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Not true. Look at the deal Tuon strikes with Beslan. The Empress functions as an overlord of lots of administrative units controlled by lesser kings-she is not the direct, immediate ruler of all the areas in the empire. Indeed, such a unified arrangement is not realistic in a world without near-instantaneous travel and communication, which is hy gigantic empires in our world have generally crumbled fairly quickly historically.
Perhaps that was how it developed originally, but it's clear that by this time the Seanchan empire is an absolute monarchy whose immediate subordinates are High Lords and Ladies essentially serving at the whim of the Crystal Throne. There does not seem to be much at all feudal about the arrangement; power is highly centralized in Seanchan. It's also clear that you're right about that kind of centralization not being highly stable with this level of technology, as the talk of near-constant rebellion shows us. But with the Empress holding the loyalty of (at least most of) the standing army and the lion's share of damane any rebellion would be crushed in the end.


But lesser kings? That's a sop to the colonized here on this side of the ocean; there's no evidence that it exists in Seanchan proper.


Fair enough. But this centralized structure does not imply that if you destroy the whole royal family the high lords and ladies will just fall in line with the new ruler on the throne. The stability of the system is first and foremost predicated on the culturally perceived absolute stability of the monarchy.

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10) Not really a clue, but I wonder if Talmane's pipe, the gift from Roedran is some kind of terangreal or something to help him spy on Mat. Assuming he is Demandred, why give Talmane's a pipe?


Didn't Min have a viewing of a pipe? I'll see if I can find the reference in a mo.




Found it. It's early in ToM13, when Min first sees Rand on his return after VoG:


New viewings spun around his head.. An open cavern, gaping like a mouth. Bloodstained rocks. Two dead men on the ground, surrounded by ranks and ranks of Trollocs, a pipe with smoke curling from it.

10) Not really a clue, but I wonder if Talmane's pipe, the gift from Roedran is some kind of terangreal or something to help him spy on Mat. Assuming he is Demandred, why give Talmane's a pipe?


Didn't Min have a viewing of a pipe? I'll see if I can find the reference in a mo.




Found it. It's early in ToM13, when Min first sees Rand on his return after VoG:


New viewings spun around his head.. An open cavern, gaping like a mouth. Bloodstained rocks. Two dead men on the ground, surrounded by ranks and ranks of Trollocs, a pipe with smoke curling from it.



Very nice connection. Thanks.


Interesting. Well, maybe he is in Murandy too (I said maybe :biggrin:) . He's most def in Seanchan, though.


I do believe that he is involved in multiple plots, Masema being one of them as well - as I mentioned previously, Demandred is responsible for the Dragonsworn trouble. But I'm still very skeptical for Seanchan involvement and I think Kahlika makes a great point - I really don't see Demandred messing around in Semi's backyard and there hasn't been any time since she got fried.


Do you really think someone with Semi's ego will let another forsaken pull that kind of stunt on her turf? And Seanchan was absolutely her domain, not just Tuon. The only reason in the world she would have to attach herself to the heir of the crystal throne would be if she planned for Tuon to be empress. You'll have a hard time convincing people your theory is right when you base it on Semi not being responsible for the death of the royal family.


Murandy makes no sense.


Think about it.. what would Demandred do with this army from Murandy? Send them against the forces of the light.. alongside Trollocs and Myrdraal? Remember, these are Randland Proper people.. most of whom are not Darkfriends and "walk in the light". Just because their leader may be one of the Forsaken, he would not be able to convince them to march alongside obvious forces of darkness.


About all Demandred could do is assume power in Murandy and KEEP the fighting men there from entering the fray on the side of the forces of light. I just don't think this is a great use of Demandred's time.


I think he is in Shara, where there is a readily available force of channelers and a large force of fighting men that can be marshalled around the idea that it is time to "seize the lands on the other side of the mountains". Plus, it fits perfectly with who the red-eviled Aiel-looking people were in the Epilogue. Otherwise, who else are they if they are not Sharans?


