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Adopt a Kinster!


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For those of you who are new to the Kin, I want to introduce you to one of my favorite parts of the Christmas Season here.


A few years ago, we had some folks who were having a very rough go of it. They'd been laid off, could barely pay bills and keep food on the table. Needless to say, their Christmas was going to be pretty down. We decided to see what we could do to help, being the Kin that we are. We collected money, pooled it together and sent it to our Kinster in need. It wasn't much, but it did allow for some Christmas shopping and presents under the tree for some kids who might've had to wait a bit for it.


Since that first Christmas, our Adopt a Kinster program has grown exponentially. Last year, we sent $176 to a Kin family to help make the season a little brighter. While that doesn't sound like much, I know it was appreciated and that Santa's rep was protected, too. ;)


It's that time of year again; time to share a little of ourselves in order to make someone's Holiday Season a little brighter. We can only send what we collect, though, and that means we need help from you!


Here's how it works:

1- you donate through paypal to the Kin's paypal account. This is not connected to anyone's credit cards or checking accounts. It goes straight from the paypal account out to whomever is chosen as the recipient. If the person we choose doesn't have a paypal account, we get a generic Visa or MC gift card in the amount we've collected.


2- The folks who donate are the ones who decide who gets the $$. We discuss who's had a rough year and who can benefit the most from our assistance. We come to a consensus and we send the money before Christmas so they can do some shopping (dinner, presents... whatever!).



That's pretty much it!


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I'll be happy to answer them here for via PM's (as long as they're working...)!



The Kin's paypal account is: thekinexchange@gmail.com

If you make a donation, please send me a PM or e-mail to let me know so I can go accept it before it's returned to you!

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*Gets all excited and hugs Lor* Oops..sorry! :happy: That is such a

wonderful idea! I would love to help. One year ago today, I lost my

job and lived on Lucky Charms and ramen noodles for along time.

*Shudders* Even though that might not seem like much..I understand

those in need. One never knows how far a random act of kindness can go.

Sign me up for sure!

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*grins at Lor*


This is what the Kin ia all about! I love this place and the people who live here!


hey Thorkin..you don't have to sign up! Just click the link to the account and donate what you want or can! It's up to you to do it!




And that is a note to all of you...click that linkey NOW...don't think you'll come back and do it later@! I know in the past many have said they would, get busy and don't get back to it...so just take care of business now! Even a couple dollars can make a HUGE difference!


The last couple of years there have been a cuople people that really made adopting someone possible, because they donated several times! Let's all make someone's Christmas brighter this year!


Love ya all!

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this is definately one of my favorite activities of the Kin too. It's very rewarding knowing you're contributing to making someone smile.


Though I've been a horrible Kin member all year *hangs head in shame* it is never far from my thoughts and always a place I know I can go to should I need somewhere to 'just relax'. In all the chaos and hecticness around the various places of DM, this is like an oasis to me. The place I'm always welcome and never pushed or forced or looked at accusingly for having other obligations.


Just needed to put that out there somewhere and this seemed the right spot for it.


I love my Kinfolk! :wub:

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Hmmm... I'm trying to think of an easy way for you to do it, May. You can send it to me, but Ireland's on Euro's now, right?


Is there any way she can send it to one of you ladies who uses Euro's and you can post it for her via Paypal?? That seems the easiest way...



And thanks to those who have donated so far! :D We're that much closer to making someone smile! So, be thinking about who around here needs the most help this season, too! I'll be sending out PM's the week of the 12th, so keep your eyes open!

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Nope! You can always send me whatever you want to donate and I'll add it for you! Just make sure I have it by the 18th, so I can get it added and sent out! :D My address is in the address thread inside the Farm forum. :)

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This is such a great idea, and I really wish I could help out, but as is the only reason I had money to get my kids gifts this year is because we got a pay out of 1000 dollars from an accident my daughter was in in the summer at her dad's. And my Step mother is paying for family pictures to give to her and my mother in law for Christmas. THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO GET YOUR SYMPATHY it is just letting you know that I really really wish I could help the people here who need it, but I just don't have anything extra this time of year. Both my kids have birthdays in December and we have Christmas, so I'm always kinda broke in December after I get all the things that I need for them.


I do sent my love and well wishes to who ever needs this donation and I hope it is enough to help them. *hugs* to every one here for being so kind and generous, even if you can't afford to donate any money the thought that so many people are willing to, or would be willing to if they could is a touching thing!

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All I have is about $100 cash atm. will even something like a $20 dollar bill work?


Dear, I'll grin like a loon for $20. You don't have to send that much, even. Every little bit helps! Send what you're comfortable with (even if it's only $5!). :)

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Guest BaLefireP

All I have is about $100 cash atm. will even something like a $20 dollar bill work?


Dear, I'll grin like a loon for $20. You don't have to send that much, even. Every little bit helps! Send what you're comfortable with (even if it's only $5!). :)




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This is ONLY one of the things that make the Kin great! There are so many more.



Last year I was picked as the Adopt a Kinster and let me tell you what a differnce it made. My kids got to open presents for Christmas. We had a turkey dinner for Christmas. We smiled and laughted on Christmas morning and were dearly thankful for our Kin family.




Don't mistake! Even a little can go a long way.

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*smiles* This... *looks around this thread and sniffles while hugging people so tight their eyes pop out* ... is why the Kin was born. It's not about money, it's not about rank, it's not even about discussions or whatnot. It's about the people who make the Kin run. We may be a small group, we aren't as active or even as on top of things as other groups, but when the chance to make each other smile comes up, you're always there to see what you can do to help. I love that about you, each and every one of you.


*hugs tight some more*

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Yep! I got it! RL is biting me in the tush, so I don't spend as much time around as I'd like, but... *sighs* I did stop in to make sure I accepted everyone's deposits so far! :D


We're up to $36.95!! :D

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