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Ok good news, Ems and Boopsie! Owen and I have discussed it and we can make the story work, as long as neither of your 2 are from the Borderlands.

Posted (edited)

I wrote a brief fanfic of Egwene encountering Leilwin after ....

Note by Elgee: The rest of this post was removed as firstly, it contained ToM spoilers, and secondly, this is not the place to post fanfic. PM sent to gambril.

Edited by Elgee

Err... where did THAT come from? Nice writing, but me thinks ya're posting in the wrong thread. Or board. Or site. Or something.


Yay! I'm cool to go. I was hoping Amadine could come along too, since she's close to Ray-ray in terms of age. And they are like two peas of a pod. But her internetz is being a BADASS. And not helping her activity here.


Ok please post here some information about your character to make it easier to RP with you. Suggest your full character names, Ajahs, ages, OP strengths and links to you bios.


Name: Esther Tremaine

Age: 30


Ajah: Gray


OP: Air 8, Earth 5, Fire 5, Water 7, Spirit 8 = Strength 33 (out of 34) + Skill 34 = 67 Potency


Nationality: Andoran



Hair: Long frizzy mouse brown hair with a tinge of Red

Eyes: Light brown

Skin: Pale

Height: 5”7

Voice: Low and surprisingly sultry

Other: Plump, with high cheekbones



Knowledge Weakness: Does not know the Old Tongue

Physical Weakness: Plump and unfit

Personality weakness: Swings between confidence and insecurity



Personality: Quiet, reserved and distrustful, with a temper that she hides well. She hardly ever shows any emotion, although she does open up somewhat with animals. She is fanatical about following rules, with very little patience for those who break it.




bio: http://drpsw.wikia.com/wiki/Esther_Tremaine


Name Cara Ramsey

Age: 135


Ajah: Brown


OP: Fire=6 Air-=5 Spirit=5 Water=5 Earth=5



Nationality: None



Hair: White (Platinum blonde)

Eyes: Grey

Skin: Bronze, almost Domani

Height: 4’11’’

Voice: Yes thanks:P

Other: Taller than she looks



Knowledge Weakness: Having spent so much of her life in and around the Tower, Cara did not have that much experience of the outside world. She has worked had to change that since attaining the Shawl

Physical Weakness: He height and weight make it unlikely she will win a fist fight

Personality weakness: Does not make friends easily and mistrusts most


Cara's bio

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