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Was Tiana's letter the one that let Rand know that Mattin Stepaneos (and therefore the king of Arad Doman) was in the tower? Why did Tiana do this? When did we see her agree to do this?


I always assumed that it was a letter that Verin gave her. That does, however, raise the question of why Verin would bother to tell him that as opposed to something about Trollocs attacking Camelyn or the like. It also, of course, raises the question of why nobody else would have bothered to tell him about Mattin, but that question's been sitting around not being answered for a couple of years now and it doesn't look like there'll ever be an answer forthcoming, so we can just ignore it.


It also seems weird that nobody seemed to have taken Tiana aside and asked why she was giving the Dragon Reborn a private letter. One would think that it would raise a minor bit of curiosity - but I guess not.


I noticed a few times throughout the book that there were people putting away letters sealed with red wax, a la Verin's letters. I didn't really pay attention to the appearances of these letters and who had them until it was too late. Does anyone have a handy list of people who had such letters in ToM?


Was Tiana's letter the one that let Rand know that Mattin Stepaneos (and therefore the king of Arad Doman) was in the tower? Why did Tiana do this? When did we see her agree to do this?


Verin is likely the source of that letter, though why she chose Tiana, why Tiana agreed, or how Verin knew Tiana would be in a position to give it to Rand remains uncertain. We also do not know for sure what it contained, though Mattin and Alsalam seem very plausible. It's also suggested that it contained a warning about Weiramon and Annaiyella, and that this was how Rand knew to look for a dodgy reaction to his new found inner light. There could also be more we do not know.


Where is Logain? He's been MIA for two straight books. I can't remember off the top of my head where he was going.


We don't know, but given a 13x13 Mezar was howling to the wind about how he's just dandy, its likely Taim has a hand in his absense.


I noticed a few times throughout the book that there were people putting away letters sealed with red wax, a la Verin's letters. I didn't really pay attention to the appearances of these letters and who had them until it was too late. Does anyone have a handy list of people who had such letters in ToM?


Not that I'm aware of. I'm sure someone will create one sooner or later.


Does The white aura around Rands mind indicate that he is now continuously connected to the One power?


It's unlikely that whiteness was the One Power--Nynaeve would not see saidin. We don't know precisely what's going with Rand's new inner light. It seems to hurt darkfriends and hold off the madness, plus it seems to have given Rand super-weaving powers.


Not a simple question but may as well ask here.

This is about the nature of TAR

Hopper has always insisted that wolves who die in TAR die a "final death". I'd assumed earlier that it was only dead wolves who lived in TAR who died "final deaths" there if they got killed. Now I'm wondering about that assumption, post the stag incident when he prevents Perrin killing a stag.

It's not clear but was that stag a living dreaming animal (like many of the wolves in TAR)?

If so, does "final death" mean that GLoD cannot resurrect any living creature that happens to have dreamt its way into TAR and died there?

if so, are the BA and AS who died in TAR all now outside GLoD's grasp (whether they'll be reborn eventually is a different issue)?

Contradictory evidence - Slayer kills wolves in TAR and seems to turn them into Darkhounds. That argues GLoD can pull them.


Further speculation:

Was Graendal wandering the Caemlyn Palace in TAR and did she pull Asmo into TAR in the flesh and kill him there? We don't know the method and there is that puzzling quote from RJ that GLoD couldn't resurrect Asmo because of how and where he died. We don't know the method G used to kill him and it definitely isn't balefire because the "where" would be irrelevant.


Not a simple question but may as well ask here.

This is about the nature of TAR

Hopper has always insisted that wolves who die in TAR die a "final death". I'd assumed earlier that it was only dead wolves who lived in TAR who died "final deaths" there if they got killed. Now I'm wondering about that assumption, post the stag incident when he prevents Perrin killing a stag.

It's not clear but was that stag a living dreaming animal (like many of the wolves in TAR)?

If so, does "final death" mean that GLoD cannot resurrect any living creature that happens to have dreamt its way into TAR and died there?

if so, are the BA and AS who died in TAR all now outside GLoD's grasp (whether they'll be reborn eventually is a different issue)?