I just spent aaaages writing out a reply only to have IE crash on me when I went to double check a reference before posting. Stupid useless work computers D:


I'm going to try to get the bulk of it back down, but forgive me if it's a bit short in places, I'm mainly going to focus a bit more on Semirhage, since I think that’s the weakest spot in your arguments and is the most convincing counter argument to him being in Seanchan. I’ll elaborate where and how as I go.


If you reread the original scene, this is not the conclusion you'll come to. First, the scene is written from Suroth's POV. In other words, we don't see Semi think that she killed the empress, we see her tell Suroth that the Empress is dead. As I mentioned before, the FS LIE. But even if that doesn't convince you, consider this: Semi never says that she killed the imperial family. Never.


It is just as likely that Semi was manipulating Suroth with false promises of grandeur as it is that she considered the throne hers to give. More likely, I would say.


DFs are people too (aren't you feeling all mushy inside for them now?), they're not machines. Semi is simply using the best tool available to get Suroth to do what she wants-manipulation. If she usede force, she would have to constantly supervise Suroth to make sure she's doing what she wants. By appealing to Suroth's greed, she gets a 110% effort on her part. This will ring true to anyone who's ever managed others.


Semirhage doesn’t lie out of habit or excessively as I discussed earlier and as LTT verifies. She isn’t Graendal, she doesn’t get what she wants via lies and manipulation. She gets what she wants because she is Semihrage. That is her best tool. She doesn’t lie and manipulate because she doesn’t need to lie and manipulate.


Just being Semirhage, a 3000 year old monster with a reputation as one of the most brutal people to have ever lived, a renowned sadist and torturer, the name people use to scare each other and one of the Chosen of the Dark Lord (to Suroth) is enough to get whatever she wants done. She has no need to lie to provide motivation, her being who she is is the best motivation anybody could be given. Being Semirhage and saying “do it” is all that is needed to give a Darkfriend like Suroth all the motivation they need. So she must have been aiming for more than just having Tuon killed when she spoke to Suroth because there is absolutely no need for anything other than the order to kill if that is all she was aiming for.


Regardless of whether you believe her words to Suroth to be lies and manipulation or truth they’re aiming at the same place, to get Suroth to make a move for the Crystal Throne. If you believe she isn’t lying then the throne is hers to give and she is in charge for the Forsaken in Seanchan, if she is lying and manipulating she is still doing it to the end of pushing Suroth towards the Throne, which indicates that she doesn’t know Demandred had any interest in the Throne at all because there is absolutely no point to pitting a regular Darkfriend against Demandred.


So if she doesn’t know Demandred has any interest in the throne him taking it wasn’t part of a joint scheme. Meaning he could only have taken it opportunistically after she was out of the way, which the timing of “My rule is secure” and his attempt to get her rescued doesn’t support, or he could have taken it in a double cross, which the very fact that he tried to get her rescued doesn’t support.


As far as Dem's involvement, we do have at least one clue:

"[semi] laughed again, and said something strange. 'Let the lord of chaos rule.'" [KoD 47]


That was the direct wording of the order Demandred was given by the Dark One to pass out to the Forsaken. He told Semirhage (and Mesaana and Graendal) the order in the LoC Prologue, so we know where and when she got it. Other people aside from Semirhage and Demandred use the phrase, Taim in KoD Prologue for instance. Semirhage saying it is not really indicative of anything, we know where she got it, we know what was meant by it, we already know she meets with Demandred.


Why would he be playing "second fiddle" to Semi? How is taking over the largest empire on earth and diverting its forces to serve the shadow "playing second fiddle"?


Because Semirhage was in charge in Seanchan. Demandred and Messana knew she was there and knew what she was doing.


Where are you getting this from? Semi has been with Tuon, not "in charge" in Seanchan as far as we know. You're making assumptions here.


