two.... yes, you two... this is your fault. I'm probably gonna regret this.


*adjusts Windsinger, hooks a foot around a seat and plonks into a chair*


So... been here longer than 2 seconds, no drink... have you killed all the RR's? :wink:

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*superflyingtacklehugs and smooches her Sis*  Hey there!!


*helps Tay back off the floor*  RRs are a little scarce at the moment but hold on a min.  *beckons over a George*  A Guinny for my Sis and keep em coming.


*Brid grins at Tay*  Good to be back isn't it?  :wink:

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Ooommpff. Missed you too sis :cool: ...as to good... that depends on the state of the Barracks, whether my tankard is still around and where our erstwhile bro has vanished to. And also... who put that daft adopted of mine in a position of authority and have they been certified yet? :laugh:


By the way... you stink of horse poo still. Couldn't you have bathed some time over the last few years? *grins* :wink:

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I did bathe!!  I took a special roll in the horse poo bath just for you.  It's all the rave now, everyone is doing it.  :tongue:   I think it's just a perma smell now, after all these years.  :bela:


Our wayward Bro has been seen around in the past few days, so as soon as he hears you're back, I'm sure he'll come a runnin.  *noddity*


As for putting your adopted in charge...I had nothing to do with it.  I think he doesn't even know how it happened.  :wink:


Let the fun begin!!  :biggrin:

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