Contradictory evidence - Slayer kills wolves in TAR and seems to turn them into Darkhounds. That argues GLoD can pull them.


Further speculation:

Was Graendal wandering the Caemlyn Palace in TAR and did she pull Asmo into TAR in the flesh and kill him there? We don't know the method and there is that puzzling quote from RJ that GLoD couldn't resurrect Asmo because of how and where he died. We don't know the method G used to kill him and it definitely isn't balefire because the "where" would be irrelevant.


Got no simple answers to any of those, but what I'll do is create a thread about TAR based on them for you.



Can be certain that Bashere and Rhurac aren't Darkfriends now? They didn't lose it around Rand and his super DF-revealing powers.


We don't know exactly how that works so its not WoTcertain. It seems very likely that this is the case, however.


Verin is likely the source of that letter, though why she chose Tiana, why Tiana agreed, or how Verin knew Tiana would be in a position to give it to Rand remains uncertain. We also do not know for sure what it contained, though Mattin and Alsalam seem very plausible. It's also suggested that it contained a warning about Weiramon and Annaiyella, and that this was how Rand knew to look for a dodgy reaction to his new found inner light. There could also be more we do not know.



I disagree about Weiramon and Annaiyella, after what happened to Bashere's cousin I think Rand actually can pick them out


Verin is likely the source of that letter, though why she chose Tiana, why Tiana agreed, or how Verin knew Tiana would be in a position to give it to Rand remains uncertain. We also do not know for sure what it contained, though Mattin and Alsalam seem very plausible. It's also suggested that it contained a warning about Weiramon and Annaiyella, and that this was how Rand knew to look for a dodgy reaction to his new found inner light. There could also be more we do not know.



I disagree about Weiramon and Annaiyella, after what happened to Bashere's cousin I think Rand actually can pick them out

Doesn't matter if he can. Something tipped him off. He said, 'So, it is you' - obviously a confirmation of something he had been told.


I noticed a few times throughout the book that there were people putting away letters sealed with red wax, a la Verin's letters. I didn't really pay attention to the appearances of these letters and who had them until it was too late. Does anyone have a handy list of people who had such letters in ToM?

Not that I'm aware of. I'm sure someone will create one sooner or later.

Linda wrote one.


Verin is likely the source of that letter, though why she chose Tiana, why Tiana agreed, or how Verin knew Tiana would be in a position to give it to Rand remains uncertain. We also do not know for sure what it contained, though Mattin and Alsalam seem very plausible. It's also suggested that it contained a warning about Weiramon and Annaiyella, and that this was how Rand knew to look for a dodgy reaction to his new found inner light. There could also be more we do not know.



I disagree about Weiramon and Annaiyella, after what happened to Bashere's cousin I think Rand actually can pick them out

Doesn't matter if he can. Something tipped him off. He said, 'So, it is you' - obviously a confirmation of something he had been told.


Fair enough, I'm sure he had a thought about Weiramon in TGS, Lews Therin said he liked him and Rand talked about his trust issues again etc. Maybe surprise that this retard high lord was actually one of the DO's follows caused the is


Verin is likely the source of that letter, though why she chose Tiana, why Tiana agreed, or how Verin knew Tiana would be in a position to give it to Rand remains uncertain. We also do not know for sure what it contained, though Mattin and Alsalam seem very plausible. It's also suggested that it contained a warning about Weiramon and Annaiyella, and that this was how Rand knew to look for a dodgy reaction to his new found inner light. There could also be more we do not know.



I disagree about Weiramon and Annaiyella, after what happened to Bashere's cousin I think Rand actually can pick them out

Doesn't matter if he can. Something tipped him off. He said, 'So, it is you' - obviously a confirmation of something he had been told.