Semirhage was with Tuon only for a couple of weeks total. Anath was appointed as Tuon's Truthspeaker by the Empress shortly before Tuon left for Randland, after Tuon's original Truthspeaker died in a mysterious fall. Prior to that Semirhage was in Seander. Anath was well known and recognised by the Seanchan, moreso than could be accounted for by only the few weeks she’d spent with Tuon, all on a boat or in the Tarsin Palace while Tuon was under the veil. From that we can imply (and it is an implication, I acknowledge that) that her weeks with Tuon weren’t her first time assuming the Anath disguise.


By "in charge" I meant in charge of the Forsaken operations with the Seanchan. And you're right, there's no sentence that says “Semirhage was in charge of the Forsaken’s operations in Seanchan.” However it can be inferred from the circumstances, particularly the fact that Demandred and Messana tried to rescue her, in the fact that they knew what she was doing and in the fact that she said the Throne was hers to give (although I realise you think the last one is a lie). She didn’t bother to try and conceal her actions there whereas if Demandred was acting there he did so.


But let’s adopt your argument for a second and say Demandred was in Seanchan and wasn’t playing second fiddle to Semirhage. That means he would have been in charge over Semirhage, or that she was an ignorant minion who really didn’t know what was going on there.


I don’t buy that for the same reason I don’t buy Demandred playing second fiddle to Semirhage. None of the Forsaken are going to contentedly sit back in second place to another. While we can speculate about how the other Forsaken would relate to each other and how much trust exists we do actually know that with Semirhage and Demandred (and Mesaana). The have an agreement that they will not turn on each other until the other Forsaken are out of the picture. The have an agreement to not kill each other yet, there’s nothing to indicate any sort of relationship between them that would account for either accepting a position under the other willingly.



Furthermore, the only way that it makes any sense for Dem to try and free Semi is if she was a key player in one of his plans (we don't exactly see the FS sticking their necks out for one another, now do we?).


Absolutely agreed. But why on earth would he need Semirhage if he'd taken over her area and could do what she was already doing in Seanchan?


to keep track of the Corenne, the massive military force that is wreaking havoc in Randland, and to maintain control of its stubborn little leader. Again, Seanchan is a big enough prize for two FS to share.


Keeping track of the Corenne that is already led by a Darkfriend who can report back and follow orders? You don’t need an extra Forsaken to do that.


Maintaining control over the stubborn little leader who Semirhage has already given orders to have killed? And (depending on what you believe) who she has already tried to replace with a Darkfriend she can control?


It’s neither of those options. There really isn’t a good reason why a Forsaken, given all their knowledge and skills, would need another Forsaken to come and do things amongst a society that he was the ruler of.


And as is already discussed in this thread it’s not the size of the Kingdom that’s the issue. Tar Valon is a tiny City state, but they got as much attention from the Forsaken as the larger states of Andor, Tear and Illian. One Forsaken took on each of the established power structures, in Seanchan’s case we know Semirhage took the Imperial court, that she started in Seander where she attached herself to Tuon and went to Randland in the weeks before her capture, and we know there’s one centralised power structure in Seanchan. So where else is there for Demandred to go in Seanchan to exert his power and influence? Sure he could go far away from where Seirhage is physically based, but the governing bodies would be the same wherever he was. So you end up arguing he took the position of one of the High Blood there, and that brings us back to him taking a position below Semirhage etc etc.


We know thy're working together. Think about this: if Dem and Semi are working together, and Semi is working on the Seanchan exclusively (as we have every reason to believe), what exactly are they working on together? In other words, why would they possibly have an alliance if Dem was not in Seanchan? it makes no sense.


Their alliance dated back to the AoL, they worked together then too. Their similar interests/areas more likely arose out of having the common alliance and plotting together, rather than the alliance arising out of the similar interests.


Now you're just making presumptions. Besides, why mention the alliance in the first place if it is to play no role? RJ didn't write like this-all these clues mean something.


