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Sooo ... I've got this newly raised Red Sister, and nothing to do with her. I don't want her to become old and grey without ever having done anything interesting, so I need something to do. Really, just about anything will do. Rochel is a VERY young Aes Sedai. Raised only a couple of years ago at most in the main story line. Maybe not even showing the ageless face yet.


So is anyone interested in doing something?


My Esther (a very undiplomatic Gray) is also newly raised and very young - maybe we could go adventuring together?


If ya wait for a bit... say a week or so, Regalia and Amadine are ready to go as well.


What would a Blue, a Yellow, a Red and a Gray be adventuring out for, is the question? *bounces* How exciting is THIS!


And how much would they pay for Warder security? Once said Warder gets a Bio rolling and approved? :D

ooh..and I know...they'll be looking for the famous cookie recepy(is that spelled correct? I'm confuzzled)

More importantly, will there be any burning done?


*Eyes Cabrocolli* ... one of yours, Arath? :rolleyes::biggrin:


Anyhoo ... what about we 4 get sent out to find potential older novices? That would be a good reason for 4 young AS who don't know each other (apart from Boopsie and Ama's characters) to go traipsing around Randland and have all kinds of adventures.


Yeah ... he's one of mine. From a very long time ago. Back from the day where the BT was an indiscriminate burner of all persons. So much red tape nowadays to set fire to people ...


Anywho, yeah. That sounds like an interesting idea. Maybe not a terribly GOOD idea to set 4 different ajahs together, but an interesting one :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Yup, still want to do something ... though I suppose that means we better come up with an actual plan or something.


Any ideas? A gaggle of young, nieve Aes Sedai with ideas of changing the world, setting out to ... change the world?


Hmmm ... this might not end well, but I smell a potential Choedan Kal award already ...


What about going from village to village looking for women who can channel? (The Salidar novices) - we could get into all kinds of mischief, with that.


If we are going to play in main timeline our Aes Sedai are not going to be "new". I know that Amadine and Regalia are around 96-97 in main timeline.


I don't know about the others, but my Esther is newly raised in main time line - hasn't even achieved the ageless look yet. I think Arath's Rochel is just as young?


I'd like to play something in main time line with some others who're mostly just as young too.

  • 1 month later...

Elgee and i have been talking things over about this and the basic outline is this. A group of AS leave the WT to go prospecting for newbs. They decide to start their search well away from the Tower, in Illian in fact. We arrive two days ride from Illian and make our way there on horseback but do not enter the city. Instead we make a camp about half a days ride away and then start trolling around the villages looking for fresh meat. Along the way we find one or two?


However after we have found the fresh meat we get attacked by a rather dasterdly fiend who has been haunting Liitha and Cara's path for some time.


This bad guy char that Lii and Cara have been having trouble with who pops up in the most unlikely of places. He is a Lord, or so he claims, and seems to do a lot of travelling saying he is a merchant. I thought we could have him show up somewhere where we have found a novice. A fight/chase/kidnapping? Happens and we lose the novice(s) when he kills her/them. If we have more than one novice then he can kill some, most or all? There is some speculation that he can use the op but that has never been confirmed and he is always accompanied by a large force of very smelly and ugly men.


Now when the fight is over we can chase after the evil fiend, but we cannot catch him...Liitha and Cara need him for later high jinks :wink:


So there you go that is the ooutline......ideas, questions?


We get there by Travelling, btw - something Cara is hopefully going to teach the newbie Sisters.


i'll try to tag along and if i cant keep the pace my wonderfull bonded will fill in the blanks, but been contemplating of late to try and write some sword play or something again after avoiding it as the pest for years since it stoped being part of the reqs so i got help with and had to deal with learning to do so...with my newest hobby being fencing i am interested in seeing if i might handle it without wanting to hide under the coutch again

  • 1 month later...

Rightyho - Owen's started a thread for us here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/55057-the-dream-has-endedbut-not-this-day/


What's going to happen is this:


The Amyrlin is sending out groups of Aes Sedai to actively look for girls who can learn to channel. We're a group of relatively young Aes Sedai sent to the Borderlands together. One is a young Brown, and their E&Es have heard that one of their older AS, Cara, is in a village near Tar Valon. The Brown Head informs the young Brown about this, and gives her a note for Cara, in which she requests that she accompany them, seeing as she and her Warder, Liitha, know the Borderlands well.


All young AS (in main timeline) are welcome to join in. If there's any young Brown about, she can play that character, otherwise we can NPC her.


Who's in?


There will also be an NPC called Lord Camlon appearing somewhere in the RP......he is my creation and is Cara and Liitha's nemesis.....for now i do not want to say too much as i would like his invovlement to be a surprise and for him to appear at an opportune, or inopportune moment


Ok seriously - who's in? I'd like to know this before I type up my first post.


Arath is in with his young Red, and my Gray Esther. Who else? Any young Browns around?

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