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I don't like the word mintees. It's far too girly.


Holidays are over boys, where are you? Report in and tell me how you're getting on.


As for the rest of you miserable lot, don't dare spam this thread *glares*


I don't like the word mintees. It's far too girly.

I would like to point out that post people say "mentee" instead of "mintee" and I believe Limi thought the word "MINTee" to be more appropriate for a Greenie mentee. She was also considering the nickname "Mint Green" for a sig at the time, so it kind of fit into that. :rolleyes:


So, yes, in fact, the word "mintee" is a bit girly, as it was first used (in my knowledge) by a girl.


Holidays are over boys, where are you? Report in and tell me how you're getting on.



Maybe they haven't been able to show their faces ever since they found out who their mentor is? Just throwing a speculation in there ;)







Everyone except Adella is a dirty spammer and i demand they be punished. Adella actually provided useful information, mentee is only half as girly as mintee and in certain situations i may possibly consider allowing it's useage.

Does the fact that i thought it was mintee show where i spend most of my time? :/


Are you calling Narg a mintee??? That might be fine... might not be.... hard to say right now. I am still trying to wash off the menthol.


I'm pretty sure I've used mintee a lot as well >.>


You want me to be punished? awwww. Dreaming is nice, ain't it? :P







*laughs* I agree with you actually Fnorrll. :) I am a bit partial to the whole MINTee thing, and love the mint theme from the Greens. :) I have seen others before and after me, (mostly my darling bondeds) use it as well :)


I like the sound of Trainees though personally for warders.


Everyone except Adella is a dirty spammer and i demand they be punished. Adella actually provided useful information, mentee is only half as girly as mintee and in certain situations i may possibly consider allowing it's useage.

Does the fact that i thought it was mintee show where i spend most of my time? :/

Cause I'm win. And so are the Greens.



Nyn, I wasn't trying to say no one has used it ever, but that recently I had only seen it used by Limi, Charis, myself, and our mintees. Sorry if it sounded bad, it wasn't meant negatively. >.<


Nargbert! Front and center old boy! Ok...hows it going? How much trouble are you in? Give me a damage report...


The rest of you light blasted spammers, gerrout of here!!!

Fine... *is kicked out*











lol Adella, I was just commenting, not criticizing.



As for your mintee, Fnroll........... Nargie has violated my personal space... again. Please make sure he repeats this behavior. Thankee! ^_^







Narg? Trouble? I don't know what you are talking about??


Ok, Adella and Elgee might disagree... but in my defense... I am a trolloc!


Narg believes there are a few christmas and new years parties that won't recover in time for a repeat performance because the Narg showed up. Yes... Nynaeve's personal space was violated... repeatedly...


I believe I am still marching... somewhere... got me a class signed up for... annnnnnndddd.... oh yes... I will be insulting contestants in a dance off.



Other than that... give me a week to get acquainted again with what this whole work thing is and I can then get back to spreading my stench everywhere.




The Narg


Hey, you're still my favourite feather duster, Narg :biggrin:


*Catches Fnorrll's eye* ... I are NOT a filthy spammer! It's all Narg's fault, anyway.


Yeah, Mintee or Minty was used waaay back when the program was started. I don't know if it was used before I said it, but I was using it and calling the Mentors, Mentos or Mento®s... because it seemed to fit... Mentos being mints and all... lol.


*high fives his feathers* Still the number one inanimate cleaning device! Woo Hoo!


Just... be careful with the high stuff... we can be heavy. :tongue:


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