The existence of the Demandred/Semirhage/Mesaana alliance in the AoL is confirmed in LoC Chapter 6 in a Graendal POV.


“Those three had worked together since before the War of Power”.


So in terms of whether the alliance or the plan came first we know it was the alliance, that’s not a presumption.


I'm not arguing that the alliance plays no role, clearly it does play some role. But that doesn't mean they're all focused on the same thing within whatever they're doing, in fact we know they aren't by Mesaana total non-involvement in Seanchan and Semirhages total non-involvement in the WT. Mesaana had her own area and was left to it without the interferance of the other two, and we know Semirhage was left alone by at least one of the other two, so it seems more logical to think that that pattern would continue rather than alter. I'd also argue that's supported by Mesaana remaining in the alliance. Would she have done so, or not sought another additional alliance, if she was the only one working alone in the existing alliance?


I am not going to comment much here, there is no point. As you can probably see, Demandred is one of my favorite characters, and I think alot of you underestimate and do not understand Demandred.


As Graendal said, he is one of the most dangerous enemies, bar perhaps Moridin. He differs from the other forsaken for 2 reasons.


1. He is not as petty as the others, he is totally focused on doing the DO's bidding and killing Rand.




How often does Demandred contemplate killing Moridin?




Less than the other Chosen. He is focused on Rand. He contemplates Moridin, but mostly he wants Rand.


2. Even though he hates Rand the most, he is smart enough to focus on the final victory and actual results. Unlike Sammael and the others who fell, he has not run screaming at Rand in a fit of rage. Which some of you seem to think he is going to do. His hatred is great, but he is smart enough and coolheaded enough to control himself and get on with his duties.


Remember that Lews Therin was the greatest AS in the AOL. Demandred was the second. Graendal says he would have been the Dragon (the name of the AOL position, not champion of light) if LTT wasnt there. The BWB also says that Demandred was always only just second to LTT. Look at Rand ToM. Demandred is only a step behind him.


To avoid going into too much discussion about how Demandred is awesome, I will just use this quote.


23 April 2010 - Kristi Deming reporting



When I met Brandon on the book signing tour, they gave us a sticky to write what we wanted him to write what we wanted. I am the proud owner of the only copy that says:


"To Kristi, I promise Demandred will be in A Memory of Light!"


I asked if I was right in thinking that RJ had saved the best for last, and Brandon simply said as far as the Shadow is concerned, the main player will be Demandred.


So say what you want about it being annoying he hasnt done anything visibly in the books, Demandred is the greatest enemy to the Light. (Moridin is different, he is more dangerous psychologically)



Edit: So basically, in regards to where his power base is, dont rule Murandy out just because it isnt a "big" power. if the DO wanted to place Demandred in Murandy, Demandred would do it, as long as it hurts Lews Therin. He can put aside his hate and jealousy to actually win. (Or else he would have launched himself at Rand as soon as he was free from the Bore)


Murandy gives Demandred the advantage of causing massive chaos within Randland proper on the eve of Tarmon Gai'don via attacks on already weakened Andor and Ghealdan. No need to actually have the men fight alongside shadowspawn when you can use them to fulfill similar ends independently. Not to mention a decent population that you can use for channelers.


And the Lord of Chaos order was transmitted to all the Forsaken.


Consider the fact that somehow Roedran actually found the book Mat was pretty certain didn't exist any longer. The use of the Shadow's resources would make this reasonably possible.


On Murandy's weakness that no longer applies. The weakness was due to lack of unity, not lack of resources or people. Think Germany in the 1850s. Was it weak? Yes, but only because the German Confederation had no real power. But come 1871 a unified Germany emerged as a Great Power.


In addition to this, Murandy isn't exhausted, unlike the other nations. Seanchan, Andor, the Dragon's Empire, all of these are exhausted by constant warfare and internal squabble. But Murandy, its fresh. Not to mention its the ultimate "proxy" for Demandred to use for the Shadow, actually being an entire country as opposed to an individual.