Fair enough, I'm sure he had a thought about Weiramon in TGS, Lews Therin said he liked him and Rand talked about his trust issues again etc. Maybe surprise that this retard high lord was actually one of the DO's follows caused the is

But that doesn't make any sense. He had to have a specific suspicion of the High Lords being Darkfriends - and a reason to suspect Weiramon - but not only do we have no indication that he had any such suspicion before, Min felt his disappointment through the bond, as if he didn't want to believe it.


I don't understand why everyone is so set against Verin having mentioned this in her letter.


Verin is likely the source of that letter, though why she chose Tiana, why Tiana agreed, or how Verin knew Tiana would be in a position to give it to Rand remains uncertain. We also do not know for sure what it contained, though Mattin and Alsalam seem very plausible. It's also suggested that it contained a warning about Weiramon and Annaiyella, and that this was how Rand knew to look for a dodgy reaction to his new found inner light. There could also be more we do not know.



I disagree about Weiramon and Annaiyella, after what happened to Bashere's cousin I think Rand actually can pick them out

Doesn't matter if he can. Something tipped him off. He said, 'So, it is you' - obviously a confirmation of something he had been told.


Fair enough, I'm sure he had a thought about Weiramon in TGS, Lews Therin said he liked him and Rand talked about his trust issues again etc. Maybe surprise that this retard high lord was actually one of the DO's follows caused the is

But that doesn't make any sense. He had to have a specific suspicion of the High Lords being Darkfriends - and a reason to suspect Weiramon - but not only do we have no indication that he had any such suspicion before, Min felt his disappointment through the bond, as if he didn't want to believe it.


I don't understand why everyone is so set against Verin having mentioned this in her letter.


I just like the idea of Rand finally having some advantages over the Shadow for a change. That is why I'm against it


I just like the idea of Rand finally having some advantages over the Shadow for a change. That is why I'm against it


...but the two are not mutually exclusive...


Verin is likely the source of that letter, though why she chose Tiana, why Tiana agreed, or how Verin knew Tiana would be in a position to give it to Rand remains uncertain. We also do not know for sure what it contained, though Mattin and Alsalam seem very plausible. It's also suggested that it contained a warning about Weiramon and Annaiyella, and that this was how Rand knew to look for a dodgy reaction to his new found inner light. There could also be more we do not know.



I disagree about Weiramon and Annaiyella, after what happened to Bashere's cousin I think Rand actually can pick them out

Doesn't matter if he can. Something tipped him off. He said, 'So, it is you' - obviously a confirmation of something he had been told.


Fair enough, I'm sure he had a thought about Weiramon in TGS, Lews Therin said he liked him and Rand talked about his trust issues again etc. Maybe surprise that this retard high lord was actually one of the DO's follows caused the is

But that doesn't make any sense. He had to have a specific suspicion of the High Lords being Darkfriends - and a reason to suspect Weiramon - but not only do we have no indication that he had any such suspicion before, Min felt his disappointment through the bond, as if he didn't want to believe it.


I don't understand why everyone is so set against Verin having mentioned this in her letter.


I just like the idea of Rand finally having some advantages over the Shadow for a change. That is why I'm against it


Unless I'm mistaken, Rand has been suspicious of Weiramon for a very long time. Haven't read it it in a while, but I swear he's suspicious at least during the skirmishes with the Seanchan in between Tear and Illian. Probably even before that.


Anyways, here's my question.

What abilities does Perrin's hammer actually have - since it was made with the Power?


I just like the idea of Rand finally having some advantages over the Shadow for a change. That is why I'm against it


...but the two are not mutually exclusive...

Your right.... what if Verin's warning followed by their reaction was Rand's personal confirmation that he can tell who is/isn't a DF now?


Unless I'm mistaken, Rand has been suspicious of Weiramon for a very long time. Haven't read it it in a while, but I swear he's suspicious at least during the skirmishes with the Seanchan in between Tear and Illian. Probably even before that.

You are indeed mistaken. Rand just thought Weiramon was an idiot. We suspected Weiramon because he let the mask slip in Bertome Saighan's POV, but Rand never considered that Weiramon was anything other than the idiot he appeared to be.


I just like the idea of Rand finally having some advantages over the Shadow for a change. That is why I'm against it


...but the two are not mutually exclusive...

