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Diablo 3


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  • Community Administrator

I wouldn't put it past Blizzard to do whatever crazy things they come up with that we wouldn't expect. But as I already said, I wouldn't like it if it happened, and it was my close friend that had suggested it. I just wanted to get peoples opinion on it *shrug*


I've heard a friend of a friend state that the 'PS4 is coming out next year" (That was 2 years ago). sometimes 'friends' come up with the craziest rumors. ;)


I just don't see Blizzard trying to 'compete' against there own MMO, at leats not this soon.


If anything I'd expect a giant crossover between SC/WC/D

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I wouldn't call it a rumor. It was more of an interesting thought that I wanted to hear other people's thoughts on. Again, I didn't think they would do a MMO with D3, but I know there will probably be SOME changes to the online play and this was my way of bringing it up.


I have had a timetable of blizzard's developments posted on my facebook account and Diablo 3 is pencilled in for this time next year at present....


EDIT : Obviously this aint offical and it would get moved back anyway. Interestingly it has something called Titan on there. Wonder what that is...

  • Community Administrator

I have had a timetable of blizzard's developments posted on my facebook account and Diablo 3 is pencilled in for this time next year at present....


EDIT : Obviously this aint offical and it would get moved back anyway. Interestingly it has something called Titan on there. Wonder what that is...


We can only hope thats true, as blizzard practically said awhile back, 2012.


Online changes?

Most likely Achievements.

Possible battlegrounds (they all the rage now)


Co-Op already seems likely, had it in all the other games. But who knows, maybe they could have versus co-op, or multi-team co-op with and without pvp.


I honestly hope for a closed and open battle.net, but I'm somehow doubting that.


They could easilly add 'online' only quests/missions/objectives, online only 'gear', through 'pvp', its all possible while still maintaining diablos 'traditional' online gameplay.


I have had a timetable of blizzard's developments posted on my facebook account and Diablo 3 is pencilled in for this time next year at present....


EDIT : Obviously this aint offical and it would get moved back anyway. Interestingly it has something called Titan on there. Wonder what that is...



It could be that mysterious un-named next generation MMO they had been keeping heavily under wraps?...it's probably just an early name for development purposes or something...


WAFO i guess!

  • 1 month later...

Great gods I cannot wait for this game. Diablo III and the two remaining Starcraft II entries are the only reason I'm keeping my PC up to specs. Blizzard is notorious for making us suffer through absurdly long development cycles but their end products never fail to make the wait worth it!


I know Blizzard is working on a new MMORPG - word is it's not World of Diablo or World of Starcraft which sucks, I would love to immerse myself in the Starcraft universe! Frankly, I can't imagine them not using one of these two franchises considering how much they have invested in fleshing out and developing these worlds. Would it make sense for them to start over, from scratch, with a completely new universe, lore, characters, races, etc? Blizzard invested untold millions and what, four years in the development of Starcraft: Ghost? If I were a betting man I'd lay money on the fact the work they did on Ghost will be enveloped into a new MMORPG, possibly a first person RPG (how sweet would that be, a first person MMORPG in the Starcraft universe?)...


Titan I beleive -IS- the new MMO, not slated for release till 2012 or beyond I thought. I think GameInformer mag this month has a few snippets, the issue with Skyrim (Elder Scrols V) on the cover.


The only multiplayer component I really got excited about was the 'drop in drop out' aspect. Basically you tick a box, and whenever you or your party comes up to a boss battle or similar event, the game will search all online players up to that point, and merge thier game worlds, so all of a sudden you are joined with another party for some of the huger battles. Individual loot and all that too, so no more fighting over it. Of course it's optional, so you can take on everything individually, but I think it sounds super sweet.

  • Community Administrator

I'm hoping they at least take up one improvement on that hack and slash genre, and thats the auto-pick up loot button.


Dunno about you, but with all that loot, I hate clicking on every damn thing, I'd rather just press "X" and have it all pick up automatically.


I read that earlier in the week. Titan is indeed the code name. How maddening is that? It sort of fits Starcraft in that there is a unit called a Titan, and yet it's insanely vague at the same time.


Word around the net is that Titan is World of Starcraft but I suspect that's just wishful thinking at this point.

  • Community Administrator

They wouldn't name it world of starcraft...

Starcraft isn't ONE world!


It would most likely be


Starcraft Universe.



I'd rather see a new 'world'. The existing universe's have so much in them already, and we know they are a creative bunch, so let them flex that muscle and show us a whole new dimension.


A new world would probably be very refreshing for the developers too, leading to new ideas and new innovations, which is always welcome.


World of Starcraft? meh. It'd be interesting, that's for sure, but there's so much they could do with a new IP.


And uh, yeah, Diablo 3 woo! (just to be on topic)


I'm pretty sure loot is actually self collecting, you just have to walk near/over it. I'm nearly positive about that. But I'm just a dude on the street, who has seen a few vids and such.

  • Community Administrator

Self collecting, hit a button to collect everything in range, either way its better than having to click on each piece. It means less clicking on loot, more clicking on enemies. :P


I just pressed ALT and clicked on the names. I could never see the loot on the ground anyway without the highlight.


I loved D2 LANage action. I have a paladin still kicking around from my first install, he's like level 87 or something ridiculous. I used to joke that he would kick any WoW characters ass, until the expansions raised the level cap. Bastards.

  • Community Administrator

Yea, alt to see it, and click names worked, but with 300 items on the ground, it was still alot of clickin. :P


a loot collecting area is a bad idea on multiplayer....


One person would get all the boss drops!


Plus you would have problems with inventory space. I have no problem with clicking to pick up using ALT. Plus in the main I don't click on my enemies anyway I whirlwind into a space! So I don't get hit at the end and can immediately whirlwind again.


Obviously can only do that once past 30...


hmmm, I'm a bit sceptical of that looting but if they do add it in I will have to see how it works.


Sacred 2 had area pick up and tbh I don't like it. Pick up so much rubbish that I never wanted (some of which are bugged and I can't get rid of)


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