I asked if I was right in thinking that RJ had saved the best for last, and Brandon simply said as far as the Shadow is concerned, the main player will be Demandred.


Bout time! I must say, I really don't care what Demandred's been up to for...well, the entire series, I just can't wait to see him and Rand/LTT face off. This confrontation wouldn't have been as epic before Rand got all LTT's memories, so I'm glad it's been held back till now. And I really, really, really can't wait to see Demandred get his ass kicked. He is the definitely the charcter I hate the most, which I'll admit is strange considering he hasn't really been a character at all... The principle of him is just annoying.


Murandy gives Demandred the advantage of causing massive chaos within Randland proper on the eve of Tarmon Gai'don via attacks on already weakened Andor and Ghealdan. No need to actually have the men fight alongside shadowspawn when you can use them to fulfill similar ends independently. Not to mention a decent population that you can use for channelers.


And the Lord of Chaos order was transmitted to all the Forsaken.


Consider the fact that somehow Roedran actually found the book Mat was pretty certain didn't exist any longer. The use of the Shadow's resources would make this reasonably possible.


On Murandy's weakness that no longer applies. The weakness was due to lack of unity, not lack of resources or people. Think Germany in the 1850s. Was it weak? Yes, but only because the German Confederation had no real power. But come 1871 a unified Germany emerged as a Great Power.


In addition to this, Murandy isn't exhausted, unlike the other nations. Seanchan, Andor, the Dragon's Empire, all of these are exhausted by constant warfare and internal squabble. But Murandy, its fresh. Not to mention its the ultimate "proxy" for Demandred to use for the Shadow, actually being an entire country as opposed to an individual.


Yeah, I tend to agree with this. Personally I believe that Murandy is his "staging point" as such. However, I believe (or perhaps its wishful thinking) that he has also been involved with the red-veils and the Black Tower.


Red-veils because they are totally creepy and it would just feels Demandred-y ( I know, it doesnt make much sense, but there it is)


Black Tower for 3 reasons

1. Taim is very similar to Demandred, he got the "Lord of Chaos" message etc.. (NOTE: I AM SAYING TAIM IS SIMILAR TO DEMANDRED, NOT THAT TAIM = DEMANDRED :rolleyes:)


2. The dreadlord Ashaman recieved orders from Demandred, seems simple conclusion that he has had some interest or contact with the Black Tower.


3. He and Osangar were supposed to be "watching Rand". He really couldnt be doing it from Murandy, I think he has been using ashaman (who have travelling and great access to be spies) to give him info.


On a related note, just some conjecture, a possible connection between red-veils and demandred. With the whole watching Rand thing. He is surrounded by Aiel. May be involved in Aiel. Hence, involved with the red-veils. (Alright, its a long shot. I dont really believe it, just throwin ideas round)


I think osan'gar and Demandred had an alliance which allowed osan'gar to watch rand personally, while demandred would watch army movements. The combination of which allows for prediction of what rand is going to do. Thus allowing demandred to be in murandy and watch every army with good reason thus not sparking suspicion


Red veils fit with Demandred thematically, IMO.


Now, on that note, I've always thought Taim was dealt more with by Moridin, though I think Demandred has been involved with them certainly. I just don't necessarily think that he's the main player there, at least these days. I do think he has several irons in the fire, though. Masema, Asunawa, BT to an extent... all his work, I think.


asked if I was right in thinking that RJ had saved the best for last, and Brandon simply said as far as the Shadow is concerned, the main player will be Demandred.


I think we're all kind of expecting that he'll be the main player for the shadow in the field. No other forsaken field commander is left. It sucks that aside from a few meetings, he has been off-screen for the first 13 books. I just hope we'll find out in AMOL what he has been up to.


Red veils fit with Demandred thematically, IMO.