Your right.... what if Verin's warning followed by their reaction was Rand's personal confirmation that he can tell who is/isn't a DF now?

I don't think he can recognize them just by glancing at them, or the line and the staring down of them would have been necessary. It was only Weiramon's extreme discomfort that made it clear to him, but he obviously expected something like that would happen.


The eyes are a window into ones soul. To me thats what Rand was doing. He walked down the entire line, staring into peoples eyes, looking. I would not be surprised if he can tell it from that. We know Fain can see darkfriends, so there is obviously a way of doing so. I dont think its entirely unreasonably that Rand has gained a similar ability. He even said afterwards that he is no longer blind and that they cant hide among his allies any longer. And then we have the situation with Basheres cousins. Basically, darkfriends around Rand now are screwed.


Unless I'm mistaken, Rand has been suspicious of Weiramon for a very long time. Haven't read it it in a while, but I swear he's suspicious at least during the skirmishes with the Seanchan in between Tear and Illian. Probably even before that.

You are indeed mistaken. Rand just thought Weiramon was an idiot. We suspected Weiramon because he let the mask slip in Bertome Saighan's POV, but Rand never considered that Weiramon was anything other than the idiot he appeared to be.


I just like the idea of Rand finally having some advantages over the Shadow for a change. That is why I'm against it


...but the two are not mutually exclusive...

Your right.... what if Verin's warning followed by their reaction was Rand's personal confirmation that he can tell who is/isn't a DF now?

I don't think he can recognize them just by glancing at them, or the line and the staring down of them would have been necessary. It was only Weiramon's extreme discomfort that made it clear to him, but he obviously expected something like that would happen.

Rand did a bit of soul reading in this book, including recognising Cyndane. Plus with what happened to Bashere's cousin. I have a feeling he can read if someone is a DF but not tell from a glance or distance.


The eyes are a window into ones soul. To me thats what Rand was doing. He walked down the entire line, staring into peoples eyes, looking. I would not be surprised if he can tell it from that. We know Fain can see darkfriends, so there is obviously a way of doing so. I dont think its entirely unreasonably that Rand has gained a similar ability.

No one said that he did not. But he can't tell them at a glance - he has to put them on the spot, make them react to him.


He even said afterwards that he is no longer blind and that they cant hide among his allies any longer.

A threat.


And then we have the situation with Basheres cousins. Basically, darkfriends around Rand now are screwed.

He reacted to Rand channeling - there's nothing to say that Rand's mere presence would have that effect on Darkfriends. In fact, Weiramon and Anaiyella had no such reaction until Rand made them line up and look him in the eyes. Weiramon couldn't.


The eyes are a window into ones soul. To me thats what Rand was doing. He walked down the entire line, staring into peoples eyes, looking. I would not be surprised if he can tell it from that. We know Fain can see darkfriends, so there is obviously a way of doing so. I dont think its entirely unreasonably that Rand has gained a similar ability. He even said afterwards that he is no longer blind and that they cant hide among his allies any longer. And then we have the situation with Basheres cousins. Basically, darkfriends around Rand now are screwed.


I'm of the same opinion he was definately looking for something specific within or behind the eyes. Otherwise he wouldn't have been determined to get Weiramon to look him in the eye. He was probably Delving them with the One Power. We all know that a DF must be marked in some way as the Dark Oath the great Lord makes them take is binding in some way or other, like the sworn Oaths on the Oath Rod ter'angreal.How else would the DO know you had broken your Oath when you squeel secrets. Perhaps it leaves a trace of something that Rand can now see. Obviously his memory of the War of Shadows from Lews Therin has given him the ability to detect this and that is what he means by I am no longer blind. After this public display in Tear of outing the DF High Lord and High Lady the other lowly DF's aren't likely to continue to hang around.

Also Lews Therin said he liked Weiramon as he was predictable not as a person/friend, in his madness perhaps it was a hint that Lews could already see he was a DF? A clever bit of Foreshadowing IMO.


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