Now, on that note, I've always thought Taim was dealt more with by Moridin, though I think Demandred has been involved with them certainly. I just don't necessarily think that he's the main player there, at least these days. I do think he has several irons in the fire, though. Masema, Asunawa, BT to an extent... all his work, I think.


If you're willing to buy Asunawa you can add him to the list of people who actively pushed to keep their organisations out of Murandy (Crossroads of Twilight Prologue).


barid bel maidar is long dead. He died when he got sealed up by LTT and his crew.


what we have right now is just a useless, almost pointless imposter by the name of Demandred. The only thing exciting thing due to come from demandred is when he meets his end in another almost pitying fashion like mesanna.


There's been evidence of Demi hanging out in the Caemlyn area (possible recon?)... forget which book. It was from Demo POV in Caemlyn.... will need to find that passage.


I think Demi has been off camera because of the DO's plan to handle Rand. From ToM, the plan was (paraphrase) "Subterfuge, now all out war". Moridin was the mental man (which failed), and Demi is the bulldozer (taking the reins).


There's been evidence of Demi hanging out in the Caemlyn area (possible recon?)... forget which book. It was from Demo POV in Caemlyn.... will need to find that passage.


I think Demi has been off camera because of the DO's plan to handle Rand. From ToM, the plan was (paraphrase) "Subterfuge, now all out war". Moridin was the mental man (which failed), and Demi is the bulldozer (taking the reins).


LoC, Demandred was watching Elayne in the Palace in TAR. Thinks she could be useful. Perhaps he has something to do with with mass invasion of Caemyln?


Also, I agree with your second point. While Demandred was always among the highest echelons of the Dreadlords and politically competent, Graendal, Ishamael, Lanfear, and moggy are better at the psychological side of the battle.


Now, as you said, the mind games are over, it is war. Demandred's main game.


Thats the reason I believe he hasnt had much screen time. Annoying if you think, it is for good reason. He has been preparing for war, for if (most likely when) subterfuge fails.


In any case, another quote to provide evidence that whatever Demandred is doing, he IS the Shadow's greatest player.

The Gathering Storm Book tour, Idaho Falls 19 December 2009 - wolfbro22 reporting



Went to the signing in Idaho Falls today and asked Brandon if we had seen Demandred's alter ego on screen, and he gave me a RAFO card and said that Demandred's identity is the biggest secret in the series and will pay off in the end.


Again I will say it, for those who may not have understood. Hate him as you will for having virtually no screen time, the guy is the Light's biggest threat, he is a force to be feared.


There's been evidence of Demi hanging out in the Caemlyn area (possible recon?)... forget which book. It was from Demo POV in Caemlyn.... will need to find that passage.


I think Demi has been off camera because of the DO's plan to handle Rand. From ToM, the plan was (paraphrase) "Subterfuge, now all out war". Moridin was the mental man (which failed), and Demi is the bulldozer (taking the reins).


LoC, Demandred was watching Elayne in the Palace in TAR. Thinks she could be useful. Perhaps he has something to do with with mass invasion of Caemyln?


Also, I agree with your second point. While Demandred was always among the highest echelons of the Dreadlords and politically competent, Graendal, Ishamael, Lanfear, and moggy are better at the psychological side of the battle.


Now, as you said, the mind games are over, it is war. Demandred's main game.


Thats the reason I believe he hasnt had much screen time. Annoying if you think, it is for good reason. He has been preparing for war, for if (most likely when) subterfuge fails.


In any case, another quote to provide evidence that whatever Demandred is doing, he IS the Shadow's greatest player.

The Gathering Storm Book tour, Idaho Falls 19 December 2009 - wolfbro22 reporting



Went to the signing in Idaho Falls today and asked Brandon if we had seen Demandred's alter ego on screen, and he gave me a RAFO card and said that Demandred's identity is the biggest secret in the series and will pay off in the end.


Again I will say it, for those who may not have understood. Hate him as you will for having virtually no screen time, the guy is the Light's biggest threat, he is a force to be feared.



The Ayamar were a huge gasp moment and the Asharendai is the BUT.



Edit: All I'm saying is us crazy fans expect too much.



The Ayamar were a huge gasp moment and the Asharendai is the BUT.



Edit: All I'm saying is us crazy fans expect too much.

Yeah, I agree, at this rate Dem is probably going to be random stableman 23.


There's been evidence of Demi hanging out in the Caemlyn area (possible recon?)... forget which book. It was from Demo POV in Caemlyn.... will need to find that passage.


I think Demi has been off camera because of the DO's plan to handle Rand. From ToM, the plan was (paraphrase) "Subterfuge, now all out war". Moridin was the mental man (which failed), and Demi is the bulldozer (taking the reins).


LoC, Demandred was watching Elayne in the Palace in TAR. Thinks she could be useful. Perhaps he has something to do with with mass invasion of Caemyln?


Also, I agree with your second point. While Demandred was always among the highest echelons of the Dreadlords and politically competent, Graendal, Ishamael, Lanfear, and moggy are better at the psychological side of the battle.


Now, as you said, the mind games are over, it is war. Demandred's main game.


Thats the reason I believe he hasnt had much screen time. Annoying if you think, it is for good reason. He has been preparing for war, for if (most likely when) subterfuge fails.


In any case, another quote to provide evidence that whatever Demandred is doing, he IS the Shadow's greatest player.

The Gathering Storm Book tour, Idaho Falls 19 December 2009 - wolfbro22 reporting



Went to the signing in Idaho Falls today and asked Brandon if we had seen Demandred's alter ego on screen, and he gave me a RAFO card and said that Demandred's identity is the biggest secret in the series and will pay off in the end.


Again I will say it, for those who may not have understood. Hate him as you will for having virtually no screen time, the guy is the Light's biggest threat, he is a force to be feared.



The Ayamar were a huge gasp moment and the Asharendai is the BUT.



Edit: All I'm saying is us crazy fans expect too much.


Exactly, and I dont doubt that whatever Demandred is revealed to be will disappoint. I dont think that was what Brandon is referring to.


All I mean to say is that whatever he is doing, will create alot of damage to the Light. The actual reveal WHAT that damage will be is most probably going to disappoint, but the damage and force that Demandred wields will be devistating. Brandon said he will be the "Shadow's biggest player" and that the secret will "pay off".


None of this says that everyone will gasp in shock and amazement at what happens, just it will be a kind of Dumai's Wells thing. A crazy army that completely rips things to shreds.


I think sanderson is refering to rhoedran and that demandred is going to rip apart the civilians in many of the main cities. Thus effectively destroying their capability to sustain a war, and demoralizing enemy armies


Demandred sighting, anyone?


From Chapter 46 of TOM, Working Leather:


"Something is strange about Nensen," Nalaam repeated. "And that Kash. Where did he even come from, and how did he grow so powerful so quickly?


As to what he's doing that makes him a big bad, I think Demandred is calling the shots through his puppet Taim, and has corrupted the Black Tower, is behind the 13/13 turning of the Aes Sedai, and this is his first reveal on screen. I also think that Alanna is in his grasp, and that he will kill her in front of Rand. I also think he's behind the invasion of Caemlyn and wants to seize the dragons for his own. His last bit of badness is the Dark One wants him to use Balefire on his behalf (LOC Prologue). I was thinking that since Balefire basically rips up the pattern that Demandred has been repeatedly using it and thus weakening the pattern, causing bubbles of evil and shifts in reality (like Hinderstrap, etc.).


Well where could he strike right now that would have the biggest impact? The gathering of leaders. He could apear with his army and start blasting away. He wants Rand dead and now he knows where Rand will be. Have male channelers hidden in your army, and start blasting away.


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